

Splatterladder Wolf:ET HD Pack 2.6

Published in ET Mods

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Splatterladder Wolf:ET HD Pack 2.6
This is the updated version of my HD Pack for 'Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory'. There are now two files in the download, however, the larger file is not downloaded by the players joining the server, only the small 14MB file is downloaded directly. - Wolf Enstein

Mod Installation for Server-Admins:
Put the '.pk3' files into the 'etmain' folder only and the small file will be downloaded by players joining your server. They'll have to go to Wolffiles.de in order to download and use the main HD texture pack.

To uninstall this mod just delete the file.

Installation for Players:
Put the '.pk3' files into your 'etmain' folder. If it's also in the 'etmain' folder of a gameserver you join you will see the HD-textures, weapons and uniforms in-game.

Source: forum.splatterladder | wolffiles.de

Author Wolf Enstein Date 21.07.2019 Filesize 667 MB Download 878

© by wolfenstein4ever

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