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Allied - "Prevent the Axis forces to destroy the Dam and Steal The Important Documents."
Axis - "Steal The Tank to Gain access to the Allied Dam and Steal The Important Documents."
Neutral - "Axis forces are attempting to re-capture the Bramburg Dam . Axis forces have to make there way through the Allied Defences, blow up the main doors and repair the Generator and Escape with the Documents, Allies must prevent this from happening!"

// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**The Tank must be stolen in order to blow open the doors of the Dam to get to the Allied Documents secured within."
2 "Primary Objective:**Blow Dam door."
3 "Primary Objective:**Blow Big door."
4 "Primary Objective:**Steal The Documents."
5 "Primary Objective:**Repair the Generator"
6 "Primary Objective:**Escape with the Documents."
7 "Primary Objective:**Blow Pressure Pipes."
8 "Secondary Objective:**Build Command post."

// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**The Tank must be stopped from reaching the Dam and allowing the Axis to gain entry to the Dam."
2 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from using the Tank to blow open the Dam doors"
3 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from using the Tank to blow open the Big doors"
4 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis Stealing The Documents."
5 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Generator"
6 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis Escaping with the Documents."
7 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from Destroying Pressure Pipes."
8 "Secondary Objective:**Build Command post."


Details Object
Typ pk3
Size 37,68 MB
Downloads 454
Author Tardis
Created 02.08.2015
(3 votes)






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