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Patches for RtCW SP-Maps

Published in RtCW Maps

  Patches for maps RTCW SP (1.0) by Vicpas - For some addons and maps single player created for RTCW game. These patches add some missing textures and models.

Patches for maps RTCW SP (1.0) by Vicpas - Eine Patch-Sammlung für den RtCW Singleplayer. Die Patche fügen einigen SP-Maps fehlende Texturen und Models hinzu.




Quelle: RtCWfiles


Author Vicpas Date 23.01.2011 Filesize 4,669 MB Download 869

RtCW SP Beach Invasion

Published in RtCW Maps

Return to Castle Wolfenstein - SP Beach Version 1.1.1

This new release, which has been created by Vicpas, is a remake of the classic "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" multiplayer map, "Beach Invasion", this time as a singleplayer mission. It's an updated version that has eliminated the bugs from his original remake.

Source: wolffiles.de | ronboyproductions | Vicpas on Youtube: youtube.com/vicpas

BEACH Version:1.1.1
Author Vicpas Date 15.07.2018 Filesize 26,21 MB Download 858

RtCW SP Mission Pack Vendetta 1.25

Published in RtCW Maps

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Singleplayer Mission Pack Vendetta 1.25

This mission pack is an improved version of the Vendetta 1.1, with more levels.

Storyline: The Allied Intelligence Agency has learned that the German Armed Forces are developing a new air apparatus,
known as the  "Helicopter" combat prototype, which can destroy armored vehicles and infantry.

You are an agent of the resistance who has the task of locating and assassinating all important persons of the Third Reich involved in this top secret project. However, your mission becomes even more difficult as you strive to find as much evidence and documentation of the project as possible, before these deadly military prototypes take to the battlefield.

Installation Information and how to play: Unzip to your C:\Program Files\Return to Castle Wolfenstein folder.
Play using the shortcut called "Vendetta_v1_2" and when the main menu appears, click in play button and after choose your favorite skill.
If you have RTCW installed in another directory, you must to edit shortcut.

Source: wolffiles.de | rtcw.gamebanana.com | devilyoshik.com

VENDETTA Version:1.25
Author Yo$hik Date 24.01.2015 Filesize 389.52 MB Download 1868

Coop Mission - Rocket Base

Published in RtCW Maps

These are Return to Castle Wolfenstein Single-player missions that have been converted for Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod by {WeB}*DOG* and {WeB}*GANG$TA* of the Wolfenstein European Brigade.

Mission 1 - Rocket Base Village
Meet with Kessler and get the weapons and ammunition you will need to fight your way through this heavily guarded village.

You must locate and destroy both Wehrmacht radio stations to prevent reinforcements from being called in. Kill all officers, especially General von Klugermann, also all engineers, radio operators and any other Axis troops you encounter. Make your way to the castle.

Mission 2 - Rocket Base Castle
We've received the latest information from Kessler. The German ENIGMA Code Machine scientist, professor Schneider, is somewhere in the castle. He will have his personal research documents with him, the ENIGMA project documents and a fully operational ENIGMA Code Machine prototype.

You must steal all documents relating to this project, the ENIGMA prototype and assassinate professor Schneider. His personal research documents will be with him, but the project documents are locked in a heavily-guarded safe, somewhere in the castle basement.

Mission 3 - Rocket Base Assault
Rendezvous again with resistence fighter Kessler and lead an assault on the heavily-defended Wehrmacht rocket base. This mission will be far from easy, due to the base being guarded by elements of Helga von Bulow's Elite Guard and Heinrich Himmler's elite Blackguard Paratroopers.

All officers and engineers must be assassinated in order to foil their futher attempts at deveolping the new V2 Rocket, which is very close now to being put into full production.

What's New
# New Axis A.I. added
# New notebooks in English added for all 3 missions
# New respawning weapons and ammo

 This is what {WeB}*DOG* and {WeB}*GANG$TA* had to say about the map:
"We never made any part of these maps, we merely converted them to RtCW Cooperative Mod. The original Return to Castle Wolfenstein single-player missions were created by Fangio and Vladimir Vovstein.

We hope that our conversion of these excellent RtCW SP maps means that they enjoyed by many more Wolfenstein fans, old and new." - {WeB}*DOG* & {WeB}*GANG$TA*

{WeB}*DOG* & {WeB}*GANG$TA* would like to thank the following people:
# Fangio and Vladimir Vovstein for the original RtCW SP missions
# {WeB}*Coisty*, {WeB}*MarttheFart*, CS|Kool & MaSaHaRi - map testing
# SSF Sage for his superb RtCW Coop conversion tutorial
# Fretn and his RtCW Cooperative Devteam

Sage's RtCW tutorial HERE
RtCW Cooperative website HERE
Wolf Euro Brigade Clan website HERE

Source: wolffiles.de

Author {WeB}*DOG* and {WeB}*GANG$TA* Date 02.08.2015 Filesize 14,67 MB Download 1278

SP-Mission Devil Manor 1-3

Published in RtCW Maps

Yo$hik hat für RtCW, in nur einem Monat Arbeit, eine kleine Singleplayer-Mission erstellt. Die Mission hat 3 Map-Levels, sowie überarbeitete Texturen, Skins und Sound.
Spielen solltet ihr die Mission Devil Manor mit der RtCW Version 1.0, da unter der Version 1.4 die Speicherstände nicht geladen werden bzw. die Levels nicht korekt abschliessen.

Viel Spass.


Image Image Image


Quelle: Wolfmap

DEVIL MANOR 1-3 (SP) Version:1.0
Author Yo$hik Date 02.01.2010 Filesize 33,54 MB Download 1122

RtCW SP Addon Hell Mappack 1 + 2

Published in RtCW Maps

RtCW Single player Addon Hell Mappack 1 + 2

The Mission:
Alied spies have reported that the Germans have set up a lab near an underground tunnel. They are taking coffins out of the tunnel and experimenting on the zombies inside the coffins. The German Armed Forces are also taking various treasures from the tunnel.
Your orders are to infiltrate the lab and stop the Axis at all costs. They cannot be allowed to continue disturbing the dead from their sleep. Be careful, Allied spies also report that some lopers are at the lab.

Source: wolffiles.de | gamebanana.com | moddb.com/ronboy


HELL MAPPACK (SP) Version:1.0
Author Ron and Mike Smith Date 17.02.2010 Filesize 10,17 MB Download 977

HELL MAPPACK 2 (SP) Version:1.0
Author Ron and Mike Smith Date 08.03.2015 Filesize 12.1 MB Download 695

Industrial Espionage - Engineer Assassin

Published in RtCW Maps

RtCW SP Industrial Espionage - Engineer Assassin by W0lfman

World War II rages on in 1943 with no end in sight. The Kreisau Circle has gained intelligence that a top-ranking German engineer is scheduled to arrive for an inspection of a key manufacturing facility. Termination of this engineer would be a critical blow to the German war machine. Therefore, the Office of Secret Actions orders that Agent B.J. Blazkowicz be sent on an assassination mission to this facility.

You are ordered to infiltrate a German manufacturing facility and terminate the engineer who is scheduled to lead an inspection therein. A double-agent working at the facility has arranged for the elevator to malfunction. After termination of the engineer, your best chance of a quiet escape is through the steam tunnel located beyond the main warehouse.

I started working on this mission in February 2013, and had a beta test version by the end of December 2013. It would have been released in summer 2013, but the project was set aside for several months as I was working on a major redesign of my web site instead. This is my second mission for Wolfenstein.

The style and difficulty of game play should be similar to the official Wolfenstein maps. I made extra effort to build replay value into this map. It won't be exactly the same game each time you play.

The large warehouse full of crates is based upon the Government Warehouse from Indiana Jones. The room after the warehouse, the one with the barrel ceiling, is based on a picture of a prison block that I saw in a magazine. I think it was Alkatraz. It was all concrete, two levels, with the center open to below.

There are two secret areas in this map, and they are around the same place. One is fairly easy to reach. The other one is a bit trickier to reach.

I appreciate the play testing and feedback given to me by the following people:
- vicpas

Place the df_eng.pk3 file in your Wolfenstein/Main directory, then boot Wolfenstein, open the console, and type /spmap df_eng to start playing.

The source file is included so you can see how the map was made and you can make your own changes. You do not need any permission to use ideas or any part of this map in your own work, nor permission to release any map you created based upon it.

Source: wolffiles.desplashdamage W0lfman

Author W0lfman Date 22.01.2014 Filesize 2,776 MB Download 1822


Published in RtCW Maps

KatsBits has released a nice new RTcW Singleplayer Map.

A single player 'mini' MOD add-on for Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Also includes various re-usable assets that can be used in other modifications. Download and extract contents to a folder called "spkat5" in the primary game directory - it should contain several files including a *.bat file and two pk3 archive. To start the mod double-click the BAT file. (For more information visit the Generator micro-site).

Source: wolffiles.deKatsBits

Author KatsBits Date 04.04.2014 Filesize 18,38 MB Download 1584

Industrial Espionage Final - SP map for RtCW

Published in RtCW Maps

Image New SP map for RTCW - Industrial Espionage Final made by Wolfman - The year is 1943. Italy has just surrendered, but the rest of the world remains at war. The Office of Secret Actions orders that Agent B.J. Blazkowicz be sent on a spy mission to a German industrial facility.
Until recently, this facility was unknown to Allied forces, therefore you are being sent in to assess its purpose and threat level.

Image New SP map for RTCW - Industrial Espionage Final erstellt von Wolfman - Es ist das Jahr 1943. Italien hat kapituliert, aber der Rest der Welt bleibt im Krieg. Das Office of Secret Actions beauftragt, dass Agent BJ Blazkowicz in einer Spionagemission, auf eine deutsche Industrieanlage geschickt wird.
Bis vor kurzem war diese Anlage den alliierten Streitkräften unbekannt, deshalb wirst Du dort hin ausgesandt, um Zweck und Bedrohung der Lage zu bewerten.

Image Image


Quelle: Thx to Vicpas via Shoutbox | splashdamage/forum

Arkot Castlekeep 1.1

Published in RtCW Maps

RtCW Singleplayer Map Arkot Castlekeep 1.1 made by Arkot 24 and Vicpas.
Enjoy and thank you.

RtCW Singleplayer Map Arkot Castlekeep 1.1 erstellt von Arkot 24 und Vicpas.

ARKOT CASTLEKEEP 1.1 (SP) Version:1.1
Author Arkot 24 and Vicpas Date 05.03.2013 Filesize 9,983 MB Download 1126






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