Base Beta 1

Published in ET:QW Maps
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Image 3b0la released the Map Base (beta 1) from RTCW/W:ET for ET:QW - The map is retextured with new atmosphere and is upscaled on 10272*7968 (original 6848*6200). No bot support yet and need to fix locations.

Image 3b0la hat die Map Base (Beta 1) von RTCW/W:ET für ET:QW freigegeben - Die Maptextur ist neu struckturiert, hat eine neue Atmosphäre und ist hochskaliert auf 10272*7968. Noch kein Bot Support und einige Stellen müssen noch gefixt werden.

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Quelle: SplashDamage

Brinstar Alpha 1

Published in ET:QW Maps
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Brinstar [Alpha 1] - GDF are planning to attack the last and biggest of the off-shore stroyent facilities discovered from intel captured during the liberation campaign in the UK.
Fresh intel however has also indicated that the strogg have one of their 'Mother Brains' located at the same facility which are responsible for devising tactics for the invasion force as the war rages on. The GDF now aim to kill two birds with one stone by elimating the last source of Stroyent in Europe and crippling the strogg invasion strategy with one single strike.

* Deploy the MCP on the Island
* Hack the Shield Generator
* Overload the reactor with the energy cell
* Destroy Mother Brain

Quelle: SplashDamage | battle-of-wolken

ET:QW Map Charts

Base Beta 1

Base Beta 1

3b0la released the Map Base (beta 1) from RTCW/W:ET for ET:...

Brinstar Alpha 1

Brinstar Alpha 1

Brinstar [Alpha 1] - GDF are planning to attack the last and...






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