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RTCW - Competitive History - QuakeCon 2003 -  - Made by Homie
Since March 2015, I have been collecting and archiving RTCW demos and shoutcasts of the oldschool competitive scene (2002-2007). I also have been recording and uploading these on my youtube channel over the last 4,5 years. My final goal was and is to make some sort of ultimate "RTCW Competitive History movie" for RTCW its 20th birthday. In 2016-2017 I was already working on some clips of various tournaments but I never got to actually finish anything.

This was the most challenging video project I ever did, and while it is not perfect, I'm very happy with the final output. I hope to create and release more videos of this series next year.


Details Movie
Typ avi
Size 2,11 GB
Downloads 270
Author Homie
Website Homepage
Created 09.02.2020
(3 votes)






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