A+ A A-

Flying Hovnos 2

Published in ET Movies

Mnew presents the new ET fragmovie - Flying Hovnos 2

Quote: For people to lazy to connect on ETTV comes a movie adaptation of mnew's adventures.
You will be on the edge of your seats as mnew dont give a single revive, give one knife gib and stay a way to far from real action for whole movie.
So brace yourself for movie not so epic as the first one, cause every sequel is worse.
Anyway thx to all nerds i played with and specially malfoy for done this sh*t.

Resolution: 1280x720 - fps: 50 - length: 6:00
Music: imagine dragons - radioactive (multikills) - clint mansell - Dead reckoning (swanidius 15 mins flame of fame) - Mark Petrie - Nullified (trickshots)

Source: crossfire.nu

Movie Download Part 1 + 2

Author mnew Date 13.07.2014 Filesize 96,67 MB Download 184

Author Francis Date 21.06.2012 Filesize 98,4 MB Download 264

Mr. Kresti #2

Published in ET Movies

Kresti his new ET Fragsmovie, made by Testi with frags from lans & EC's.

Kresti his new movie is out after only 7 days of making & recording. I didnt put to much time in it, due to his request that it could be simple demo & mp3, but nevertheless I tried to make it somewhat better than demo & mp3, so it is (i.m.o.) insane quality combined with some decent editing.

If you want to see it in full quality, you should download the movie.

Source: crossfire.nu

Author Kresti / Testi Date 05.06.2014 Filesize 371 MB Download 189


Published in ET Maps

Pilsner - the refreshing map

Pilsner is a simple and small deathmatch map without any objectives created by -)A(-WuTang** and -)A(-isl|an|der

Do you like fragging? Enjoy hiding behind the walls and trees? Looking for a good spot on a tower? You will find all of these things on the Pilsner map. And now... take a beer and play!

Source: wolffiles.de | dark-alchemy.com | -)A(-WuTang**

Author -)A(-WuTang and -)A(-isl|an| Date 02.10.2014 Filesize 3.08 MB Download 307

Wolfenstein.pl invites you!

Published in ET Misc

We want to revive our server. Please help us, visit us and play with us. Thanks!

ET Server: |NO NAME SERVER|silEnT| IP:

Facebook: facebook/WolfensteinPL
Website: wolfenstein.pl

CyberGamer EU: A New Home for ET

Published in ET Scene

Welcome to CyberGamer EU, Enemy Territory!

With ESL dropping support for ET in May and ClanBase shutting down entirely last month, teams were left with no competitive ladders to participate in. By simply taking a quick look at the GamesTV match schedule, it is obvious that the lack of a ladder system is rather detrimental to the activity level of our beloved game. However, thanks to some help from Netherlands timbolina, I was able to get in contact with a CoD4 league who is interested in providing the ET community with ladders and more.

I am very happy to announce that CyberGamer EU now officially supports ET!

CyberGamer (CG) is a competitive gaming league that was founded by two Australian gamers in April 2007. It was originally for AU only, until July 2011 when CyberGamer Europe was launched. Today, the CG EU PC platform supports three games: Call of Duty 4, League of Legends, and Enemy Territory.

The Australian ET scene, led by Australia biggz and Australia volta, has been involved with cups and ladders on CG AU for several years, but CG EU has never had an official ET section - until now, at least!

CyberGamer has been kind enough to offer us a brand new CG EU Enemy Territory section on their website for running cups, ladders, and more, and are even in the process of developing their own anticheat called CGAC. The anticheat was released very recently and can only be used in CoD4 at the moment, but they are still working on it and may introduce a version for ET as well. I've also been told that a new CG website will be coming in a few months with some vast improvements.

So without further ado, here are the two new CG ET ladders:

CyberGamer ET 6on6 Ladder
Create a team - Read the rules
CyberGamer ET 3on3 Ladder
Create a team - Read the rules

The structure, rules, and maplists should be familiar as they are very similar to those which we had at ClanBase. However, please read the ladder rules carefully before playing.

Finally, allow me to introduce the four CG ET admins:
Slovenia Aniky
Canada embarrassed
United States of America ohurcool
Poland szczurek

As you can see, I will be joined by Aniky and szczurek from the ClanBase ET crew as well as embarrassed from the GamesTV admin team. We are very excited about this new opportunity and will be doing our best to ensure it is a success!

My suggestion is to check out the FAQ before doing anything else, since it may take some time to get used to how things work on CyberGamer.

Any questions, comments, or suggestions? Feel free to join and idle on our new IRC channel: #cg.et!

>> Enemy Territory makes its way to CyberGamer EU
>> CyberGamer EU Enemy Territory

Source: crossfire.nu | etpro.de

Splatterladder Wolf:ET HD Pack 2.6

Published in ET Mods

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Splatterladder Wolf:ET HD Pack 2.6
This is the updated version of my HD Pack for 'Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory'. There are now two files in the download, however, the larger file is not downloaded by the players joining the server, only the small 14MB file is downloaded directly. - Wolf Enstein

Mod Installation for Server-Admins:
Put the '.pk3' files into the 'etmain' folder only and the small file will be downloaded by players joining your server. They'll have to go to Wolffiles.de in order to download and use the main HD texture pack.

To uninstall this mod just delete the file.

Installation for Players:
Put the '.pk3' files into your 'etmain' folder. If it's also in the 'etmain' folder of a gameserver you join you will see the HD-textures, weapons and uniforms in-game.

Source: forum.splatterladder | wolffiles.de

Author Wolf Enstein Date 21.07.2019 Filesize 667 MB Download 828

ETJump 2.0.4 released!

Published in ET Mods

What is ETJump? ETJump is a trickjump modification for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It is based on etmain and includes bugfixes and lot's of features to give you the perfect trickjumping experience.

ETJump 2.0.4 is ready! Everything that I wanted is not in but as there were quite a few bugs that caused crashes I decided to release it already.

    Fixed a bug that caused vote_limit to be ignored.
    Support for timeruns
    Fixed some database bugs
    Added slick detector
    Added alternative scoreboard
    Added another alternative scoreboard
    Fixed a bug that caused axis engineers to spawn with rifle nades when noexplosives was active.
    cg_viewplayerportals value 2: you only see other players' portals when you're speccing them
    Added target_scale_velocity
        lower_limit: if velocity is under lower_limit, nothing will be activated
        upper_limit: if velocity is over upper_limit, nothing will be activated
        if either limit is 0, it will be ignored
        1: only horizontal velocity
        2: only vertical velocity
        Example usage of target_activate_if_velocity
    Added target_activate_if_velocity
        scale: multiplier that velocity will be scaled with
        Example usage of target_scale_velocity
    Added random map mode (g_randomMapMode where the server automatically changes map every X minutes (defined in g_randomMapModeInterval).
    Voting for the mode can be toggled with vote_randomMapMode cvar.
    Fixed a rare bug that crashed the server on random map vote.
    Added player_logJumpCoordinates for mapping purposes. As the cvar name says, logs the jump coordinates every time you jump. (or fall)
    Fixed a bug that teleported players to random locations on load after map change.
    Added player_drawMessageTime cvar for logging time when the chat message was sent. Setting the cvar to 1 will print [hour:minute] ETPlayer: hello, world! and setting the cvar to 2 will print [hour:minute:second] ETPlayer: hello, world!
    Slick detector now detects slickly slopes aswell.

Source: etjump.com | Zero

ETJUMP 2.0.4 Version:2.0.4
Author Zero Date 31.03.2015 Filesize 1.01 KB Download 208

N!tmod 2.3 has been released!

Published in ET Mods

After almost 3 years of development, N!tmod 2.3 is finally ready for public use.
One of the major changes in this version is the built-in anticheat, NxAC 1.0.

A few things have changed since N!tmod 2.2, and some of your old server config files might need some adjustments to run with 2.3.
Don't forget to check the Setup tutorial and the NxAC Setup tutorial if you get any problems during the installation/update.

N!tmod 2.3 FINAL Changelog >> HERE

Source: etmods.net | etpro.de

N!TMOD 2.3 FINAL Version:2.3
Author N!trox Date 29.03.2015 Filesize 5.89 MB Download 188

TrackBase celebrates 4th anniversary

Published in ET Misc

TrackBase 4th Anniversary!
Wew! Times flies by, a feeling all of you can probably relate to! Certainly, we do.. We've been around a staggering four years by now. To celebrate this we want to let you know about some of our future plans

In the last couple of weeks we've introduced some new staff already, and we're making plans to expand our team a lot more in the future. For now, we're rebuilding some backend stuff on Trackbase, to provide for a more solid future. The idea is to rewrite some parts and clean up old code, allowing for new features to be implemented.:D

This also means that we're open for new feedback again, and will seriously consider the new ideas proposed by you guys, our fantastic public! One of our first projects is opening a public game database and implement more social features for our users.

Besides this, Trackbase will also partner up closer to Fragwise! Arriving soon is our first partnership product: any spend euro on Fragwise you'll be able to cash in here as well for trackbase points to get your awesome premium account, or place some ads for your server/clan.

Oh and wait, what would an anniversary be without gifts!? Of all replies on our anniversary post (forum, et, facebook) we'll pick a few random people to receive a Dirty Bomb Closed Beta invite key! Now ain't that a present!

Source: et.trackbase.net

Omni-bot 0.86 RtCW + ET released!

Published in ET Mods

Omni-bot 0.86 for Enemy Territory and Return to Castle Wolfenstein have been released.

This is the latest release of the omnibot mod for "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" and "Return to Castle Wolfenstein".

0.86 Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Change Log:
=== BOT ===
Added function MapGoal.SetEntity
Added Wp.SetWaypointFlag parameter can be a regular expression
Added WatchForEntityCategory can be used to detect landmines
Added gm script can have UTF-8 BOM
Added version number is printed to console when Omni-bot is initialized
Improved bots join game faster after server starts if maxbots>0
Improved players info is in the Server table already in OnMapLoad
Changed draw_goalroutes doesn't draw disabled routes
Changed new waypoint has prone flag if the player is proned
Fixed soldier with mobile mg42 does not shoot heavy vehicles
Fixed goals with same names were swapped in NoQuarter
Fixed waypoint_setname of closed waypoint
Fixed command goal_save prints error if file can't be opened
Fixed SetGoalRole printed error message if role was persistent and goal did not exist
Removed path planners navmesh, floodfill, recast

=== MOD ===
Improved command /entitylist prints type names instead of numbers
Fixed goal entities of multiple MG42s at the same position (on baserace map)
Fixed function GetEntityOwner returned dead player after gold was dropped and taken by another player

=== GOALS ===
Fixed covertops don't steal uniform when carrying objective
Fixed PLANT goal was always delayed 35 seconds even if defused
Fixed medic don't deliver medkits to player who is mounting tank
Fixed rendering of Stance property
Fixed medic sometimes did not give medkits to revived player
Fixed BUILD goal created by user could not be saved
Fixed roaming bots were going to position of MOUNT goal
Changed MinPlayersForMortar is number of players for one mortar (2*MinPlayersForMortar players are needed for 2 mortars)
Changed MinPlayersForMobileMG is number of players required for one mobile mg42
Changed cover spot priority from 2.0 to 0.81
Changed medic don't team-kill player at mg42
Changed medic can revive nearby player when going to cappoint
Changed only one medic or fieldops delivers supplies to a player
Changed soldier with mortar asks for ammo less often
Changed resetxp is enabled in all mods except etmain, but it must be enabled in shrubbot.cfg

=== SCRIPTS ===
Changed all bots disconnect if maxbots is 0
Optimized Util.ProcessMovers

=== WEAPONS ===
Changed bots get more ammo packs from ammo cabinets

=== COMMANDS ===
Improved cleargoalflags removes ammo, health, crouch and prone

Source: omni-bot.invisionzone.com | wolffiles.de | enemyterritory-stuff.net


OMNI BOT RTCW - ALL OS Version:0.86
Author omnibot Date 01.05.2018 Filesize 9.32 MB Download 1142


OMNI BOT ET - ALL OS Version:0.86
Author omnibot Date 01.05.2018 Filesize 29.99 MB Download 3393






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