Enemy Territory Blight Mod - Version 1.1.9
This is the latest and much improved version of "ET:Blight Mod", created by Smurfer. This modification is very much a work in progress, but is still a lot of fun to frag on, with new weapons, weapons sounds and new models.
"ET:Blight" is built on "ETPub Mod", version 0.9.1.
# Improved weapons models
# Tripmines added
# Lots of bug-fixes
# In-game stats now more organised and complete
# New coding and code clean-up by TP|kaos
SplashDamage - Smurfer
Source: etfun.info/etblight | wolffiles.de
ETBLIGHT Version:1.1.9 Smurfer 25.11.2017 15,72 MB 434 |