ET Mod News

silEnT Mod 0.8.2 released

The Team from releasedET-Mod silEnT 0.8.2.

    Version 0.8.2
    Added: g_goatSound server cvar to enable/disable goat sounds on knife kills.
    Added: enemy team objective carry indicator ( Use g_misc flag 1024 to enable it on the server and cg_objcarry client cvar to enable it in the HUD.
    Fixed: Players carrying objectives are now shown correctly.
    Fixed: !useredit was not able to set level higher than 99 when executed as rcon. !setlevel was working correctly.
    Fixed: The name of the disguised covert op was not drawn to spectators.
    Fixed: The class icon in the crosshair player name to be the current class instead of the latched class.
    Fixed: wm_sayPlayerClass now announces the latched class correctly, even when using class swithcer.
    Fixed: If map voting was enabled but g_mapVoteFlags 4 was not enabled. It was possible to issue multiple votes by hand using /mapvote command.
    Fixed: debriefing screen buttons didn't handle highlight theme parameter properly.
    Fixed: The output of finger command didn't show warnings if there were more then 2 in total.
    Fixed: UI crash in menu (
    Fixed: Minor bug with g_maxPanzerSuicides introduced in 0.8.0. If panzer suicides were disallowed completely, the player was not informed about it.
    Fixed: g_muteRename allowed to change the name when player used /reconnect (
    Fixed: When unmuting/muting during intermission/warmup, the mute wasn't saved.
    Fixed: cg_effectDistance was affecting the played sounds.
    Fixed: g_classWeapons not working for class command (
    Fixed: class command not handling secondary weapon parameter properly, it didn't influence the limbo menu, e.g. /class s 3 2 wouldn't select akimbo pistols or SMG as secondary in limbo.
    Fixed: switching problem with double SMG (
    Improved: If player is completely dead in the game, the scoreboard shows the player's latched class to other team members.
    Improved: UI tabbing to edit field makes it focused.
    Improved: limbo weapons menu for soldier class.
    Improved: sort order of the map vote menu map list.

> full changelog

Special thanks for Krauersaut for building the Mac OS X client.

Source: | MyGamingTalk

SILENT MOD Version:0.8.2
Author TheSilencerPL Date 16.05.2014 Filesize 966 B Download 316

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