RtCW Map News

Addon Project Uran + Widescreen Patch

Project Uran is a Rtcw sp addon consisting of 2 levels. You must check the readme file for important information, otherwise this addon will not work properly!

This is a re-upload of Project Uran, because I forgot to include the 2 DLL files with the previous release. These 2 DLL files are necessary for the additional weapons to work correctly.

This is a patch that includes a fix to the problems that arise with using the Rtcw Widescreen Mod by Aidendemon together with Project Uran by Ronboy. Obviously, you will not need the Widescreen patch if you don't have or use the Widescreen Mod by Aidendemon.
First, extract the contents of the .zip file to anywhere on your computer. Then, to install the patch, simply double click the file "BatchCreator4RTCW_ProjectUran.exe"

Next, follow the instuctions once the .exe file loads. Remember, you do not need this .exe file if you don't have or use Aidendemon's Widescreen Mod for Rtcw.

If you followed the instructions correctly, then you should have a batch file for Project Uran on your hard drive. Simply place the batch file inside the Project_Uran folder, and double click it. The first level of Project Uran, greenbrier3, should then launch without any problems.
More infos > rtcw.gamebanana.com

Source: moddb.com/ronboy | thx to ronboy via FB


Author ronboy Date 30.07.2014 Filesize 49,77 MB Download 1522

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