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TRENCHES Version:1.2

After breaching the infamous China Beach defences, the Allied forces have made their way through the jungle and located the enemy's defensive trenches. They must now find and destroy the sewer entrance, located in this area, in order to further their advance into Enemy Territory.

Changelog 1.1 to 1.2
- Fixed caulked surface
- "Dirty-fixed" a tga in shader that is jpg in Wolf ET source
- Fixed missing sandbags texture
- Moved templespawn into the temple with 2 exits
- Rocks added to cover Allied bunkerspawn
- Forward spawn is now in the different huts
- Forward spawn is default Axis, but needs to be hit first
- Added spawnpoints so now there is 32 spawn for both teams (for 64slots servers)
- Flying leaves should be taken care of, I hope
- "Flying" tree fixed
- Tunnel fixed so you don't get stuck
- Clipped the map all over so it shouldn't be possible to get outside
- Clipped the sewer opening so you can't get through it
- Added intermission sound wav


Details Object
Typ pk3
Size 6,114 MB
Downloads 228
Author Thunder and Macchute
Website Homepage
Created 13.03.2016
(3 votes)






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