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Fun evening at [EsV] Clan

Published in ET Scene
Fun evening at [EsV] Clan
The [EsV] Clan is inviting you to our fun evening on
13th July at 6 p.m. On our [EsV] „Beat Host“.
Our server ip is
You are heartly welcome to our teamspeak
Hopefully you all appear numerously.
Happy fragging!!!
Der [EsV] Clan lädt herzlich zum Funabend
am 13.07 um 18.00 Uhr, auf unserem [EsV]Beta Host ein.
unsere Serverip :
Ihr seid auch herzlich in unseremTeamspeak willkommen.
Wir hoffen ihr erscheind alle zahlreich und wünschen allen
Happy Fragging auf unserem Server !!!
Quelle: Wolffiles.de

The Bad Place4 Beta8

Published in ET Maps
We are proud to present the new duel map for ET (also possible to play 2on2) - Badplace4_beta8!

Originally, The Bad Place was DM4 from Quake1 - "One of the three id Software maps included in the "big five" for 1on1 play, created by American McGee" - the version most known to us all is the RtCW remake badplace3 used to create the ET multi_huntplace.
This modified version of The Bad Place is brought to you by  MaTeJ, who has worked on maps such as tjwar_a1_fixed and crypt_final_fixed - his remake of the multi_huntplace map is a better, more complex version with some minor bug fixes and generally attempted to make the map more fun to play and tactical.
Wir sind stolz darauf euch die neue Duell Map für ET (auch für 2on2) zu präsentieren - Badplace4_beta8!
Ursprünglich war Bad Place DM4 von Quake1 - "Eine der drei id-Software Maps in dem mitgelieferten "big five" für 1on1 Spiele, erstellt von American McGee" - Die meist bekannteste Map ist das RtCW-Remake Bad Place 3, welche für ET multi_huntplace verwendet wurde.
Check the readme.nfo inside the pk3 map file for more information. Recommended to use DAMN NFO Viewer
Original Author (RtCW): Refuse
Remade Author (ET): MaTeJ
Version Idea (ET): LoCk
Quelle: wolffiles.de

BAD PLACE 4 BETA 8 Version:Beta 8
Author MaTeJ Date 18.11.2012 Filesize 5,711 MB Download 235

Silent Mod 0.7.2

Published in ET Mods

The Team from mygamingtalk.com releasedET-Mod silEnT 0.7.2.

What's New in Version 0.7.2 (See full changelog)

    Added: Lua can access sess.rating, sess.rating_variance, sess.overall_killrating and sess.overall_killvariance with gentity_get function. These values are read only.
    Fixed: Tapping new weapon while reloading the old weapon, could result changing to a new weapon after reloading but when switching back, the old weapon was empty (http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/tracker/issue-184-reload-bug)
    Fixed: Class restriction bug introduced in 0.7.0.
    Fixed: Limbo panel displays the latched class. Always. Introduced in 0.7.1.
    Fixed: !givexp performs proper skill upgrade for the player.
    Fixed: panzerwar mode: shooting panzerfaust (in regard to chargebar) and run speed.
    Fixed: Omni-bots stealing restricted weapons from other players.

Special thanks for Krauersaut for building the Mac OS X client.

Source: mygamingtalk

SILENT MOD Version:0.7.2
Author TheSilencerPL Date 27.07.2013 Filesize 6.49 MB Download 330

TGS-Clan - Special Fun Night

Published in ET Scene
Image TGS Special Fun Night - Summer is coming to an end, but the guys of The German Server Clan - also known as TGS - are warmly welcoming you for their ET Special Fun Night.
Are you a player with a high sense for fun play ? - Be sure to play, the event starts at: 15.10.2011 on 20 o'clock (MESZ/CEST/CEDT) server:

Image TGS Spezial Fun Nacht - Der Sommer kommt zum Ende, aber die Member vom The German Server Clan (TGS) laden euch alle wärmstens zu einer ET Spezial Fun Night ein.
Alle Spieler, mit Sinn für viel Spaß am Spielen, sind herzlich willkommen. Das Event startet am: 15.10.2011 um 20.00 Uhr (MESZ/CEST/CEDT) Server:
Link: tgs-clan

ETLive announcement

Published in ET Misc
So from the title, you may be asking questions or already have some idea of what this project is. Basically ETLive, is Enemy Territory, the game we all play and love within a web browser. ETLive is a multi-platform, multi-browser implementation of Enemy Territory, with very similar intentions to that of Quake Live.


This project will contain an entirely new way of playing Enemy Territory. Users will be able to create their account and play instantly after downloading the browser plugin and downloading the base of ETLive. One major issue this resolves with ET, is that it eliminates issues in players finding their first game, going from 2.55 to 2.60 and then to 2.60b, and then having to proceed to download a vast number of pk3 files when they finally get on to joining a server.
Once your account has been created on ETLive, and you are ready to play, you can invite your friends using the in-browser buddy system or join your friends in their games in progress.
As the current releases of Enemy Territory, ETLive will have dedicated servers, but with more functionality. ETLive supports ranking and achievements, meaning that you can play your games for profile achievements and work to build your score up and possibly work your way up leader-boards, or just outrank your friends. Of course achievements are not entirely the focus of the game, and they’re there just to improve your experience and enjoyment of the game. YCN will be supporting game-servers on ETLive and are closely working with the development and helping as much as possible to ensure that this project is as enjoyable and successful as possible.

Competitive support

Of course if there is YCN, there will be GamesTV! We hope that the release will swiftly also have a TV protocol similar to the current features and performance of the current protocol, this should ensure that the competitive scene is taken care of also in the potential move over to ETLive. The competitive side of Enemy Territory is also important to the success of ETLive, we have also been in talks with TZ-AC about the future of anti-cheat on a new Enemy Territory client and anti-cheat will be implemented into ETlive from day one.

Unique features

As we mentioned before, it is hard for new gamers to join, however with the appearance of the currently client, players may be discouraged to try ETLive also. We are considering potentially improving the appearance of the client for ETLive which will possibly bring in new players. Another feature is potential new game modes such as Domination, which is in current Call of Duty style games.

Current setbacks

You may be thinking "Well this is just going to go a month and be forgotten”, well ETLive has currently been on and off in development for a long time, and has been kept quiet to avoid legal issues. Ideas have come to light about how to avoid these, and keep ETLive as secure as possible, and ETLive is in a stage at the moment where it is loaded into the browser and playable. We say this but please note, it is a far way to go.


Apologet and Dutchmeat

Who are we?

ETLive is a very small project at this time, and there are only 2 main developers, and other people who are contributing other stuff into the project. The two developers are Kai "Apologet” Rathmann, and Eamon "Dutchmeat” Woortman. Both developers are from the RTCW scene in the past, and have ran communities in Enemy Territory and RTCW in the past.

The near future

The intention now is to release a closed Alpha by December and to have basic LUA support from day one. The Alpha will be very limited and unfortunately only invitational, however we will keep you updated on the development at our website which will contain development news at http://etlive.entirely.pro/ where we and YCN are active.
Be sure to follow our progress and keep up to date on our website, we promise to keep you updated with news and updates.

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So aus dem Titel heraus, fragen sich einige vielleicht was dieses Projekt genau ist und einige haben bereits eine Vorstellung davon.  Grundsätzlich ist ETLive wie Enemy Territory, also das Spiel, was wir alle spielen und Lieben, nur über einem Web-Browser. ETLive ist eine Enemy Territory Multi-Plattform-, Multi-Browser-Umsetzung, mit sehr ähnlichen Intentionen wie von Quake Live.


Dieses Projekt enthält eine völlig neue Art des Spielens von Enemy Territory. Benutzer können ihr Konto erstellen und sofort nach dem Download und Installation, des Browser-Plugin und dem Herunterladen der Basis, ETLive spielen.
Ein großes Problem wird mit ETLive gelöst. Es beseitigt die vielen unnötigen Schritte die  Enemy Territory  hat, um es "spielbar" zu machen. ET-Versionswirrwar, lästiges updaten und das herunterladen von vielen pk3 Dateien entfällt.
ETLive wird dedizierte Server haben mit den aktuellen Versionen, aber mit mehr Funktionalität, wie zum Beispiel: Rankingsystem, Profilsystem, Freudesliste, neue Spielmodi, einem Anti-Cheat-System und einiges mehr.


ETLive ist zur Zeit ein kleines Projekt mit 2 Haupt-Entwicklern und ein paar anderen Personen die dem Projekt mit beitragen. Die beiden Entwickler sind Kai "Apologet" Rathmann und Eamon "Dutchmeat" Woortman. Unterstützt wird das ganze von YCN.
Neuigkeiten gibt es auf  http://etlive.entirely.pro/ wo YCN aktiv ist und über die weitere Entwicklung berichtet. Es wird im Dezember eine geschlossene Alpha geben, allerdings wird diese sehr klein sein und nur für einige Auserwählte.

Quelle: ETLive | crossfire


PARAZIT-Winamp-Skin 1.0

Published in ET Misc

Image parazit has made 7 ET-skins for the WinAmp-Player. The skins work also with the new WinAmp 5.6

Image parazit hat sieben ET-Skins für den WinAmp-Player erstellt. Die Skins funktionieren auch mit dem neuen WinAmp 5.6

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Quelle: SplashDamage | parazit.ro

Player: WinAmp

Jaymod 2.1.6

Published in ET Mods

Jaymod 2.1.6 ist released. Wie immer handelt es sich eine Version in Beta Qualität.

Verbesserte Funktionen:

  • verbesserte Omnibot 0.66 unterstützung
  • Automatische Netztwerk erkennung
  • Klassen beschränkungen
  • fight, goomba und back-stab sounds
  • Luft Anzeige für Spieler unter Wasser
  • Speedometer, neue Geschwindigkeitsanzeige

Wie immer wird nicht garantiert das die version Bug frei ist.

Zum download gehts hier

Für mehr Informationen schaut euch hier die Bugsfixes an.

ES Ziggurath Sniper Night b2

Published in ET Maps

Map ES Ziggurath Sniper Night (beta 2) by |ES|LorenZ - This is my first map, made for fun. Many thanks to |ES|Hardstyler and |ES|Grand-Dad for their help.

Map ES Ziggurath Sniper Night (beta 2) von |ES|LorenZ - Dies ist meine erste Map, erstellt um Spass zu haben. Vielen Dank an | ES | Hardstyler und | ES | Grand-Dad für ihre Hilfe.

Author |ES|LorenZ Date 08.03.2013 Filesize 14,17 MB Download 227

FG Warzone

Published in ET Maps

A classic Axis-attack map by Marko Mytho, made specifically for the Flame Guards Clan.

Map features:

6 different spawn locations for Axis
5 different spawn locations for Allies
Time Extensions upon objective completion. This avoids having a long lasting round and ends the round quickly if the Axis team can't get past a specific objective.

1 Neutral command post
6 MG42 gun nests
6 dynamitable Axis objectives
A time bomb on the last map section. This has been highly inspired from the MLB Daybreak map. The layout in the last section of FG Warzone makes this objective much more interesting.

3 secret rooms. Note that they are in now way like the MLB secret rooms. You don't access them the same way, they don't give any specific bonuses and are located in map sections that aren't strategic.

The original release had a slight bug in the arena file, reported to the FG Clan by {WeB}*DOG*. Many thanks to VWOer for supplying the fix.

Quelle: wolffiles.de

Website {WeB}*DOG* Date 10.07.2013 Filesize 8,38 MB Download 270

UJE Oil beta 4

Published in ET Maps

Image [UJE] Oil b4 by [UJE] Niek - An Axis objective map. Oil oil oil ! The prices these days are too high that's why axis have to do something about it.
Axis attack an oilrig and they have to destroy 2 helicopters. Allied Forces have to prevent this.

Image [UJE] Oil b4 von [UJE] Niek - Achsenmächte Objektiv-Map . Öl Öl Öl ! Die Preise sind sehr hoch heutzutage und das ist der Grund, warum die Achsenmächte dagegen etwas unternehmen wollen.
Die Achsenmächte greifen eine Bohrinsel an und müssen 2 Hubschrauber zerstören. Die Alliierten müssen dies verhindern.

Image Image



Quelle: ujeclan.com






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