FAITH by Spankie

Published in ET Movies

Image Another ET montage from Spankie - I (spankie) always wanted to make an edit to this music. Here it is! A lot of work was put into this, as always I wanted to push the borders a little bit. Hope you like it.
Frags delivered by: sNi, cymky, fanatic, spankie, Grotz, subbi

Image Und noch eine ET-Filmmontage von Spankie - Ich (spankie) wollte schon immer dieses Musikstück für einen ET-Film editieren. Hier ist es! Ich habe recht viel Arbeit investiert und wollte ein wenig die Grenzen des Machbaren sprengen. Ich hoffe, du magst es.
Die Frags lieferten: sNi, cymky, Fanatiker spankie, Grotz, subbi

=Waff= Domination cup/event

Published in ET Scene
Image Hello dear community - here want to we announce that we want to start at the weekend a small cup (event) the 26.05.2012.To 17 clock.
We have opted for the final version of ET domination (Powerball)
Here it comes one to find ball to move him in the tar of opponent in the middle of the map. Where to keep in mind is that you in the time where her the ball have not defecating can because her the ball otherwise away throws.
More infos on ->

User friendly greeting with the-=Waff= - team
The data you can all with us on the clan page find -> 

Image Hallo liebe Community - Hier mit möchten wir bekannt geben das wir einen kleinen Cup (Event) am wochenende dem 26.05.2012 starten wollen. Um 17 uhr.
Wir haben uns für die final version von ET-Domination entschieden (PowerBall)
Hier geht es darum einen Ball in der Mitte der Map zu finden um ihn dann in das Tar des gegner zu befördern. Wobei zu beachten ist das ihr in der Zeit wo ihr den Ball habt nicht schissen könnt, da ihr den Ball sonst weg schmeisst.
Mehr Infos dazu ->

Mit freundlichem Gruß, das -=Waff=- Team
Die Daten könnt ihr bei uns auf der Clanpage finden ->
Quelle: =Waff=Shadow via Shoutbox

Italy Remake by TNT

Published in ET Maps

TNT|*Cinco has released a new version of the map Streets of Italy.

TNT|*Cinco hat eine neue Version der Map Streets of Italy veröffentlicht.

- He has created a new spawn Allie, they will no longer spawn outside.
- He opened new access to the flag of the market square.
- Changed some ladder and access to different locations.
- The comandost has moved just below, and we made a new exit that leads to the rooftops and the MG
- He has set up a new area to the left of the Axis spawn that reaches the market place through the entrance of the tower where the gold is.
- We have changed the end of the tour the Jeep enabling a new zone. The map is no longer just the spawn Allie.
- Files have been modified Omnibot adapted to the changes.

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Quelle: |

Author Cinco (orignial by IndyJones, Pazur, Isbowhten) Date 03.01.2013 Filesize 24,06 MB Download 293

silEnT mod 0.8.0 is out!

Published in ET Mods

The Team from released ET-Mod silEnT 0.8.0.

Before you read below, we would like to inform you that there's been a 0.8.0 server patch created for 0.8.0 version.

It fixes 1 defect that somehow slept into the release version, that is classes other than soldier could receive Improvised Demolition with the ammo pack.
All of you who downloaded 0.8.0 before this information are advised to use this patch or download the full package again - it has been fixed already.
We apologize for this small inconvenience.

Click HERE for the changelog


Author TheSilencerPL Date 07.10.2013 Filesize 2.55 MB Download 202

SILENT MOD Version:0.8.0
Author TheSilencerPL Date 07.10.2013 Filesize 6.62 MB Download 268

Enemy Territory timerun mod

Published in ET Mods
Image What is it?
ETrun is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory timerun mod. The goal of a timerun is to get from the start of the map to the end as fast as possible.

How does it work?
ETrun has 3 different physics:
    * Vanilla (VET)    * Vanilla Quake 3 (VQ3)    * Advanced Physics (AP)

It's heavily based on competition between players, your goal is to get the best times as possible and to compete with your friends.
Image Was ist das?
ETrun ist eine Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Timerun Mod. Das Ziel eines Timeruns ist es, eine Map, vom Start bis zum Ende, so schnell wie möglich zu erreichen.

Wie funktioniert es?
ETrun hat 3 verschiedene Physik:
     * Vanilla (VET)     * Vanilla Quake 3 (VQ3)     * Advanced Physics (AP)

Es basiert überwigend auf den Wettbewerb zwischen den Spielern. Ihr Ziel ist es, die besten Zeiten wie möglich zu erreichen und mit Freunden zu konkurrieren.

Links and Map Downloads
Timeruns community site:


The ETrun wiki
Official game servers:


Dignitas nimmt den europäischen Thron ein

Published in RtCW Scene
Die Prognosen standen auf Sieg für das ehemalige Team idle, jetzt bekannt als Team Dignitas. Die Prognosen trafen ein, ein weiterer Sieg in Folge, zeroPoint! war ohne butchji nicht einmal im Stande den Sieg zu schnuppern, leider. Es hat für sie nur für den zweiten Platz, nach der 0:4 Niederlage, gereicht. Bei der shgOpen Lan in Dänemark wird die Revange auf einer LAN folgen, doch wieder ohne Butchji.

Team Dignitas

Wir gratulieren allen Clans, die es auf das Siegertreppchen geschafft haben. 
Quelle:   The New RtCW2-Prison

RTCW/ET Movies incl. Fall Cup 3/4

Published in RtCW Movies

We have two new RtCW and two new ET movies our file repository added.All movies are of good quality and show frag highlights.

Wir haben zwei neue RtCW und zwei neue ET-Movies unserer Download-Datenbank hinzugefügt. Alle Filme haben eine gute Qualität und zeigen Frag-Highlights.

Image Image
RtCW Moments - Week 3+4 The Last RtCW Movie 2
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ET: Ratte-The Mini Movie ET: baq - forever low 2


IGN have undertaken the mammoth task of compiling the Top 100 First Person Shooters of all time from all of the shooters released in the past 20 or so years. It’s great to see Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory make the list a full decade after its release, deploying in the #84 spot.

Back in the dark age of the FPS, multiplayer was nothing but a bunch of people running in every direction at once with their triggers held down like savages. Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory wasn't the first game to feature objective-focused, class-based competitive play, but its free, open-sourced nature exposed a massive amount of new players to the concept, opening the door for what eventually grow into a much larger trend in multiplayer design.


As a reboot of the franchise that started the genre, Return to Castle Wolfenstein had a lot to live up to. And though it didn't constitute the wheel re-inventing some had hoped it would be, it was still an excellent take on the space between fighting soldiers and fighting hellspawn. In many ways it was just a natural extension of Wolfenstein 3D's controversial final boss, taking historical myths about the Nazis dabbling in the occult and swinging for the fences with them. But it would be the multiplayer that would be remembered most fondly, keeping scads of frag-heads tethered to their gaming rigs until the wee hours for months and years to come.


The great-granddaddy of first-person shooters, Wolfenstein 3D launched the genre we take for granted today. It was inspired by Castle Wolfenstein and its sequel, a pair of relatively crude 2D stealth shooters that pit you against Nazi guards. The metamorphosis into 3D (well, pseudo 3D) was like sorcery in 1992. Gone were the stealth elements; the golden age of run-and-gun shooters erupted with the roar of a chaingun as you blasted through three glorious episodes filled with Nazis and even Adolf Hitler himself as a boss. Id's breakout achievement directly (and indirectly) gave birth to Doom, Rise of the Triad, and every other shooter that followed.

You can check out the rest of the list over at IGN.

Source: | |

Flame-Guards starts with new (old) Server!

Published in ET Scene

Flame-Guards starts with new Server! The Old Community is back in buisness! - Flame Guards celebrate the 8th Anniversary and we proud that we have a ET Server again. Since something is missed in the ET Universe -|FG|-Saint decide to get back the fun and start his Machine. Finally we got a ET Server again...


Enemy Territory server at :

The server runs on NQ mod ,double jump ,FF and other settings are included. Once again,everyone is invited to join our beloved server,and get unlimited fun!

for Suggestions and Infos:

ET in ze Browser - New stage of gaming

Published in ET Misc

A new project for our loved game Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory has just seen the light of the world >>> ET in ze Browser.

Ein neues Projekt, für unser geliebtes Spiel Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory hat gerade das Licht der Welt erblickt >>> ET im ZE-Browser.


Image Image

Project Short Term Aim

    * Create a fully featured web integration for ET
    * Build a distributable pak0.pk3
    * Remove MDM/MDX in favor of IQM
    * Rewrite ETs UI and provide an updated SDK
    * Automatic updates through web launcher and standalone updater
Project Long Term Aim

    * Update ETs renderer to something less 1998
    * Improve mod support and security
    * Provide regular updates and bug fixes
    * Build a compatibility layer for legacy ET assets
Project Progress

    * Website prototype with server browser running
    * Web launcher prototype with update logic running
    * Master and auth server prototypes running
    * Distributable pak0.pk3 started but mostly placeholders at the moment
    * UI code base exists but not ported yet
    * Port of IQM model code planned but not started yet
    * Standalone updater not started yet

Find more about this new implementation here:


ET:QW Mod Charts

Denglisch Mod 1.4

Denglisch Mod 1.4

 Wie einige anderen auch, finde ich die deutsche Überse...

Skilth WarZone - Minimod

Skilth WarZone - Minimod

Skilth WarZone mini mod by king_troll - A new mini mod to c...






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