A+ A A-

N!tmod 2.3 has been released!

Published in ET Mods

After almost 3 years of development, N!tmod 2.3 is finally ready for public use.
One of the major changes in this version is the built-in anticheat, NxAC 1.0.

A few things have changed since N!tmod 2.2, and some of your old server config files might need some adjustments to run with 2.3.
Don't forget to check the Setup tutorial and the NxAC Setup tutorial if you get any problems during the installation/update.

N!tmod 2.3 FINAL Changelog >> HERE

Source: etmods.net | etpro.de

N!TMOD 2.3 FINAL Version:2.3
Author N!trox Date 29.03.2015 Filesize 5.89 MB Download 188

[UJE] Gondola Sniper (Beta 1)

Published in ET Maps

Snipermap UJE Gondola Sniper (beta 1) made by [UJE] Niek. Had to make a snipermap for xmas for the year 2013 and yes Wolfenstein ET is still alive after so many years, Congratulations with this great game :-) So...there are snow gondolas in this map for all the people who don't like snow. Crossing is possible in 2 ways ,with the gondola and by foot.

Have alot of fun in this map and merry xmas and a good newyear

* at the start of the map there is almost no snow and after
  20 minutes it's loaded with snow
* passing availeble with the gondels and by foot
* 2 points medic each side
* It has a xmas scene

Snipermap UJE Gondola Sniper (Beta 1) erstellt von [UJE] Niek. Wollte noch eine Snipermap für Weihnachten 2013 machen,
Wolfenstein ET lebt auch Heute noch, nach so vielen Jahren! Wir gratulieren diesem großen Spiel :) Also ... es gibt Schnee und Gondeln in dieser Karte für alle Menschen die Schnee nicht kennen. Mapcrossing ist in doppelt - mit der Gondelbahn - und zu Fuß - möglich.

Viel Spaß mit dieser Map und fröhliche Weihnachten und ein gutes Neues Jahr!

Source: ujeclan.com

GONDOLA SNIPER (UJE) Version:beta 1
Author [UJE] Niek Date 10.12.2013 Filesize 9,84 MB Download 283

UJE The Ghetto X-Mas

Published in ET Maps

New map UJE the ghetto xmas made by [UJE] Niek

Axis objective map. This map takes place in the ghetto in wintertime. Axis have to capture the disco spawn and escort the tank to the ganghouse. When they escorted the tank they can take objective and bring it to santa's sledge on the roof. There are several ways to get to the objective also you can take a sledge that will take you on the roof. Once you are on the roof there will go off an alarm ,that says there is an intruder on the roof. Alies have to prevent this all.

Axis objective:
* Capture the dico spawn
* build the commandpost
* Escort the tank to the ganghouse.
* Take objective and bring it to the Sledge

Allied objective:
* Build the commandpost
* Hold the disco spawn as long as you can
* Defend the baricade
* Defend the objective

Source: [UJE] Niek via FB | ujeclan.com

Author [UJE] Niek Date 22.12.2014 Filesize 17,26 MB Download 277

Battle Chess Sniper

Published in ET Maps

Lorenz presents his new sniper map, with a realy nice design of a complete chessboard with figures!

"This time the battle takes place on an ancient chessboard, the game was stopped because there was something wrong. As usual, the matter will be settled by the snipers."

Source:  [UJE] Niek via FB | Lorenz

Author Lorenz Date 17.03.2014 Filesize 7,423 MB Download 235

Merry Christmas everyone!

Published in General News






Vasel Koleda!
Glædelig Jul!
Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Merry Christmas!
Hyvää Joulua!
Joyeux Noël!
Vrolijk Kerstfeest!
Buon Natale!
Sretan Bozic!
Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus!
God Jul!
Wesolych Swiat!
Boas Festas!
Craciun fericit!
Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva!
God Jul!
Vesele bozicne praznike!
Feliz Navidad!
Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce!
Kellemes Karacsonyiunnepeket!

Wolfenstein4ever - ET4ever - RtCW4ever
your d3Xter

Omni-Bot 0.84 for ET released

Published in ET Mods

Omni-Bot 0.84 for Enemy Territory has been released.

We are pleased to announce new version of Omni-Bot for ET. The most important change is that goal_save command does not save all goal properties. The benefit is smaller file size and faster initialization. The drawback is that new goals gm files cannot be opened by previous Omni-Bot versions. If you want to use the latest waypoints, you must update to 0.84. If you use NoQuarter 1.2.7, you should update too, because 0.71 interface is included in Omni-Bot 0.84.

There are also new features in the omnibot mod:
Spectator can edit waypoints and can see all players on the map.
Rendering is more reliable and uses less resources because it does not need the boost interprocess library anymore.
New cvar cg_obituary can disable "killing" messages in the console, so that important messages will not scroll out of the window.
Warm-up time can be set to 1 second. You don't have to wait 10 seconds anymore.

Changes in Omni-Bot Enemy Territory 0.84
    infected mod is supported
    === BOT ===
    Added 0.71 interface (NoQuarter 1.2.7)
    Added trigger Flag dropped
    Added new functions IsCarryingFlag, CanGrabItem, GetNearestDestination, GetAllEnemy, GetAllAlly
    Added TraceLine returns contents and surface
    Added DistanceBetween and DistanceTo parameters can be MapGoals
    Added GetGoals and QueryGoals have parameter Sort (values are none,priority,name,random)
    Added GetWaypointByGUID and GetAllWaypoints return waypoint name in result table
    Added Goto parameter can be a table of vectors
    Added HasAmmo can have 2 parameters (ammotype, amount)
    Added GetNearest,GetNearestEnemy,GetNearestAlly can search for multiple classes
    Added constants SURFACE.SLICK and SURFACE.LADDER
    Added file names in gm script error messages
    Added et_autoexec_user.gm is executed after et_autoexec.gm
    Added SetAvailableMapGoals 3rd parameter can be a table of goal expressions
    Changed MaxUsers trackers are separate for each team
    Changed QueryGoals and GetGoals delete all items from table before writing result
    Changed GetGoals does not sort goals by priority
    Changed console commands are sent to goals even if they are handled by global Commands table
    Changed BlackboardDelay,MarkInProgress,MarkInUse do not require mapgoal parameter
    Changed blocked waypoint connections are visible, color is dark grey
    Changed errors from SetAvailableMapGoals are printed by Util.MapDebugPrint
    Fixed crash if dlclose fails (if Jaymod is used without LD_PRELOAD)
    Fixed Finished did not work inside Enter callback
    Fixed condition if(vector) failed if vector.x was zero
    Fixed GetUsePoint
    Fixed ConfigGet with 2 parameters saved null to config file
    Optimized region triggers
    Optimized initialization of file system and weapons
    Removed options [Script]/Debug, [Script]/EnableRemoteDebugger, [Debug Render]/EnableInterProcess, [Downloader]
    Removed empty lines in error messages
    === MOD ===
    Added killing messages can be disabled by cvar cg_obituary
    Added cvar omnibot_render_distance to limit waypoint drawing distance from the player
    Added spectator position on the map
    Changed InitialDelayTime can be less than 10 seconds on dedicated servers
    Changed drawing does not use boost interprocess library
    Changed spectator can see all players on the map
    Changed warmup can be less than 10 seconds
    Changed message "Omni-bot Loaded Successfully" is printed only after successful initialization
    Fixed spectator position was wrong and spectator could not edit waypoints
    Fixed GetEntityOwner sometimes returned invalid entity
    Fixed crash if print parameter was too long
    Fixed UpdateGoalEntity was called even if omnibot_enable was changed from 1 to 0
    Optimized drawing of waypoint radius
    Added version info to DLL files
    === GOALS ===
    Disabled waiting for medic in NoQuarter mod because of weapon spread bug
    Removed many useless properties from goals gm file in nav folder
    Changed high level goals were moved from library to gm scripts
    Changed ROAMING goal chooses any goal available to bot's team, ignoring class and MaxUsers
    Changed DEFUSE goal prefers dynamite which has been planted sooner if there are 2 dynamites at the same objective
    Changed FLAGRETURN goal has limited range
    Changed REVIVE is disabled on ice
    Changed Covertops don't steal uniform when mounting mg42
    Changed resetxp is used only in Jaymod, NoQuarter, Bastardmod, ETBlight
    Improved MOUNTMG42 can be used concurrently by both teams (neutral mg42 in goldrush)
    Improved soldier does not shoot MORTAR if stupid fieldops stands in front of him to deliver ammo
    Added timedout message in CHECKPOINT, REVIVE, MOUNT, MOUNTMG42, REPAIRMG42
    Fixed priority was not reset to zero after map goal became unavailable
    Fixed new ARTILLERY_S or ARTILLERY_D goals were sometimes created in ground
    Fixed disguised covertops was shooting and lost disguise
    Fixed error if test bot was kicked during Goto
    Fixed GRENADE did not work in NoQuarter mod if goal had Count=1
    === SCRIPTS ===
    Improved server manager to balance number of humans and bots
    Added Util.ChangeCrucialClassForRole
    Added Util.QueryGoal, Util.InvalidGoal, Util.RouteTo
    Added region type in debug messages when entering/exiting re-usable region trigger
    Changed debug messages in disablepush,disablecm,breakabledist regions are printed only for bots
    Changed Util.UpdateSwitchData is called automatically by paththrough switch
    === WEAPONS ===
    Added throwable knives in etpub mod
    Added WeaponType "item"
    Added BAZOOKA in Legacy mod
    Changed rifle grenades have limited range
    Changed SetDesirabilityRange can be less than DefaultDesirability
    Changed sniper weapons have smaller AimError
    Fixed flamethrower was used at long distances (bug in 0.83)
    === COMMANDS ===
    Added cleargoalflags command to delete obsolete 0.71 goal flags
    Improved sag command (ShowActiveGoals) prints priorities and roles
    Improved sei command (ShowEntityInfo) prints entity categories
    Improved rollcall command prints roles, goal, weapon, ammo, health, difficulty, view distance, reaction time
    Improved tracearty command renders pink line to point of collision if trace fails
    Fixed difficulty, resetxp and maxxp commands are listed in help and they don't need connected bots
    Fixed kickbot command worked only for ID, but not bot's name (bug in 0.83)
    Removed TestMap conditions and ShowMovers from makemapgm command
    Removed commands showscriptgoals, console, tbr, aim_debug, fixoffsets, fixnext
    === WAYPOINTS ===

Source: omni-bot.com | etpro.de

Author omnibot Date 15.12.2014 Filesize 35.12 MB Download 503

The Shrine Beta 2

Published in ET Maps

This is a new ET Axis-attack map created by Thunder.

~~~The Storyline~~~
Allied command has intercepted some secret radio transmissions sent between Axis forces, where there has been talk of an ancient Egyptian shrine which is located deep inside a pyramid. This ancient artifact is said to possess great powers, so the Allied forces hurry to try and to defend the pyramid in order to make the shrine safe. Unfortunately for the Allies, an Axis attack force is already closing in on them.

Source: wolffiles.de | splashdamage.com | Thunder

THE SHRINE Version:Beta 2
Author Thunder Date 17.03.2014 Filesize 8,536 MB Download 212

Enter the hunter

Published in ET Movies

Enter the hunter - Enemy Territory Movie

This ET Movie contains frag highlights from 2007 to 2015. Project started back in March 2014. I suggest download movie to enjoy highest quality.
Content by Poland hunter.
Edited by Poland requem.

Movie information: Resolution: 1920 x 1080, Length: 8:30 mins, Size: 1,14 GB, Framerate: 50 FPS

Source: crossfire.nu

Author requem Date 20.12.2015 Filesize 1,14 GB Download 217

Norwegian Battery B4

Published in ET Maps

This is the latest version of the Allied-attack map, "Norwegian Battery", from TWT.


The Axis forces have built an anti-ship battery on the coast of Norway, the allies must destroy it in order to guarantee safe passage for all Allied shipping.


#Graphical glitches that were caused by various settings

# Made the Axis anti-ship battery more easy to destroy

# The keycard is now a little bit more accessible

# Added some good areas to place a mobile mg42

# All sound issues fixed

Source: wolffiles.de | WF Gaming - MacBeth

Author ove Date 07.04.2014 Filesize 5,803 MB Download 176



Clanbase - Game Over

Published in General News

Clanbase - Game Over
For those unfamiliar with the name: ClanBase once was a cool site to visit if you were an online gamer. With cups and ladders hosted for games such as the RtCW, ET, Quake, Unreal Tournament, Counter-Strike and Call of Duty series, a teenager really had quite some options for multiplayer entertainment. Heck, we even had LAN finals for our renowned EuroCups.

Those days are far behind us and as it stands today, the company that owns the ClanBase site - GGL - is unable to cover the costs required to run the website. Moreover, lately the owners of the site do not wish to cooperate with the voluntary crew, keeping everybody in the dark and thus showing complete disrespect to people who spend many hours a day trying to make our tournaments a success.

The website has now been offline for more than three weeks due to an unpaid bill. No action is being taken by the owner to get the website back online. Having no vision for the future, we - the ClanBase Crew - have lost our last hopes about ClanBase ever coming back online, and unfortunately we announce the end of a great era.

The history and the truth as the ClanBase Crew sees it

A US-based company called Global Gaming League (Professional Interactive Entertainment, Inc.) noticed the success of the site and bought it from the original owners in December of 2004. They had financial backing for server hosting and our tournaments. Things were going well until in 2007 CB suffered its first heart attack when GGL couldn’t deliver the prize money they put up for the EuroCup. This can be marked as the start of our downfall.

The CB Crew has always been made up of volunteers with the majority being just teenagers. There was no possibility for us to come up with the money on our own that was promised, yet we were always the ones getting blamed. After all, it was our cup season and our name. It is no surprise that after this blow there was no way for us to host another season with the promise of any kind of prize until the debt was settled with the previous winners.

To this day, GGL owes around €24,000 in prize money which will never be settled. The other sites who were in the same gaming business of course had no problems hosting their tournaments however they wanted. ClanBase, however, lost a great deal of its reputation along with some top teams who never got their winnings.

As time went by the site also started to decay. After the takeover we had paid developers who tried to put the code in shape. There were some noteworthy developments such as the seasonal and invitational ladders, but after the first test run we couldn’t get the necessary changes implemented - because GGL stopped paying the developers.

Money. The source of all evil.

GGL started moving the servers between hosts (RackSpace, Amazon, GreenQloud) to save costs, and to avoid further missed payments. This appeared in the news a few times when providers came out with how they were lied to. We also lost the ability to upload files anything other than demos. Fortunately, a Crew member had the means to help out.

Funding continued to dry up. After the first wave of cuts where we lost the two developers and a head admin, things cooled down for a while. Recently, a general system administrator was cut off which got interesting at one point when CB suffered a denial of service attack to which the host (GreenQloud) responded with moving the servers to a different IP address. However, the domain name had to be updated as well to point to the new address. Since our sysadmin was not getting paid, he refused to perform this, essentially holding the site hostage for a while.

So how do we get money? The site had ads for a while which obviously was not enough. We may have been naive thinking that upping the quality of the site would be a good move, which was promised more times we bother to count. GGL thought otherwise. In fact, many of the cool features our gamers would have loved to see on the website were never implemented - because "CBv2” was supposedly just around the corner.

Their first bold move was trying to get adult banners on CB - a website that was home for thousands of teenagers. The Crew was shocked and appalled by this. Fortunately, we managed to get our voice through (by threatening to go on strike) - but we also lost several valuable crew members who had enough of the poor conditions and bad decisionmaking.

Next to adult material, gambling can also be a good source of income. The Poker and Betting ladders were introduced. It is doubtful that much money was ever made of this, at least nobody said otherwise. The only thing certain is that these projects never got off the ground.

A poor attempt was also made to gather money in the form of offering VIP membership. Nobody took this very seriously and as expected, nobody bothered to opt in after a while. The only benefit to having VIP was the ability to get rid of some of the ads. Perhaps a regular donation system would’ve been more useful.

By the end of August 2013, yet another problem surfaced: the money ran out for the hosting. This is when CB started to go down every month when the time came to pay for the next 30 days.

Of course we tried contacting GGL through our manager who was in charge of handling communications. As you may have guessed by now, he also failed to receive his payment for a while and a company owing money to you, and who knows how many others, is not in a hurry to get back to you.

The ClanBase management tried to directly contact the GGL founder and president Ted Owen (since everyone else left), with very little success. Whenever we got a response it usually consisted of no more than a few words.

The last we heard from him, he stated that "GGL will move on without ClanBase, and besides, why did the Crew never put any money in it?”

Mr. Owen, the Crew put time in it. A lot of time... for free. Every day. And to clarify, nobody has ever reached out to us to ask for any kind of financial aid. Not that we would’ve ever agreed to anything if the money had to go through GGL as that would’ve resulted in the money never reaching its intended destination.

Ultimately, we understand that our users would have expected us to come out with the truth sooner. It has taken us three weeks to make a public statement - but the only reason it took so long is that we were trying to not lose the hope and to reach out to mr. Owen. Unfortunately, our last request (or offer) to him - to release the ClanBase site to the crew for us to be able to continue running it on our own, without the GGL - was not welcomed.

It is thus our sad duty to inform you that ClanBase is gone. We would like to sincerely thank over a thousand admins working on the website over the past 15 years of ClanBase’s existence. And an even bigger thanks goes out to all the players who supported us over the years and who did not lose faith no matter what.

This writing has not come easily because ClanBase has been a big part of our lives, and we definitely did not want to see it end like this.

Clanbase - Game Over
Die Clanbase war einmal eine sehr coole Website für Online- Gamer, mit Cups und Ligen für Spiele wie RtCW, ET, Quake, Unreal Tournament, Counter-Strike und der Call of Duty-Serie.

Diese glorreichen Tage sind nun hinter uns, und heute steht es um die Clanbase Website sehr schlecht - wir sind nicht mehr in der Lage, die erforderlichen kosten der Website zu decken.

Die Website war offline für mehr als drei Wochen, wegen einer unbezahlten Rechnung. Keine Aktion wird vom Eigentümer übernommen, um die Website wieder online zu bekommen. Da sie keine Vision für die Zukunft mehr hat. Wir - die Clanbase Crew - haben unsere letzten Hoffnungen die Clanbase jemals wieder online kommen jetzt endgültig verloren, und müssen leider das Ende einer großen Clanbase-Ära verkünden.

Source: etpro.declanbase.org






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