A+ A A-

Crossfire Winter Tournament Announcement

Published in ET Scene

Following on from the Spring edition of the Crossfire ET-Tournament series, I am pleased to announce the Crossfire.nu Winter Tournament. This edition will be a 6on6, single division, 16 team tournament.

Just like last time, the cup is open to all OC and EC Fall sign ups. 16 teams will be shortlisted from the signups to compete in the Double Elimination playoff tournament. When signups open, teams will be required to provide a link to their CB Team account which they’ve signed up to OC/EC with as well as their lineup. More details will come on Sunday when sign ups open on how to sign up.
One thing that I can tell you is that the tournament has a bit more of a relaxed schedule than spring where teams found it difficult to organise games within the allotted time. With this relaxed schedule however, there will be NO allowances for rescheduling outside of the times for each round. Upper Bracket games will have a 2 week scheduling period throughout the tournament. We will be using UAC for the cup as well.

Here is a guide on the schedule we hope to stick to throughout the tournament:

17/09/2013 - Cup Announcement
22/09/2013 - Signups Open
01/10/2013 - Signups Closed
02/10/2013 - Playoffs Published & Full Schedule Published
06/10/2013 - Cup Starts
08/12/2013 - Grand Final Played by this date

Crossfire Winter-Turnier Ankündigung

Im Anschluss an die Frühjahrsausgabe der Crossfire ET-Turnierserie, freue ich mich, das Winter-Crossfire-Turnier anzukündigen. Diese Ausgabe wird ein 6on6 / 16 Team-Turnier sein.
Genau wie beim letzten Mal, ist die Cup-Anmeldung für OC und EC offen. 16 Teams kommen in die engere Auswahl. Weitere Details erscheinen am Sonntag, wenn die Registrierung möglich ist. Wir benutzen UAC (Universal Anticheat) für den Cup.

Hier ist eine Auflistung vom Ablauf des Turniers:

17/09/2013 - Cup Ankündigung
22/09/2013 - Anmeldung Eröffnung
01/10/2013 - Anmeldung Ende
02/10/2013 - Ausspielungen Veröffentlichung & Spielplan
06/10/2013 - Cup Start 12/08/2013
08/12/2013 - Grand Final bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt

Source: crossfire.nu

Halloween Pumpkin Hunt Event

Published in ET Scene

I (Adrian) have the honor to invite you to the next event dedicated to finding hidden objects on a map: PUMPKIN HUNT

Guardian of our server Farmer Vladek always dreamed to grow pumpkins. He put it on your server so unfortunately bad luck would have it, that day was awash in a corpse. Now, when it's time to harvest, Farmer Vladek for nothing in the world can not remember where seeds sowed. Help him find all 100 pumpkins that planted!

Farmer Vladek medal will honor the best pickers in the forum and lvl on the server.
Fun will begin October 31 and November 9 we will summarize harvest.

Information about the maps on which Farmer Vladek probably planted pumpkins, will appear on the server on the start date.
Wolfenstein.pl Gameserver: No Name -
(translate by google)

Mam zaszczyt zaprosić wszystkich na kolejny event poświęcony poszukiwaniu ukrytych na mapach przedmiotów: PUMPKIN HUNT

Opiekun naszego serwera Farmer Władek zawsze marzył, żeby hodować dynie. Posadził je więc na swoim serwerze, niestety pech chciał, że tego dnia był zalany w trupa. Teraz, gdy nadszedł czas zbiorów, Farmer Władek za nic w świecie nie może sobie przypomnieć, gdzie porozrzucał nasiona. Pomóżcie mu odnaleźć wszystkie 100 dyń, które zasadził!

Farmer Władek odznaczy najlepszych zbieraczy medalem na forum i lvlem na serwerze.
Zabawa rozpocznie się 31. października, a 9. listopada zrobimy podsumowanie zbiorów.

Informacje o mapach na których Farmer Władek prawdopodobnie zasadził dynie, pojawią się na serwerze w dniu rozpoczęcia.

More infos: wolfenstein.pl/forum
Source: Adrian via FB | wolfenstein.pl

-)A(- vs Rest Of the World

Published in ET Scene

It has been exactly 2,5 years since the battle of all battles has been fought.
Now the Rest Of The World feel strong enough for another try to take down the members of the almighty community Dark Alchemy.
Some great names has passed the years: Enogma, Brachi, Odeon, JudgeMe, Tuxedo, RaveTeef and the list goes on and on.

But will they stand against the old timers?
Old-Owl will take the lead and fight with his infamous crew against the challengers.
For weeks they are already in bootcamp drilled to perfection.

Did Old-Owl train the new members well enough?
Are the old farts of -)A(- still in good shape?
Will the ROTW show up or is it past their bedtime?

Only time will tell....

More info HERE.

Source: dark-alchemy.com | wolffiles.de

=TM= Teammuppet Halloween Event

Published in ET Scene

=TM= Teammuppet Halloween Event

Hello friends and visitors! It’s time for another event. Halloween is coming and we are ready for it! This event will take place on the Teammuppet Infected server!


Server IP -
Date - Saturday 31st October
Time - 19:00GMT (UK time)

Please don’t forget to join us on Teamspeak as well for an even more fun night.

Teamspeak IP -
Hope to see You all there on the night!
Trick or Treat!

Source: www.teammuppet.eu | www.wolffiles.de

PARAZIT-Clan FUN Evening

Published in ET Scene

Fun Event on PARAZIT-Clan at 19.00 on the 27 September - Server IP: parazit.ro:27960

Link: parazit.ro

Source: wolffiles.de

Dark Alchemy celebrates 7th anniversary

Published in ET Scene

Image Dark Alchemy celebrates 7th anniversary - Dear players, Dark Alchemy invites you all to Last Man Standing EVENT! We want to make everyone aware of the memorable fact that this year at August 3rd Dark Alchemy celebrate it's 7th anniversary.
We are waiting for you there!

Image Dark Alchemy feiern Ihren 7. Jahrestag - Liebe Spieler, Die Dark Alchemy Community läd ein zu Ihrem Last Man Standing EVENT! Wir wollen jeden von der unvergeßlichen Tatsache unterrichten, daß dieses Jahr am 3. August, die Dark Alchemy Community Ihren 7. Jahrestag feiert.
Wir warten dort auf dich!

Friday 3th august, 20:00 cest / IP:
Maplist: Braundorf_final, Oasis, Goldrush, Supply_pro, TC Base, ET Village, Bremen, SillyctF_ETT, Baserace Desert, Raw Castle. Every map goes 4 rounds.

Quelle: dark-alchemy | dark-alchemy-forum

Dignitas nimmt den europäischen Thron ein

Published in RtCW Scene
Die Prognosen standen auf Sieg für das ehemalige Team idle, jetzt bekannt als Team Dignitas. Die Prognosen trafen ein, ein weiterer Sieg in Folge, zeroPoint! war ohne butchji nicht einmal im Stande den Sieg zu schnuppern, leider. Es hat für sie nur für den zweiten Platz, nach der 0:4 Niederlage, gereicht. Bei der shgOpen Lan in Dänemark wird die Revange auf einer LAN folgen, doch wieder ohne Butchji.

Team Dignitas

Wir gratulieren allen Clans, die es auf das Siegertreppchen geschafft haben. 
Quelle:   The New RtCW2-Prison

TeamMuppet Panzer War Night

Published in ET Scene

New TeamMuppet Event on 5 October. Not long after the recovery from last event, TeamMuppet announces its upcoming event: An all out panzerwar boozenight!! Join us on this server and on our TS3 to have a wonderful and unforgettable Saturday night. It will be a blast!

No entrance fee and consumption mandatory!

Source: TeamMuppet.eu | wolffiles.de

Team Muppet ETNam Booze Night

Published in ET Scene

Team Muppet Vietnam BoozeNight - We would like to invite you for its Booze event on the 15th of September, starting at 19:00 GMT+0 till you're to wasted to continue. Bring your alcoholic beverages and your best aim to enjoy an unforgettable night. And feel free to join us at our teamspeak3 server during the event for the extra experience!!


For further questions/information visit our website and join us in the chat.We are looking forward to see you there.

Source: wolffiles.de | Team-Muppet

HD'R Clan Tournament

Published in ET Scene

Image From HD’R clan we present the “Christmas tournament 2011”. The tournament will be in our new server:, Start day : 15/01/2012.
Teams will be formed by 5 players and 2 reseves at most, so 7 players in total.

1. The mod used will be nq, with pb activated in the private server + TS with channels with password determined before the game.

2. Maps to play are chosen between following ones in this way:
Will be played 3 maps and both teams will play in both sides, 6 games in total. Every teams will chose their “favorite map”, and the third will be a random one from the server between this:

Special delivery, Bremen, Braundorf, Warbell, ET Beach Invasion Final 1.1, Gold Rush, Siwa oasis, Adlernest, Caen, Frostbite Final, Supply Depot

Prices: 1º Classified, 2º Classified, 3º Classified

More infos about this: www.forum.splatterladder.com
You can register here: www.clanhdr.com/forosmf

Thanks and regards! Happy New Year!!

Quelle: ehiron (Aaron) via Mail






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