New Enemy Territory - Dark Mule Skins, Weapons & Soundpack
What does the Dark Mule Pack contain?
Head models have been modified, (smaller than standard and changed the texture of the hair, e.g., Axis hairstyles shaved heads up)
New models Backpack added
Added complete Backpack equipment
Added new belt models, (belts with additional equipment, now longer for each class)
Fully and partially altered textures, (this includes face, uniform and weapons textures - dominated camouflage pattern)
Helmet models are now lower
Sounds of weapons and environments are changed by more than 90%
Chat sounds have been added and some partially altered
Package requires the command + set com_hunkmegs 128
Package contains a "read me" text file with installallation instructions and how to troubleshoot any problems -
it is preferable to read this guide because only then will the package work properly
Dark Mule website
Source: | Rehhhh via Splatterladder
DARK MULE (SKINS) PACK Version:0.2 Dark Mule Team 01.02.2015 26,35 MB 466 |