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RTCW COOP 1.01 WIN 64 RUSSIAN Version:1.02

RtCW Cooperative 1.0.2 - Russian Translation Version x64.

# Fixed the letter "я" from disappearing (font bug)
# Reduced the amount of mismatching phrases (they were written a bit differently, but had the same meaning). Now they are matching mostly everywhere.
# Shortened some words in order to prevent them from overlapping (Work in Progress)
# Translated the map names (see "Create Server" (Создать сервер) menu)
# Translated the HUD

Known Bug:
Unable to open the in-game "controls" menu. The English version of the game has the same problem.


Details Mod
Typ dll
Size 1.01 KB
Downloads 357
Author SigmaTel71
Website Homepage
Created 03.12.2017
(1 vote)






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