ET Scene News

AKTUELL: AEF findet nicht statt

Image Letztes Jahr ging die Antwerp E-Sports Festival als die best organisierteste Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Lan in die Geschichte ein. Deswegen hatte jeder gedacht das es weiter geht (aller Meinung nach dieses Jahr). Nach langer Zeit ohne Ankündigung gibt es nun eine Antwort auf die Frage ob die AEF stattfinden wird. Leider lautet die Antwort, laut Steven Leunens, nein. Wegen Logistischer schwierigkeiten

Statement Steven Leunens, Gamevibes BVBA:
"To be honest we were very close to organizing an AEF in 2011 and even had extensive support from the City of Antwerp to help promote the event. However, due to problems with the tournament PC's and some other minor factors we are unable to confirm the event. With the timing in mind (just 1,5 month to the event) we had to make a decision and either take a huge risk or cancel the event. Because we love this community and we want to keep doing these events we didn't want to risk everything and thus the decision came to cancel the event. We want to uphold the quality of our events and we like to think we have continiously set the standard higher for events. Hosting this edition would not only be a big financial risk, it would also jeopardize the reputation the Antwerp eSports Festival has built up.

We have every intention of hosting more events, including large Call of Duty events, and the Antwerp eSports Festival will be back in 2012, since it is very unlikely we will face the same logistical problems as this year. We might also be hosting a smaller event later in the year but more on that will be released if and when we can announce it.

If you have any other questions about this, I'm willing to answer all questions via Twitter: Steven Leunens "

Image Last year saw one of the most cleanly-run Enemy Territory LAN tournaments in the game's history. Since then, everybody has speculated if AEF will feature the game at its next installment (supposedly this year). After months of no announcement, hopes grew thin and questions were starting to be asked. Today, Steven Leunens (dfb) confirmed that the event will, sadly, not go ahead due to some complications in the organisation of PCs and other logistical issues.

Quelle: crossfire | tek-9
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