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KNIGHT SNIPER (UJE) Version:beta 3

Both sides are alot of casstles. Sniperplaces enough on this map but....
The scene is split by a river ,and every 2 minutes the gate will open to let players pass to the other side but.....
BEWARE ,the place is filled with traps and a beast is guarding the passage.
So this map is a bit for both snipers and crossers.

* Alot of funny and scary sounds in it
* Alot of effects made by Sage (Thanks for that)
* Knights falling down
* Monster moving
* And some scary stuff for the crossers


Details Sniper
Typ pk3
Size 19.89 MB
Downloads 272
Author [UJE]Niek
Website Homepage
Created 28.02.2016
(2 votes)






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