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Return to Castle Wolfenstein

RTCW: Map Simpsons Q3 (CTF)

Published in RtCW Maps
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Image Image RtCW CTF Map Simpsons Q3 (Author Maggumaster of Quake 3) converted by =KT= SuperRetardo - This is a Capture the flag Map.
documents lie in the Simpsons house in the kitchen and in the bar of Moe. The Allies must steal the docs out of Moe´s bar and bring these home into the Simpsons house and the axis turned over.

IMPORTANT: com_hunkMegs "128" required!

Image RtCW CTF Map Simpsons Q3 (Autor Maggumaster, von Quake 3) konvertiert von =KT= SuperRetardo - Dies ist eine Capture the Flag Map.
Die Dokumente liegen im Simspons Haus in der Küche und in der Bar von Moe. Die Alliierten müssen das Dokument stehlen und nach Hasue, in das Simpsons Haus, bringen und die Achsenmächte umgekehrt.

WICHTIG: com_hunkMegs "128" erforderlich!

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Quelle: ktclan | Many thx to =KT=SuperRetardo which has converted the map on my request!

RTCW: Return to Perfect Wolfenstein SP-Mod (fixed)

Published in RtCW Maps
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Image Image Return to Perfect Wolfenstein Singleplayer-Mod (fixed) made by Erwin0859 - This is a fixed version of "Return to Perfect Wolfenstein" with only skins and sounds (no texture).

Image Return to Perfect Wolfenstein Singleplayer-Mod (gefixt) erstellt von Erwin0859 - Dies ist eine gefixte Version von "Return to Perfect Wolfenstein" nur mit Sinks und Sounds (ohne Texturen).


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Quelle: RtCWfiles

RTCW: Map Braundorf Beta 5

Published in RtCW Maps
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Image Image Homie released his RtCW-Map Braundorf beta 5 - The popular ET-Map Braundorf is also playable in RtCW since 2007.

Image Homie veröffentlicht seine RtCW-Map Braundorf Beta 5 - Die beliebte ET-Map Braundorf ist seit 2007 auch in RtCW spielbar.

Beta 5 Fixed:
- removed the open space near main door and added the axis only door like on et
- the door near side entrance is now openable only by axis
- fixed all of the textures i could find that were placed wrong
- remade the wires on first stage
- fixed crack in a wall near side door
- re-added a fence that was missing near lower bunker
- improved the .script file
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Quelle: Homie via Shotbox | homie.tk






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