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Adroits LAN 2012 - Highlight Movie

Published in ET Scene

Highlights of last years Adroits LAN have been posted on Adroits' facebook page. The video includes action from Enemy Territory as well as Quakelive Duel and Quakelive Nations TDM.

Highlights aus der letztjährigen Adroits LAN, auch gepostet auf der Adroits 'Facebook-Seite. Das Video enthält Szenen von Enemy Territory, sowie von QuakeLive Duel, QuakeLive Nations TDM und von dem Adroits-Event selbst.


Quelle: crossfire.nu

ADROITS LAN 2012 - HIGHLIGHTS Version:Fall 2012
Author ~adroits~ Date 14.01.2013 Filesize 238 MB Download 221


Published in ET Movies

ET movie SINNU FROM EE - Great frags, matching sounds and good editing. An all around good movie.

Frags/content performed by Estonia Sinnu & Movie made by Nukits. Movie download - HD quality.

cotanct irc@quakenet #crossfire | #et.gather.ee | #juurviljad

Source: crossfire.nu

Author This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Date 20.04.2014 Filesize 359 MB Download 201

DaNe on Extasy beta

Published in ET Movies

DaNe the trickjump legend jumps on [Extasy beta]

Movie made by DaNe, be patient i'm no movie maker, I just gave me a try. Prog´s used :Image-ET / Virtual-dub / Sony-vegas 12 Pro / MeGui
Music used : Machine Gun Kelly - Sail / Machine Gun Kelly - Halo

Special Thanks to gungh0 for help

Also good TJ channel: www.youtube.com/Th0sy

Keep Trickjump Alive!!

Source: crossfire.nu

Author DaNe Date 01.09.2014 Filesize 149 MB Download 188

Big Movietime! - Part 7

Published in RtCW Movies

Endlich ist es soweit, unser mittlerweile recht beliebtes Big Movie-Update ist da! Wir präsentieren euch zum Siebten mal ein paar schöne RtCW- und ET-Movies.
Ausgesucht haben wir dieses mal, 6 RtCW und 6 ET Movies bunt gemsicht mit Frag- Trickjump- und Panza-Highlights als Retro- oder Newstyle.

Diese "Wiederbelebung" der Gesamten alten und neueren RtCW- und ET-Movies ist ein gemeinsames Projekt von:

Planet-Videos | RtCW4ever



Cant Be Touched

Dome Spittage

Gigalo The Movie


Kritos Movie

Tigerclaw 2

TWK Unmasks

Enemy Is A Noobie

True Destination
Walk In The Air 1
A Casual Movie

Zum Download wie immer auf "Bild" klicken. Viel Spass !

PS: Das Achte Movieupdate ist in Arbeit 

Fanatic by Spankie Chilltage

Published in ET Movies

Image New Movie Fanatic by Spankie Chilltage - Spankie has released a short Movie which is not a pure Fragmovie. This movie shows great Moments and is an example of a good film editing.
Simply enjoy.

Image Neuer Film Fanatic by Spankie Chilltage - Spankie hat einen Kurzfilm herausgegeben, der kein reines Fragmovie ist. Dieser Film zeigt tolle Momente und ist ein Beispiel für eine gute Filmbearbeitung.
Genieß es einfach. 

Image Image Image


Quelle: Wolffiles.de

ETRun Movie - Another Timerun Video

Published in ET Movies

ImageAnother Timerun Video by khuZi_Ho-Su - Some timeruns in VET physics (ETRun-Mod). Purpose of the video is to show how easy timeruns are, or rather how beatable top times are. So come play it, give us some challenge!

ImageAnother Timerun Video - erstellt von khuZi_Ho-Su. Einige Timeruns (ETRun-Mod) mit der VET Physik. Zweck des Videos ist, um zu zeigen, wie einfach Timeruns sind, unddas Timerun-Zeiten auch schlagbar sind. Also, Spiele es und fordere uns etwas heraus! Für deutsche Fans haben wir einen HD Download.

Author khuZi_Ho-Su Date 27.05.2013 Filesize 462 MB Download 240

Ultraviolet Vol.1 - Principium

Published in ET Movies

Since the release of my previous movie - Requiem - back in January 2010, I have been focusing on graduating, which I did last June, and starting my career. Recently, I decided to dust off my old editing skills and try a little project that would not require me to spend nearly as much time on as my former movies back in the day.

It seems that there is no longer a vibrant ET moviemaking community, so I thought I would work on some videos to try and reignite some interest, since Enemy Territory is a game with great moviemaking capabilities. This time around, rather than use Sony Vegas, I decided to edit the footage solely in Adobe After Effects in an effort to try and become more familiar with the software, and I am pleased with the results.
Principium is the first of three retrospective short films, and is generally made up of footage from the very early days of Enemy Territory. In this volume, there are no in-eye frags whatsoever, although there will be in-eye frags in at least one other volume. It is not an ‘aiming’ movie, instead showing some spam frags from ET’s early days.

I have tried to improve and build upon my Camtrace3D skills and make something worth watching for everyone. Each film will be short and sweet and as they are all being worked on at the same time, so hopefully there won’t be too long between the releases of each volume.
Visually I have gone for a grittier, less saturated look in order to make it a little more 'filmic' with relation to World War II, rather than the more glossy and colourful style of some of my previous work.
Sadly, with the loss of ClanBase, there are a lot of demos with great material that will never again see the light of day.

Source: crossfire.nu

Author -mAx- Date 09.09.2014 Filesize 266 MB Download 261

Author UltraViolet Date 24.01.2010 Filesize 621 mb Download 456

DaNe on NoDown

Published in ET Movies

DaNe the Trickjump Legend on [NoDown] - probably the hardest Airstrafe map on Enemy Territory Trickjump.

Jump 1 - 3 [Medium / Hard]
Jump 4 - 5 [Extreme]

The map is made by Vallz and ronsu and the video made by gungh0

Enjoy the Trickjump Movie!

Source: crossfire.nu

Author gungh0 / DaNe Date 14.06.2014 Filesize 58,161 MB Download 181

Kresti - fleeting Teaser

Published in ET Movies

Big moviemaker Spankie has created a new teaser So... This is a trailer of my upcoming movie. I didn't put in quite as much work as usually, but I don't like the concept of teasers whatsoever and I was simply talked into it. Also, sorry for twixtor warnings, but I'm working offline and hence can't make it work properly right now. Well, hope you like it !

Also, this is my last ET movie. You can expect something extraordinary for the finale.

Source: crossfire.nu



Push n Jump

Published in ET Movies

Push n Jump - A little less typical Enemy Territory trickjump movie

Most of the jumps seen in the movie are meant to be useful in normal (or competitive) play and therefore are recorded with competition settings (nofatigue = 0, b_fixedphysics = 1, etc.). All of the co-jumps are achieved with etpro's push feature. The demos used to make this movie are from 2008-2009.

Contains jumps in following maps: adlernest, braundorf_b4, bremen, frostbite, fueldump, goldrush, karsiah, radar, sp_delivery, supply depot, sw_oasis_te

Source: crossfire.nu

Author - Date 16.08.2015 Filesize 185 MB Download 191






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