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Return to Castle Wolfenstein

RTCW: SP-Map Christmas Beta 1

Published in RtCW Maps
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Image Here's another map by Ron and Mike Smith. Other maps we have previously made are Fatal Freight Station, Airport Assault, and the original Hell Mappack.

This map was map just for Christmas. There are a few "Easter eggs" in this map; you will find them if you don't rush through the map. We realize this map has quite a few bugs, although none of them affect gameplay. The next beta version of this map might be split into 2 levels because of the low fps in this version.


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Quelle: RtCWfiles

RTCW: Texture Surface Pack 1

Published in RtCW Mods
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New textures for RTCW mapping made by eyeronik. This is a small variety of textures and also includes hundreds of propoganda posters, as well as something much needed, more grass textures!!
I´m not saying these textures are the best, but they look ok on the most part, theres not that many but some may prove usefull to some people, I wasnt going to release them at first I was making them for myself, but I thought maybe some people could find them useful and use um.

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Quelle: RtCWfiles

RTCW: SP-Map Temp Beta 1

Published in RtCW Maps
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Image This is a preview of my self made map for the game "return to castle wolfenstein". There is no story and the name of the map temp(orary) implies that this map actually was only supposed to be a temporary map, with a sole purpose of learning.

The map however just kept growing, way beyond a simple test map. Creating the map and especially the scripts were a real challenge. Building the map with gtkradiant wasn't so difficult, however the mapscripts (elevator, ...) and the ai behavior took quite a lot of time, especially since the information about this was very scarce.

Quelle: RtCWfiles






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