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[UJE] The Beast b3

Published in ET Maps

Map UJE_the_beast b3 made by  [UJE]Niek modelling of the beast by  [UJE]ischbinz.

Axis objective map - The war is almost lost for axis ,this will be one of the last tries to win the war. The axis will try to get access to the main base of the allied forces and try to free the zombies that helped the axis in the war against the allies.

Axis got the help of the Beast this time to get access to the base. If they make it to escort the beast to the gate ,then the beast will destroy it. Axis have to blow up two generators to free the zombies. Allies have to stop the beast en defend the generators.

Map UJE_the_beast b3 erstellt von  [UJE]Niek, das Biest modellierte [UJE]ischbinz.

Achsenmächte Objektiv-Map - Der Krieg ist der Achsenmächte ist fast verloren, dies wird einer der letzten Versuche sein, um den Krieg zu gewinnen. Die Achsen versuchen Zugang zur Hauptbasis der Alliierten zu bekommen und müssen die Zombies befreien, die den Achsenmächten im Krieg gegen die Alliierten helfen werden.

Die Achsenmächte erreichten durch Hilfe der Bestie Zugang zur Basis. Wenn sie das Tier zum Tor zu begleiten zerstört es die Bestie. Dann müssen die Achsenmächte zwei Generatoren zerstören, um die Zombies zu befreien. Die Alliierten müssen das Biest stoppen und die Generatoren verteidigen.
Quelle: ujeclan

THE BEAST (UJE) B3 Version:beta 3
Author [UJE]Niek & [UJE]ischbinz Date 30.09.2012 Filesize 32,23 MB Download 257

UJE Rotterdam Xmas

Published in ET Maps

[UJE]Niek released his new Map UJE Rotterdam Xmas

Allied objectives
1 "Construct the command post!"
2 "Defend the flag"
3 "Defend the Power Generator of the Watergate!"
4 "Defend the documents from the Cargoboat"
5 "Prevent Axis from stealing the boat!"
6 "Prevent Axis from Escaping with the secret war documents* Destroy the boat!"
7 "Prevent Axis from building a Bridge to get on the Cargo Ship!"

Axis objectives
1 "Construct the command post!"
2 "Capture the flag!"
3 "Destroy the Power Generator of the Watergate!"
4 "Steal the documents from the cargoboat!"
5 "Steal the boat!"
6 "Escort the boat, and escape with the secret war documents!"
7 "Build the Bridge to get on the Cargo Ship"

UJE Rotterdam Xmas is the 100th map release of UJE Niek and on behalf of the Enemy Territory community, Wolfenstein4ever want to say THANK YOU, for so many and wonderful maps.
We look forward to further Maps :)

Source: ujeclan.com | wolffiles.de

Author [UJE]Niek Date 20.12.2015 Filesize 23,185 MB Download 272

[UJE] Mall Beta 6

Published in ET Maps

New Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Map UJE Mall Beta 6 made by [UJE] Niek.

In the city of UJE are some very important documents hidden by some Allied troops , Axis are trying to get those documents back.
They invaded the UJE Mall with a tank to blow up the solid door of the building where the documents are hidden. It will not be easy because the Allied forced know they are coming and they are trying to prevent this with all the sources they have.

Axis objective:
*Escort the tank
*Blow up 2 baricades
*Fix commandpost
*Fix generator to close the gate
*Blow up the safe
*steal the secret documents
*Transmit the documents

Allied objective:
*stop the axis tank
*Build baricades
*Defend the generator
*Build commandpost
*Prevent the axis from stealing the secret documents

Source: ujeclan.com | thx to [UJE] Niek via FB

MALL (UJE) Version:beta 6
Author [UJE] Niek Date 19.11.2015 Filesize 27,32 MB Download 292

[UJE] Clan Open Sniper War

Published in ET Scene

 [UJE] Clan presents a Open Sniper War for everybody, at 05th of April on UJE-Server: - password on our Homepage. Have fun!

Der [UJE] Clan präsentiert einen Open Sniper-War für jedermann, am 5. April auf dem UJE-Server: - Passwort ist auf unserer Homepage. Viel Spaß!

Quelle: ujeclan.com

[UJE] Parking Sniper

Published in ET Maps

Snipermap UJE_parking_sniper made by  [UJE] Niek - 2 Parking places in the middle of the city. Both are opponents of eachother so.. Let the best side win ! It's a no crossing map so have alot of fun :)

Snipermap UJE_parking_sniper erstellt von  [UJE] Niek - 2 Parkplätze mitten in der Stadt. Beide gegenüberliegende Seiten sind Gegner, so lasse die beste Seite gewinnen! Es ist ein nicht überquerbare Map. Viel Spaß :)

Author (UJE) Niek Date 04.03.2013 Filesize 12,04 MB Download 279

UJE Oil beta 4

Published in ET Maps

Image [UJE] Oil b4 by [UJE] Niek - An Axis objective map. Oil oil oil ! The prices these days are too high that's why axis have to do something about it.
Axis attack an oilrig and they have to destroy 2 helicopters. Allied Forces have to prevent this.

Image [UJE] Oil b4 von [UJE] Niek - Achsenmächte Objektiv-Map . Öl Öl Öl ! Die Preise sind sehr hoch heutzutage und das ist der Grund, warum die Achsenmächte dagegen etwas unternehmen wollen.
Die Achsenmächte greifen eine Bohrinsel an und müssen 2 Hubschrauber zerstören. Die Alliierten müssen dies verhindern.

Image Image



Quelle: ujeclan.com

[UJE] Gondola Sniper (Beta 1)

Published in ET Maps

Snipermap UJE Gondola Sniper (beta 1) made by [UJE] Niek. Had to make a snipermap for xmas for the year 2013 and yes Wolfenstein ET is still alive after so many years, Congratulations with this great game :-) So...there are snow gondolas in this map for all the people who don't like snow. Crossing is possible in 2 ways ,with the gondola and by foot.

Have alot of fun in this map and merry xmas and a good newyear

* at the start of the map there is almost no snow and after
  20 minutes it's loaded with snow
* passing availeble with the gondels and by foot
* 2 points medic each side
* It has a xmas scene

Snipermap UJE Gondola Sniper (Beta 1) erstellt von [UJE] Niek. Wollte noch eine Snipermap für Weihnachten 2013 machen,
Wolfenstein ET lebt auch Heute noch, nach so vielen Jahren! Wir gratulieren diesem großen Spiel :) Also ... es gibt Schnee und Gondeln in dieser Karte für alle Menschen die Schnee nicht kennen. Mapcrossing ist in doppelt - mit der Gondelbahn - und zu Fuß - möglich.

Viel Spaß mit dieser Map und fröhliche Weihnachten und ein gutes Neues Jahr!

Source: ujeclan.com

GONDOLA SNIPER (UJE) Version:beta 1
Author [UJE] Niek Date 10.12.2013 Filesize 9,84 MB Download 296

[UJE] City Patrol beta 1

Published in ET Maps

New map City patrol made by [UJE] Niek

Axis objective map. The Axis have one big objective this Time,
First they have to escort the tank that will be followed by alot of trucks to the factory.
On theire way to the Factory they will have to go through a river and through a Town.
Allies have to try and stop them.

Axis objective:
* Escort the trucks to the factory
* Blow up 3 baricades
* Sachel the side door
* Fix commandpost

Allied objective
* stop the trucks
* Build baricades
* Build the side door
* Build commandpost

Source: ujeclan.com

Author [UJE] Niek Date 31.07.2013 Filesize 11,32 MB Download 281

UJE Mountain Attack b2

Published in ET Maps

Image [UJE] Mountain Attack beta 2 is an allies objective map made by [UJE]Niek - The war is in its Early days and Axis forces have occupied a small French village, where they are Building a new Radar System, the Wurzburg Radar.

Allied Forces have to sneak into the village and escape with the Radar Parts. This will be a lethal battle where only the Strongest will Survive.

Allies objective:
*Destroy the main entrance of the radar building
*Destroy steal the radarpart and bring it to the truck
*Escort the truck
*Build the commandpost to get a new spawn

Image [UJE] Mountain Attack Beta 2 ist eine Alliierten Objectiv-Map, erstellt von [UJE]Niek - Der Krieg ist in seinen frühen Tagen und die Achsenmächte haben ein kleines französisches Dorf besetzt, wo sie ein neues Radar-System bauen, das Würzburg Radar.

Die Alliierten müssen sich ins Dorf schleichen und mit den Radar-Bauteilen entkommen. Dies wird eine letale Schlacht, wo nur die Stärksten überleben werden.

Image Image Image


Quelle: ujeclan.com

UJE Knight Sniper (b3)

Published in ET Maps

Snipermap UJE knight sniper (beta 3) made by [UJE] Niek

Both sides are alot of casstles. Sniperplaces enough on this map but....
The scene is split by a river ,and every 2 minutes the gate will open to let players pass to the other side but.....
BEWARE ,the place is filled with traps and a beast is guarding the passage.
So this map is a bit for both snipers and crossers.

* Alot of funny and scary sounds in it
* Alot of effects made by Sage (Thanks for that)
* Knights falling down
* Monster moving
* And some scary stuff for the crossers

Source: ujeclan.com


KNIGHT SNIPER (UJE) Version:beta 3
Author [UJE]Niek Date 28.02.2016 Filesize 19.89 MB Download 269






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