ET Mod News

Infected Mod (A13)

Micha! released a new version on his ET mod "Infected" - Infected Mod is a survival gameplay mod. It changes Allies to Humans/Swat and Axis to Infected/Zombies.

Micha! veröffentlicht eine neue Version von seinem ET-Mod "Infected" - Infected Mod ist ein Überlebens Gameplaymod, diese Mod verwandelt die Alliierten in Menschen und macht Achsenmächte zu Zombies.

* Humans: You need to survive till the timelimit is over !
-> Get ammo on kills
* Infected: Kill all humans to win the round (starts with 1 player)
-> Kill a human to infect him

Some features:
- Random Map vote
- "Infect a random player" vote
- Removes Mg42 and objectives out of maps
- Heartbeat sound on lower healthpoints
- World sounds for better atmosphere
- Player punishment for "spec -> human team" to avoid dead (empty weapons on respawn).
- Get ammo for kills (infected players get another throwing knife, humans get bullets)
- Thirdperson mode ( /tp 1 or /tp 2)
- More shrubbot commands
- Infected Team has special spawnpoints on some maps
- Edited mapscripts
- Tripmines
- Water breath bar

Server: 2.55, 2.6b, et300

server: windows, linux
client: windows, linux


Author Micha! Date 01.05.2013 Filesize 21,11 MB Download 410

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