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Real weapon sounds pack for Return to Castle Wolfenstein. The audio in this pack replaces most of the default weapon sounds for RtCW, including the default reload sounds.
Weapon sounds included are: Colt 1911, FG42, M1 Carbine silenced Snooper Rifle, Luger P08, Mauser K98 (yeah I know, technically the in-game model is a Garand but whatever),  MG42, MP40, Silenced Sten, Thompson, Venom (sounds were pulled from an MG42, because this gun is fake)

I've also included some proper German voices which are unused sounds from Condition Zero. It's kind of nice to hear proper German in-game! Sadly I haven't been able to replace the scripted voices.

Please do not re-use these sounds without permission.

Installation: Just place the .pk3 file in the main folder of Return to Castle Wolfenstein.


Details Sound
Typ pk3
Size 4,357 MB
Downloads 1108
Author Saxon + GlitchyJoe
Created 10.02.2018
(2 votes)






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