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ET: Map [UJE] Airport (Beta 5)

Image Image Updated ET-Map [UJE] Airport beta 5, by [UJE]Niek - The allies have to break into the airfield. Once they blow up the main entrance they can destroy the flight controls and detroy the cargo of 2 airplanes stationed there.

Image Update der ET-Map [UJE] Airport Beta 5, von [UJE]Niek - Die Alliierten müssen in dem Flugplatz einbrechen. Sobald sie den Haupteingang freigesprengt haben, müssen die Alliierten im Gebäude die Tower-Kontrolle und auf dem Flugfeld zwei Anti-Tank-Guns zerstören, die sich in 2 Cargo-Flugzeugen befinden.

Allies objective:
*Destroy the main entrance
*Destroy both cargoplanes
*Destroy the Flight controls
*Destroy the sidedoor for faster acces
*Fix commandpost

Axis objective:
*Defend the main entrance
*Prevent the allies from blowing up the cargoplanes
*Prevent the allies from blowing up the flight controls
*Build commandpost
*Build the side door

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Quelle: UJEclan

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