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Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

Movie DefragArea (Update)

Published in ET Movies
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DeFragArea from quaky shows the trickjumper xeoxis on costum and original maps. Im afraid to say you that this was the last project from quaky. May it is the reason why it becomes so good, as goodby present. The jumps are mixed with new and old one. Than a nice cut with adapted effects and a nice background music.
DeFragArea von quaky zeigt xeoxis beim Trickjumpen auf Custom und Original Maps. Leider ist das quaky's letztes Projekt gewesen, vielleicht es auch deswegen so gut geworden. Sozusagen als Abschiedsgeschenk an die ET-Community. Die Jumps sind nicht gerade bekannt, obwohl das Video schon von 2009 ist! Gezeigt werden auch alte aber immer noch wunderschön anzuschauende Jumps. Abgerundet wird das ganze durch stimmige Schnitte und Effekte mit passende im Hintergrund laufende Musik.
UPDATE: Now on YouTube

Author quaky Date 27.03.2011 Filesize 289 MB Download 456

Source: crossfire.nu


Reloaded 1.1.0

Published in ET Mods
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ETMOD Reloaded 1.1.0 - The mod is built on ETpub featuring its own Admin and Member skins, also the standard Wolf-ET skins have been updated to better ones. Later on we will try to implement an officer's cap and a beret for the admins, covert ops will receive a field cap as admin. And maybe, just maybe, upgrade the weapons with new and better looking ones. Lastly, we will attempt to make both male and female players.

This excellent Wolfenstein Enemy Territory modification has been created by The-Wolf-Team. More information on MODdb.com

Source - splashdamage.com/thunder | wolffiles.de

Author thunder Date 14.09.2014 Filesize 58,486 MB Download 268

Adlernest Roof B1

Published in ET Maps
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Adlernest Roof B1 - Modified with DerSaidin's permission.

- Roof access added from CP spawn and axis spawn after the controls are blown
- Added access to the abyss with rope exit leading to under axis spawn
- Bug jump on the roof removed
- Added rocket launcher (can be used once only), which creates a hole in the roof (near the ammo packs)
- Removed walls next to the ammo packs

It does not change the game play, it just adds some extra fun!

Source: etpro.de | fearless-assassins.com

ADLERNEST ROOF Version:beta 1
Author KiSsMySeXyAsS aka MorpHDoc Date 10.09.2014 Filesize 8,548 MB Download 299






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