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Chateau Final

Published in ET Maps
Neue ET-Map: Chateau ist eigentlich eine sehr beliebte Map vom guten alten RtCW. Eine Map bei der es auf Teamplay und Taktik geht. Allerdings ist die Map "Spam" anfällig, d.h. das es mit vielen Spielern nervig werden kann wegen dauer Arty's oder Nadespams. Trotz allem, eine schöne Map die auch Spass macht.
Die Achsen haben Chateau übernommen und benutzen es nun als Basis. Tief innerhalb der Bibliothek sind geheime Dokumente. Die Alliierten müssen jene Dokumente stehlen und sie so bald wie möglich übertragen!

Allied Objectives:

  • Komme in's Chateau
  • Hole die Dokumente
  • Übertrage die Dokumente
  • Hole die Flagge bei der großen Treppe
  • Baue den Command Post

Axis Objective:

  • Verteidige Chateau
  • Verteidige die Dokumente
  • Verhindere das übertragen
  • Halte die große Treppe
  • Baue den Command Post

Maper: RiFFLeR

Quelle: wolfmap

Author RiFFLeR Date 09.10.2007 Filesize 10 MB Download 508

UJE Mountain Attack b1

Published in ET Maps

Image [UJE] Mountain Attack beta 1 is an allies objective map made by [UJE]Niek - The war is in its Early days and Axis forces have occupied a small French village, where they are Building a new Radar System, the Wurzburg Radar.

Allied Forces have to sneak into the village and escape with the Radar Parts. This will be a lethal battle where only the Strongest will Survive.

Allies objective:
*Destroy the main entrance of the radar building
*Destroy steal the radarpart and bring it to the truck
*Escort the truck
*Build the commandpost to get a new spawn

Image [UJE] Mountain Attack Beta 1 ist eine Alliierten Objectiv-Map, erstellt von [UJE]Niek - Der Krieg ist in seinen frühen Tagen und die Achsenmächte haben ein kleines französisches Dorf besetzt, wo sie ein neues Radar-System bauen, das Würzburg Radar.

Die Alliierten müssen sich ins Dorf schleichen und mit den Radar-Bauteilen entkommen. Dies wird eine letale Schlacht, wo nur die Stärksten überleben werden.

Image Image Image


Quelle: ujeclan.com

Transmitter Spring

Published in ET Maps

Tardis has created a nice spring version of the map Transmitter.

Story of Transmitter Spring:
Civilians manipulated by the Volksempfänger's propaganda program are resisting the allied forces.
To break the resistance, Allies have to overtake a local Transmitter, which is amplifying the master-signal from Berlin for local receivers.
They have to manipulate the transmission-frequency by installing a radio Modification Kit on the Transmitter.
The Allies also have to rotate the Antenna towards their pirate sender.

// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from building the Bridge."
2 "Primary Objective:**Don't let the Allies carry the Modification Kit to the Transmitter."
3 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from rearranging the Antenna towards their pirate sender."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Grate Door from the Allies."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Forward Hut from the Allies."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Serpentine Barricade from allied sabotage attempts."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post in the Forest Hut.**Construct a Command Post!"

// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Construct the Bridge."
2 "Primary Objective:**Carry the Modification Kit to the Transmitter-Station inside the Castle complex."
3 "Primary Objective:**Rearrange the Antenna towards our pirate sender."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Grate Door. Keep the attack rolling!"
5 "Secondary Objective:**Capture the Forward Hut from the Axis. Keep the attack rolling!"
6 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Serpentine Barricade to secure the Forward Hut."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post in the Forest Hut.**Construct a Command Post!"

Objective's Not listed - Allied
Constuct The Cave Ladder
Destroy The Bunker Wall ( AmmoBunker Side )
Destroy The Tunnel Wall ( Grate Side Only distoyable from one side )

Objective's Not listed - Axis
Prevent the Allies from building The Cave Ladder
Defend the The Bunker Wall ( AmmoBunker Side )
Defend the The Tunnel Wall ( Grate Side Only distoyable from one side )

Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | wolffiles.de

Author Tardis Date 24.10.2014 Filesize 23, 324 MB Download 294

Tour 2

Published in ET Maps

Tour 2 - This a Wolf ET frag map created by Macchute, aka oVe.

Storyline: The map includes a fully working elevator and there's a couple of comic textures. It was based on an unreleased map called, "African Radar", the map is, however, set in Europe and the cliff and bunker shapes can easily be related to the map, "Bergen". The elevator is the map "objective", if the elevator is up when the time has ended, the Allies win. If the elevator is down, the Axis win.
The radiant map file is included in the pk3 and you are allowed to edit the map and take prefabs, as long you give credits to:

# Wolf ET Clan saints&sinners
# Thewolfteam
# Macchute

Macchute's website: macchute.wordpress.com
Saints&Sinners website: saints-sinners.org
Source: wolffiles.de

Author Macchute Date 15.04.2015 Filesize 6,242 MB Download 235

Axis Attack Map Door

Published in ET Maps

Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Map title: Door
Filename: door.pk3 (about 6 Mb)

This is a custom map for approximately 12 vs. 12 players.

The Axis are attacking, to dynamite a door and to steal some gold. The Allied Forces are defending the door and the gold. Who will win? Only time will tell.

Note: I also made this map as a so called prefab, for other, beginner mappers to use as a base. Therefore, the .map-file is included. (It is inside door.pk3.) Have fun, Loffy

Quelle: Wolffiles.de

Author Loffy Date 12.07.2013 Filesize 6,247 MB Download 213

FA Base v.2

Published in ET Maps

"I'm glad to announce that "Fearless Assassins Base v.2" is ready for action!
I released the first version of the map on May 11th 2014 and it was played on the servers untill the 8th of August, the same year.
Then it was removed from the server rotations because of a bug which allowed the Allies to spawn in the Axis spawn at the begining of the map. I took a break from Wolf ET and mapping, but since I've started playing Wolf ET again I decided to fix the issue and work on the map, because so many people loved it." - =F|A=DEATHSKI

Bug Fix: The Allies being able to spawn at the Axis spawn issue is now fixed Changes from previous version:

- 25 spawn points added per spawn, instead of 16, so the map can be used on bigger servers
- VO/HQ sounds added
- More and new F|A textures added around the map
- Additional path with a wooden ramp and a depot fence added at the first stage of the map

Source: fearless-assassins.com | wolffiles.de


FA BASE Version:v2
Author Deathbringer Date 13.03.2016 Filesize 4,882 MB Download 217

IceAge B1 (Trickjump)

Published in ET Maps
Pray-N-Spray hat seine neue Map IcqAge_B1 rausgebracht. Diese Trickjump Map ist sowohl für fortgeschrittene und Profis geignet. Und wie immer ein Augenschmaus.
Links: ->SFM ->equtj

Großes Danke an Pray für diese Info | Big thanks to Pray

ICEAGE B1 (TRJ) Version:Beta 1
Author Pray-N-Spray Date 19.10.2008 Filesize 5,09 mb Download 212

UJE The Ghetto X-Mas

Published in ET Maps

New map UJE the ghetto xmas made by [UJE] Niek

Axis objective map. This map takes place in the ghetto in wintertime. Axis have to capture the disco spawn and escort the tank to the ganghouse. When they escorted the tank they can take objective and bring it to santa's sledge on the roof. There are several ways to get to the objective also you can take a sledge that will take you on the roof. Once you are on the roof there will go off an alarm ,that says there is an intruder on the roof. Alies have to prevent this all.

Axis objective:
* Capture the dico spawn
* build the commandpost
* Escort the tank to the ganghouse.
* Take objective and bring it to the Sledge

Allied objective:
* Build the commandpost
* Hold the disco spawn as long as you can
* Defend the baricade
* Defend the objective

Source: [UJE] Niek via FB | ujeclan.com

Author [UJE] Niek Date 22.12.2014 Filesize 17,26 MB Download 277

Helicopter Assault Mission 3

Published in ET Maps

Helicopter Assault M3 is made by Predator / Bivif and is the third season and last campaign Mission.

It is 7:00 o' clock and the mission is:
Allies succesfully secured the gold and they try to find a way to escape. A solution for them is to cross the escape tunnel but Axis will reserve for them other plans. Atention, Axis prepared for them a trap!

Helicopter Assault M3 ist erstellt von Predator / Bivif und ist die dritte und letzte Campaign-Mission.
Es ist 7:00 Uhr und der Auftrag lautet:
Die Alliierten haben das Gold gesichert und müssen jetzt einen Weg finden, um zu entkommen. Eine Lösung für die Alliierten ist, den Fluchttunnel zu durchqueren. Aber Vorsicht, die Achsemächte haben eine Falle vorbereitet!

Image Image Image Image

Quelle: Wolffiles.de | Thx for Predator via Shoutbox

HELICOPTER ASSAULT M3 Version:mission 3
Author Predator and Bivif Date 29.08.2012 Filesize 30,30 MB Download 195

ES Garden Sniper

Published in ET Maps

Map ES Garden Sniper made by |ES|hardstyler and [UJE]Niek - 2 neighbors had a disagreement during a coffee and quickly became the big sniper battle in their garden. This Map is a no crossing version.

Map ES Garden Sniper, erstellt von |ES|hardstyler und [UJE]Niek - 2 Nachbarn hatten eine Meinungsverschiedenheit bei einem Kaffee, welche schnell zu einer Scharfschützen Schlacht in ihrem Garten ausartete. Es ist eine nicht überkreutzbare Map.

Quelle: Thx to |ES|Grandad via Shoutbox | esclan

Author |ES|hardstyler and [UJE]Niek Date 12.02.2013 Filesize 6,652 MB Download 195






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