DaNe & Mys0x on Justjump 3

Published in ET Movies

DaNe & Mys0x on Justjump 3 - Welcome to my second Movie feat Mys0x!

Shoutout eT|Clan,Th|Clan,|999|Clan and all others who know us
Map used - Justjump 3
Music - Ruben de Ronde & Aelyn - What About You
Prog´s used - Sony Vegas pro 12 | Virtual-dub | Handbreak

Watch in HD enjoy!

Source: crossfire.nu

Author DaNe + Mys0x Date 09.09.2014 Filesize 133 MB Download 169

Movie DefragArea (Update)

Published in ET Movies
DeFragArea from quaky shows the trickjumper xeoxis on costum and original maps. Im afraid to say you that this was the last project from quaky. May it is the reason why it becomes so good, as goodby present. The jumps are mixed with new and old one. Than a nice cut with adapted effects and a nice background music.
DeFragArea von quaky zeigt xeoxis beim Trickjumpen auf Custom und Original Maps. Leider ist das quaky's letztes Projekt gewesen, vielleicht es auch deswegen so gut geworden. Sozusagen als Abschiedsgeschenk an die ET-Community. Die Jumps sind nicht gerade bekannt, obwohl das Video schon von 2009 ist! Gezeigt werden auch alte aber immer noch wunderschön anzuschauende Jumps. Abgerundet wird das ganze durch stimmige Schnitte und Effekte mit passende im Hintergrund laufende Musik.
UPDATE: Now on YouTube

Author quaky Date 27.03.2011 Filesize 289 MB Download 450

Source: crossfire.nu

Ceres Minimovie

Published in ET Movies

Ceres Minimovie - Enemy Territory Fragmovie with good frags and music

After two years of waiting for Tomun (Canada) to make it, I finally decided to throw together a demo+mp3 minimovie for Ceres (United States of America). Frags by Ceres from 2006-2014

Production Time: 3 days (two of which were spent failing to encode -_-)

1920x1080 50FPS, Original Movie Size: 80.4 GB, Compressed Movie Size: 275 MB, Compression Time: 7 hours and 43 minutes

Music Used: Crystallize - Lindsey Stirling

Software Used: Image-ET,  uvMovieMod, VirtualDub, Sony Vegas 13, Handbrake

Source: crossfire.nu

Author Tomun + Ceres Date 16.08.2015 Filesize 156 MB Download 167

Ultraviolet Vol. 2 - Medius

Published in ET Movies

Ultraviolet Volume II: Medius - really nice Fragmovie by Stephen (Max) Maxwell

The second of a series of three retrospective frag films, Medius includes content from the most popular era of ET (2005-2009). Unlike the previous volume, Principium, this film contains a lot of in-eye footage and is a much more lively viewing experience, while still maintaining the tone of the series.

The film contains scenes from over 35 Enemy Territory players from all around the world. Some of the footage has been seen before, but much of it will be presented in a frag film for the first time and hopefully in a way that viewers have not really seen before in Enemy Territory.
Initially I had intended for all three movies to be short, however, due to all of the content I wanted to use and a lot of ideas that I had, this volume is over ten minutes in length.

Special thanks go to:
• requem for beta-testing and advice
• Artstar for beta-testing and sending content.
• Kimi for his great work on the GamesTV stats parser.

Source: crossfire.nu


Author -mAx- Date 03.06.2015 Filesize 1.01 GB Download 250

Author -mAx- Date 09.09.2014 Filesize 266 MB Download 252

Juissi TJ movie

Published in ET Movies

Juissi presents his new Enemy Territory Trickjump Movie with nice jumps on many TJ maps.

Maps: Airwaves_b1, Bounce_b1, Eatme, Insane 1_8, Mrmen_gamma_final, OldTjJumps_Final, Still_b1

Editor: Diviless
Jumper: Juissi
Resolution: 1600x900
Rendering Time: 2h 15min

Source: crossfire.nu | dropbox.com/juissiTJmovie

Author Juissi Date 12.06.2016 Filesize 201 MB Download 185

DaNe on NoDown

Published in ET Movies

DaNe the Trickjump Legend on [NoDown] - probably the hardest Airstrafe map on Enemy Territory Trickjump.

Jump 1 - 3 [Medium / Hard]
Jump 4 - 5 [Extreme]

The map is made by Vallz and ronsu and the video made by gungh0

Enjoy the Trickjump Movie!

Source: crossfire.nu

Author gungh0 / DaNe Date 14.06.2014 Filesize 58,161 MB Download 175

Mr. Kresti #2

Published in ET Movies

Kresti his new ET Fragsmovie, made by Testi with frags from lans & EC's.

Kresti his new movie is out after only 7 days of making & recording. I didnt put to much time in it, due to his request that it could be simple demo & mp3, but nevertheless I tried to make it somewhat better than demo & mp3, so it is (i.m.o.) insane quality combined with some decent editing.

If you want to see it in full quality, you should download the movie.

Source: crossfire.nu

Author Kresti / Testi Date 05.06.2014 Filesize 371 MB Download 191

Flying Hovnos 2

Published in ET Movies

Mnew presents the new ET fragmovie - Flying Hovnos 2

Quote: For people to lazy to connect on ETTV comes a movie adaptation of mnew's adventures.
You will be on the edge of your seats as mnew dont give a single revive, give one knife gib and stay a way to far from real action for whole movie.
So brace yourself for movie not so epic as the first one, cause every sequel is worse.
Anyway thx to all nerds i played with and specially malfoy for done this sh*t.

Resolution: 1280x720 - fps: 50 - length: 6:00
Music: imagine dragons - radioactive (multikills) - clint mansell - Dead reckoning (swanidius 15 mins flame of fame) - Mark Petrie - Nullified (trickshots)

Source: crossfire.nu

Movie Download Part 1 + 2

Author mnew Date 13.07.2014 Filesize 96,67 MB Download 186

Author Francis Date 21.06.2012 Filesize 98,4 MB Download 266

Why Frag In A Trickjump Game

Published in ET Movies

Why Frag In A Trickjump Game - very cool Trickjump movie by Acizco

STARRING: madman - BlaZe - hazz - TheLDer - Spectator - Niick - ,=- - Wrath - Skepty
An original trickjump movie starring some of the best jumpers (mostly madman) out there. This was a really long project that took me way too much time to finish, but I hope everyone enjoys it. Let's keep trickjumping alive :)
Technical stuff: Project Size: 201GB, Source FPS: 300, Final Render Size: 1.85GB, Codec: x264/AAC, Render Time: 4:48:51

Source: crossfire.nu

Author Acizco Date 01.06.2015 Filesize 731 MB Download 176

Push n Jump

Published in ET Movies

Push n Jump - A little less typical Enemy Territory trickjump movie

Most of the jumps seen in the movie are meant to be useful in normal (or competitive) play and therefore are recorded with competition settings (nofatigue = 0, b_fixedphysics = 1, etc.). All of the co-jumps are achieved with etpro's push feature. The demos used to make this movie are from 2008-2009.

Contains jumps in following maps: adlernest, braundorf_b4, bremen, frostbite, fueldump, goldrush, karsiah, radar, sp_delivery, supply depot, sw_oasis_te

Source: crossfire.nu

Author - Date 16.08.2015 Filesize 185 MB Download 185

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