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Trickjump Movie Oldriginals

Published in ET Movies

ImageTrickjump movie made by Stuns and performed by himself - This is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory trickjump video. You will see recordings I collected over the years accompanied by music mixed together by myself.
I do not claim that any original in this movie is new, thus the title "Oldriginals".
This is my last trickjump movie, please enjoy.

ImageEin Trickjump Film, erstellt und gespielt von Stuns - Dies ist ein Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Trickjump Video. Du siehst Aufnahmen von mir, die ich im Laufe der Jahre gesammelt und mit Musik gemischt habe. Ich behaupte nicht dass alle Originale in diesem Film neu sind, deswegen der Titel "Oldriginals".

Dies ist meine letzter Trickjump Film, genieße ihn!


HD Download

B1gcHeese & sqZz Final Rush Movie

Published in ET Movies

Nothing new in movie section since some time so anything new will be good.

Clip made by me, featuring B1gcHeese and his doc run and 5 man spree from sqZz. Clanbase ET 6on6 SummerCup L3 2013 Grand Final.
6star win with 5 seconds to the end on Adlernest on decider map.

Kleines Clanbase L3 Grand Final ET Movie, mit SiXStar Red und sticked. Gezeigt wird ein schöner Lauf mit Docs von B1gcHeese und sqZz, auf der Map Adlernest. SixStar hält mit 5 Sekunden Vorsprung diese spielentscheidende Map.

Source: crossfire.nu

Author Raiven / #6Star.et Date 06.10.2013 Filesize 80,55 MB Download 194



Why Frag In A Trickjump Game

Published in ET Movies

Why Frag In A Trickjump Game - very cool Trickjump movie by Acizco

STARRING: madman - BlaZe - hazz - TheLDer - Spectator - Niick - ,=- - Wrath - Skepty
An original trickjump movie starring some of the best jumpers (mostly madman) out there. This was a really long project that took me way too much time to finish, but I hope everyone enjoys it. Let's keep trickjumping alive :)
Technical stuff: Project Size: 201GB, Source FPS: 300, Final Render Size: 1.85GB, Codec: x264/AAC, Render Time: 4:48:51

Source: crossfire.nu

Author Acizco Date 01.06.2015 Filesize 731 MB Download 185

UseMe Movie II - Orgyanal Dickhumping

Published in ET Movies

HUU? You can read this news? Cool! Then the Maya calendar is probably still wrong. Because you can now continue to enjoy your life, we have for you a cool ET trickjump movie, called "UseMe Movie II - Orgyanal Dickhumping by AciZ" to watch.
RtCW4ever wishes still much fun in real life. 

HUU? Du kannst diese News lesen? Cool! Dann ist der Maya-Kalender wohl doch verkehrt. Weil du jetzt weiterhin dein Leben geniessen kannst, haben wir für dich einen coolen ET Trickjump-Film, Namens "UseMe Movie II - Orgyanal Dickhumping by AciZ", zum angucken.
RtCW4ever wünscht weiterhin viel Spaß, im "normalen" Leben. 

Author AciZ Date 20.12.2012 Filesize 135 MB Download 280

Quelle: crossfire.nu

DaNe on Extasy beta

Published in ET Movies

DaNe the trickjump legend jumps on [Extasy beta]

Movie made by DaNe, be patient i'm no movie maker, I just gave me a try. Prog´s used :Image-ET / Virtual-dub / Sony-vegas 12 Pro / MeGui
Music used : Machine Gun Kelly - Sail / Machine Gun Kelly - Halo

Special Thanks to gungh0 for help

Also good TJ channel: www.youtube.com/Th0sy

Keep Trickjump Alive!!

Source: crossfire.nu

Author DaNe Date 01.09.2014 Filesize 149 MB Download 192

Fanatic by Spankie Chilltage

Published in ET Movies

Image New Movie Fanatic by Spankie Chilltage - Spankie has released a short Movie which is not a pure Fragmovie. This movie shows great Moments and is an example of a good film editing.
Simply enjoy.

Image Neuer Film Fanatic by Spankie Chilltage - Spankie hat einen Kurzfilm herausgegeben, der kein reines Fragmovie ist. Dieser Film zeigt tolle Momente und ist ein Beispiel für eine gute Filmbearbeitung.
Genieß es einfach. 

Image Image Image


Quelle: Wolffiles.de

Ultraviolet Vol.1 - Principium

Published in ET Movies

Since the release of my previous movie - Requiem - back in January 2010, I have been focusing on graduating, which I did last June, and starting my career. Recently, I decided to dust off my old editing skills and try a little project that would not require me to spend nearly as much time on as my former movies back in the day.

It seems that there is no longer a vibrant ET moviemaking community, so I thought I would work on some videos to try and reignite some interest, since Enemy Territory is a game with great moviemaking capabilities. This time around, rather than use Sony Vegas, I decided to edit the footage solely in Adobe After Effects in an effort to try and become more familiar with the software, and I am pleased with the results.
Principium is the first of three retrospective short films, and is generally made up of footage from the very early days of Enemy Territory. In this volume, there are no in-eye frags whatsoever, although there will be in-eye frags in at least one other volume. It is not an ‘aiming’ movie, instead showing some spam frags from ET’s early days.

I have tried to improve and build upon my Camtrace3D skills and make something worth watching for everyone. Each film will be short and sweet and as they are all being worked on at the same time, so hopefully there won’t be too long between the releases of each volume.
Visually I have gone for a grittier, less saturated look in order to make it a little more 'filmic' with relation to World War II, rather than the more glossy and colourful style of some of my previous work.
Sadly, with the loss of ClanBase, there are a lot of demos with great material that will never again see the light of day.

Source: crossfire.nu

Author -mAx- Date 09.09.2014 Filesize 266 MB Download 264

Author UltraViolet Date 24.01.2010 Filesize 621 mb Download 459

Kresti - fleeting Teaser

Published in ET Movies

Big moviemaker Spankie has created a new teaser So... This is a trailer of my upcoming movie. I didn't put in quite as much work as usually, but I don't like the concept of teasers whatsoever and I was simply talked into it. Also, sorry for twixtor warnings, but I'm working offline and hence can't make it work properly right now. Well, hope you like it !

Also, this is my last ET movie. You can expect something extraordinary for the finale.

Source: crossfire.nu



Enasni 1.3 - Hardest trickjump map

Published in ET Movies

Two Movies of the hardest trickjump map Enasni - done by 999 Jorge and Evo

Movie 1: Hardest trickjump map done by 999 Jorge. Video by Th0sy
Movie 2: Enasni 1.3 by Evo / sunBurn. Video by IceQ.

Thanks to all the trickjumpers that keep it alive!
HD Movie Downloads + Map Download

Source: crossfire.nu

Author Evo / sunBurn Date 12.05.2014 Filesize 192 MB Download 176

Author 999 Jorge Date 12.05.2014 Filesize 57 MB Download 177

ENASNI Version:1.3
Date 12.05.2014 Filesize 1,613 MB Download 158

Ultraviolet Vol. 2 - Medius

Published in ET Movies

Ultraviolet Volume II: Medius - really nice Fragmovie by Stephen (Max) Maxwell

The second of a series of three retrospective frag films, Medius includes content from the most popular era of ET (2005-2009). Unlike the previous volume, Principium, this film contains a lot of in-eye footage and is a much more lively viewing experience, while still maintaining the tone of the series.

The film contains scenes from over 35 Enemy Territory players from all around the world. Some of the footage has been seen before, but much of it will be presented in a frag film for the first time and hopefully in a way that viewers have not really seen before in Enemy Territory.
Initially I had intended for all three movies to be short, however, due to all of the content I wanted to use and a lot of ideas that I had, this volume is over ten minutes in length.

Special thanks go to:
• requem for beta-testing and advice
• Artstar for beta-testing and sending content.
• Kimi for his great work on the GamesTV stats parser.

Source: crossfire.nu


Author -mAx- Date 03.06.2015 Filesize 1.01 GB Download 262

Author -mAx- Date 09.09.2014 Filesize 266 MB Download 264






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