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UJE Factory b2

Published in ET Maps

Enemy Territory map - UJE Factory Beta 2 made by [UJE] Niek

Axis forces are planning an assasination on the Allied General in his Factory. They have to get inside the guarded factory to get the special dagger to assasinate The General in his bedroom.
To get to the factory they have to steal the tank first to gain acces to the Factory.Then they have to steal a key to open the gates to the dagger and The Generals bedroom.
The allied forces have to stop the Axis and prevent assasination of the General.

Axis objective
*Blow the damaged garage side wall to access the tank!
*Escort the tank through the Town to secure advance spawns!
*Blow the Sewer Door Side Entrance and the Stair Well Door Side Entrance to progress!
*Capture the Old Village spawn for 7 seconds!
*Build the North and South Assault Ramps, the Neutral Command post, and blow the Trench Side Wall!
*Blow the Main Factory Door to access the Key and Dagger and capture the forward tower spawn!
*Steal the Gate key to open the Gates that guard the Dagger to unlock them!
*Steal the Dagger and run it to the General to assasinate him!

Allied objective
*Prevent the Axis from blowing the damaged garage side wall!
*Prevent the Axis from repairing the tank and snare or damage it to prevent their progress!
*Prevent the Axis from gaining access to the Sewer Door Side Entrance and the Stair Well Door Side Entrance!
*Capture or prevent the Axis from capturing the Old Village!
*Prevent the construction/destroy the North and South Assault Ramps, build the Neutral Command post, and prevent the blowing of the Trench Side Wall!
*Prevent the Axis from blowing the Main Factory Door and gaining access to the key and Dagger!
*Primary Objective: Defend the Gate Key and prevent the Axis from using it to unlock the Dagger to assasinate the General!
*Primary Objective: Defend the Dagger and prevent the assasination of the General!

Source: ujeclan.com | Niek via FB

FACTORY (UJE) Version:beta 2
Author [UJE] Niek Date 15.03.2017 Filesize 31.89 MB Download 334

[UJE] City Patrol beta 1

Published in ET Maps

New map City patrol made by [UJE] Niek

Axis objective map. The Axis have one big objective this Time,
First they have to escort the tank that will be followed by alot of trucks to the factory.
On theire way to the Factory they will have to go through a river and through a Town.
Allies have to try and stop them.

Axis objective:
* Escort the trucks to the factory
* Blow up 3 baricades
* Sachel the side door
* Fix commandpost

Allied objective
* stop the trucks
* Build baricades
* Build the side door
* Build commandpost

Source: ujeclan.com

Author [UJE] Niek Date 31.07.2013 Filesize 11,32 MB Download 271

Chateau Final

Published in ET Maps
Neue ET-Map: Chateau ist eigentlich eine sehr beliebte Map vom guten alten RtCW. Eine Map bei der es auf Teamplay und Taktik geht. Allerdings ist die Map "Spam" anfällig, d.h. das es mit vielen Spielern nervig werden kann wegen dauer Arty's oder Nadespams. Trotz allem, eine schöne Map die auch Spass macht.
Die Achsen haben Chateau übernommen und benutzen es nun als Basis. Tief innerhalb der Bibliothek sind geheime Dokumente. Die Alliierten müssen jene Dokumente stehlen und sie so bald wie möglich übertragen!

Allied Objectives:

  • Komme in's Chateau
  • Hole die Dokumente
  • Übertrage die Dokumente
  • Hole die Flagge bei der großen Treppe
  • Baue den Command Post

Axis Objective:

  • Verteidige Chateau
  • Verteidige die Dokumente
  • Verhindere das übertragen
  • Halte die große Treppe
  • Baue den Command Post

Maper: RiFFLeR

Quelle: wolfmap

Author RiFFLeR Date 09.10.2007 Filesize 10 MB Download 509

Thud in the Sand b2

Published in ET Maps

ET Map - Thud in the Sand beta 2 - This is a Enemy Territory Allied-attack map created by WuTangH. The map environment is situated in a small Egyptian-styled town and ends up in underground Axis bunkers.

Allied Objectives
Primary: Steal the Dynamite and deliver it to the truck.
Primary: Escort the truck and destroy the city gate.
Primary: Destroy the tunnels gate to gain access into underground bunkers.
Primary: Use the button in the control cabin to move the rockets out of safe.
Primary: Steal the Captains key from his table and deliver it to the safe to open it.
Primary: Steal the case, moneypack 1 and moneypack 2 and deliver them to the green truck in the rich part of city.
Secondary: Destroy the hovel wall to gain one more access point that leads to the dynamite.

Changelog b2:
- Another bunker enterance.
- Chevy (green) Truck moved to the new bunker exit on the other side of mountain.
- A little performance fix, but it's still quite bad.
- Fixed shaders bug of water & sky textures that bugged textures on other maps in map-rotations.
- Fixed objective deliver points, so you can't capture the Key and other objectives at Truck anymore.
- Another floors on buldings, roofs, plus many more brushwork.
- Changed spawntimes to balance map a little.
- Stones at waterfall are not models anymore, but brushes.
- Tunnel terrain is not so flat anymore.
- 2nd allied spawn is devided on two positions (under one spawnpoint)
- Added objective cameras in limbo menu.
- Added pipeline holders so they look more real.
- All cables are non-solid now and will not block jumping players in tunnels anymore.
- Configstrings - all soundscripts are called just s[number], that's all I could do about it.
- Brushes, entities, textures, and scripts cleanup.
- Truck barrier has new design.
- Added missing sound when The Key is dropped, or delivered to the Safe.
- 1024x1024 command map

Source: splashdamage..com | WuTangH

THUD IN THE SAND Version:beta 2
Author WuTangH Date 18.11.2016 Filesize 1.01 KB Download 259

Mountain Pass beta 4

Published in ET Maps

ET Map Mountain Pass Beta 4 created by Devils Right Hand

The Axis forces have hidden an enormous stash of gold and priceless artwork in old, abandoned mines, somewhere in the mountains.
The Allies have been unable to locate this stash, however, Allied HQ has received intel that secret documents, pertaining to the whereabouts of this stash, are located in a nearby mountain village.
The Allied squad must locate and infiltrate this village, steal the top secret documents, steal a truck and make their escape back to Allied HQ.

SplashDamage - Devils Right Hand

Source: wolffiles.de | thewolfteam.org


Author Devils Right Hand Date 25.11.2017 Filesize 49.44 MB Download 592

Village (wwgn3203)

Published in ET Maps

Congratulations to Kic from The Wolf Team on the release of his first Wolf ET map Village (wwgn3203).

The Allied Squad must attack the village trainstation, over-power the Axis forces on defence and destroy the infamous Axis railgun, known as “Leopold” . The Allies must also detonate dynamite at the train tunnel entrance, in order to prevent any further Axis troop trains from leaving or entering the village station.

Allied Objectives:
– Capture the forward hut flag
– Build the Allied Command Post
– Destroy the maingate defences
– Destroy railgun Leopold
– Destroy the tunnel entrance near the station

Source: splashdamage.com | thewolfteam.org


Author Kic Date 22.02.2016 Filesize 18.42 MB Download 248

1944 Huertgen Forest Final 2

Published in ET Maps

Mateos release his ET map 1944 Huertgen Forest Final 2 (Original 1944 Huertgen map by +KOMMANDO+) - Well, this is not like my previous Nordwind 2 a total remake, but just a big bug fix and features addition release, as you can see by reading the changelog below. I like this map, like few others from the 1944 series, but I’m not going to do this for all ^^’ I played Antwerp a while ago, I feel it deserves something to balance the Sniper Fest of the second part of the map, plus usual 1944 spawn issues, but maybe something in the future but not now.

1944: Huertgen Forest was thickly wooded, cut by steep defiles and trails. The Axis built deep, artillery-proof bunkers, surrounded by fighting positions.

AXIS - The Allies are attempting to steal valuable supplies from the Axis Truckyard, stop them at all costs!
ALLIES - The Axis Truckyard contains valuable supplies. We must secure them to claim victory in the Forest!

Mateos veröffentlicht seine ET-Map 1944 Huertgen Forest Final 2 (Die Original 1944 Huertgen Map ist von +KOMMANDO+)

1944: Der Hürtgenwald ist dicht bewaldet und mit steilen Schluchten und Pfaden durchzogen. Die Achsenmächte haben tiefe, bombensichere Bunker gebaut, umgeben mit Kampfpositionen.

ACHSENMÄCHTE - Die Alliierten versuchen die wertvolle LKW-Lieferung aus dem LKW-Hof zu stehlen, stoppe Sie um jeden Preis!
ALLIIERTE - Der Achsenmächte LKW enthält eine wertvolle Lieferung, wir müssen sie sichern, um Anspruch auf einen Sieg zu erheben!

Image Image Image

Quelle: THX to Mateos via Shoutbox!


Motherboard Sniper

Published in ET Maps

Lorenz presents his new sniper map Motherboard Sniper. A great replica of a PC inside. 

Have you ever wondered why sometimes your computer does not work well?
This is what happened in a repair center a few years ago. Have fun.

Thanks to [UJE]Niek for his support.

For any comments please write to: et.i.see.dead.people[at]gmail.com

Source:  [UJE] Niek via FB | Lorenz

Author This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Date 01.06.2014 Filesize 8,606 MB Download 258

Tour 2

Published in ET Maps

Tour 2 - This a Wolf ET frag map created by Macchute, aka oVe.

Storyline: The map includes a fully working elevator and there's a couple of comic textures. It was based on an unreleased map called, "African Radar", the map is, however, set in Europe and the cliff and bunker shapes can easily be related to the map, "Bergen". The elevator is the map "objective", if the elevator is up when the time has ended, the Allies win. If the elevator is down, the Axis win.
The radiant map file is included in the pk3 and you are allowed to edit the map and take prefabs, as long you give credits to:

# Wolf ET Clan saints&sinners
# Thewolfteam
# Macchute

Macchute's website: macchute.wordpress.com
Saints&Sinners website: saints-sinners.org
Source: wolffiles.de

Author Macchute Date 15.04.2015 Filesize 6,242 MB Download 235

UJE The Lab beta 5

Published in ET Maps

UJE The Lab beta 5 map made by [UJE]Niek

Intel found a secret base in the French Alps , Allies have to destroy the Rocket stationed there then they have to gain acces to the Secret base and search some trainparts to fix the train and escape.

Allied objective
* Destroy the Rocket
* Destroy the Entrance to the Base
* Take the Trainparts and bring them to the Train
* Escape with the train

Axis objective
* Prevent the Allies from destroying the Rocket
* Prevent the Allies from blowing the Entrance to the Base
* Prevent the Allies taking the parts to the Train
* Prevent the Allies from escaping with the train

Source: ujeclan.com

THE LAB (UJE) Version:beta 5
Author [UJE] Niek Date 20.04.2015 Filesize 18,898 MB Download 330






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