The map environment is situated in a small Egyptian-styled town and ends up in underground Axis bunkers.
Allied Objectives: Primary: Steal the Dynamite and deliver it to the truck. Primary: Escort the truck and destroy the city gate. Primary: Destroy the tunnels gate to gain access into underground bunkers. Primary: Use the button in the control cabin to move the rockets out of safe. Primary: Steal the Captains key from his table and deliver it to the safe to open it. Primary: Steal the case, moneypack 1 and moneypack 2 and deliver them to the green truck in the rich part of city. Secondary: Destroy the hovel wall to gain one more access point that leads to the dynamite.
Changelog b2: - Another bunker enterance. - Chevy (green) Truck moved to the new bunker exit on the other side of mountain. - A little performance fix, but it's still quite bad. - Fixed shaders bug of water & sky textures that bugged textures on other maps in map-rotations. - Fixed objective deliver points, so you can't capture the Key and other objectives at Truck anymore. - Another floors on buldings, roofs, plus many more brushwork. - Changed spawntimes to balance map a little. - Stones at waterfall are not models anymore, but brushes. - Tunnel terrain is not so flat anymore. - 2nd allied spawn is devided on two positions (under one spawnpoint) - Added objective cameras in limbo menu. - Added pipeline holders so they look more real. - All cables are non-solid now and will not block jumping players in tunnels anymore. - Configstrings - all soundscripts are called just s[number], that's all I could do about it. - Brushes, entities, textures, and scripts cleanup. - Truck barrier has new design. - Added missing sound when The Key is dropped, or delivered to the Safe. - 1024x1024 command map
Details |
Object |
Typ |
pk3 |
Size |
1.01 KB |
Downloads |
272 |
Author |
WuTangH |
Created |
18.11.2016 |