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RtCW Age of Horror

Published in RtCW Maps

Return to Castle Wolfenstein - RtCW Age of Horror

This fantastic "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" singleplayer adventure has been created by Vicpas and is one of the largest, if not the largest of all, missions ever created, containing 18 maps and a bonus mission too.This is a definite "must download" for all "RtCW SP" fans.

Thanks to:
Vicpas would like to thank the following people for all their help and support with the creation of this new release.

- Kim "The Pirate" for brush prefabs
- Zenith-Ply for animated tank models
- Depro777 for some models
- Shurr, Mek, Giskard, Kessler, Nexus and KoS for map prefabs, textures and scripts
- Horst for PAK 40 model and assistance
- Avoc and Kell for sky textures and scripts
- Ronboy for helping with English grammar & testing
- AlexDOK for motivation

Sadly, this is Vicpas', (Vicente Pasquino), last release for "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" singleplayer. We at "Wolffiles" and "Splatterladder" would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much, Vicente, for all your wonderful work that you've created for our Wolfenstein Community to enjoy over many years.

Your hard work and dedication will always be remember and very much appreciated.

Vicpas on Youtube: www.youtube.com/vicpas

Source: wolffiles.de

AGE OF HORROR Version:1.0
Author Vicpas Date 16.09.2018 Filesize 287 MB Download 2212

RealRtCW - Flying Saucers

Published in RtCW Maps

Return to Castle Wolfenstein RealRtCW - Flying Saucers

This is an excellent new version of  the classic "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" singleplayer mission create by Depro777,  entitled, "RtCW Flying Saucers". WolfETPlayer has now adapted this adventure for us all to enjoy as an addon for "RealRtCW", which is a new and very modern version of the game.

Source: moddb.com/members/depro777 | moddb.com/realrtcw-realism-mod | wolffiles.de


Author depro777 Date 03.06.2018 Filesize 90,53 MB Download 955

RtCW Venom Mod 6.5 - Specular Shader

Published in RtCW Mods

Return to Castle Wolfenstein - RtCW Venom 6.5 - Specular Shader
Hellbaron has released a video that highlights his excellent specular shader feature in 'RtCW Venom Mod 6.5' . This is a feature you won't truly get to appreciate by merely looking at in-game screenshots, so watch the video and enjoy the superb visual 'eye candy'.

Source: moddb.com/rtcw-venom-mod | wolffiles.de

Author HEllBaron89 Date 21.07.2019 Filesize 602.58 MB Download 2342

Author HEllBaron89 Date 21.07.2019 Filesize 602.57 MB Download 1420

RtCW Venom Mod 5.4 Nvidia build

Published in RtCW Mods

This is Hellbaron's new releaese of his superb "Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Venom Mod Version 5.4" exclusively for Nvidia graphics card users, those players who have never been able to enjoy the full benefits of using this excellent modification.

Venom mod 5.4, includes:
Full compatibility with Rtcw 1.41, Knightmare and ioRTCW engines.
More optimizations, better effects on weapons.
Revisited AI and cutscenes of levels.
Lens effect on 3d binocular model.
Added 3rd person model fg42 from Wolfenstein ET.
Ported pre-release thompson gun model (from E3 2001).
Better textures for helmets.
Added specular for blood decals.
New HD textures for MP/SP mode.
New effects for flamethrower, candles, fire and torches ( and human torches..).

Source: moddb.com/rtcw-venom-mod | ronboyproductions

Author HEllBaron89 Date 05.02.2018 Filesize 554.84 MB Download 374

Operation Deathshead RtcW SP-Addon

Published in RtCW Maps

Operation Deathshead RtcW SP addon final, created by ronboy (Mike)

After a total of more than 3 years, Operation Deathshead is finally finished. This Rtcw Sp addon is 2 levels long, and includes many new techniques that I have learned as a mapper. Please read the readme file for instructions and other information. In order to fully enjoy Operation Deathshead, you must follow the instructions on the readme file carefully. Enjoy!

Operation Deathshead RtcW SP-Addon Final, erstellt von ronboy (Mike)

Nach insgesamt mehr als 3 Jahren ist Operation Deathshead endlich fertig. Dieses RtCW SP-Addon ist zwei Ebenen lang und enthält viele neue Techniken, die ich als Mapper gelernt habe. Lese sorgfältig die Anweisungen in der Readme-Datei, um Operation Deathshead voll und ganz genießen zu können. Viel Spass dabei!

Source: Thx to ronboy via FB | ronboymaps.webs.com | moddb.com

Author ronboy (Mike) Date 16.01.2014 Filesize 56,12 MB Download 2502

WolfTactics Shotgun for RTCW SP v1.1

Published in RtCW Mods

This new RtCW Mod, created by V00id, adds the shotgun of the multiplayer mod, "WolfTactics", to the singleplayer game. The shotgun is bound to "weapon slot 1", (same as the knife). It uses the same 9mm ammo as the Luger.

Change History in Version 1.1:
- Reduced the firepower (From 8 to 6)
- Increased the weapon spread (From 750 to 2000)
- Added a player recoil

Installation Information:
- Latest official update 1.41 of RTCW is needed.
- Important: Backup the files "cgamex86.dll", "qagamex86.dll" and "uix86.dll" of the RTCW installation folder (where the "WolfSP.exe" is. Default: "C:\Program Files\Return to Castle Wolfenstein").
- Unzip "RTCW_SGWT_MOD.zip" to a neutral folder (NOT the RTCW installation folder).
- Copy the content of the sub folder "RTCW" into your RTCW installation folder.

Source: moddb.com/wolftactics-shotgun | wolffiles.de | ronboyproductions


Author V00id Date 17.01.2017 Filesize 2,921 MB Download 777

RtCW Venom Mod Gold v4.8.5

Published in RtCW Mods

New Version of Rtcw Venom Mod Released - Version 4.8.5!

HellBaron89 has released a new version of his mod called Rtcw Venom Mod! This new version fixes some bugs and adds new features.
All changes in description, instructions for installation and further informations in readme file.

Released Venom mod 4.8.5, includes:
- New HQ console.
- General revision and some improved textures.
- Green visor for Snooper rifle.
- Fixed glasses and water surfaces.
- Added unused textures from beta RTCW.

That's all for this update. Thanks for your interest.

Source: ronboyproductions | moddb.com/rtcw-venom-mod

Author HEllBaron89 Date 25.09.2016 Filesize 588.97 MB Download 659

RtCW Venom Mod v4.8

Published in RtCW Mods

New Version of Rtcw Venom Mod Released - Version 4.8!

Hello everyone. HellBaron89 has released a new version of the Rtcw Venom Mod, version 4.8! I would like to thank HellBaron89 for his remarkable support towards Rtcw.

Based on Knghtmare patch 1.42d, includes:
# Fixed the AI in the maps, Escape 1-2, Crypt 2 and Forest levels!
# Better glass surfaces and reworked shaders.
# Reflective decals.
# Better textures for grenades,Tesla and MP40.
# New effects for Warrior zombies.
# New texture for the Snooper rifle created by Schiff, now with reflections.
# Less hard drive space required than previous versions 4.6.
# Added "autoexec" files for classic/tweaked advanced settings.

That's all for this update. Thanks for your interest.

Source: ronboyproductions | moddb.com/rtcw-venom-mod-v48

Author HEllBaron89 Date 26.08.2016 Filesize 588.31 MB Download 337

RtCW Cooperative - Timegate

Published in RtCW Mods

RtCW Cooperative - Timegate

This is Yo$hik's release of the classic "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" singleplayer mission, "RtCW Timegate", that he's converted for "Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod". Fighting your way through this mission you'll come up against many familiar foes, but this time you're not alone. Here's what Yo$hik had to say about his new "RtCW Cooperative" adventure:
"You can play with the RtCW Coop autosave spawn option or with the flag zones, (recommended), spawn option.  All trap-doors are removed, all moving platforms will return and they move in a  loop. The cable-car and lifts have a delayed start time, this provides some extra time for players with different pings to connect to the server and not spawn in air :) . Cutscenes are rebuilt and now playable. I've added new, small areas, new secret places, models, music, etc. too. The locomotive now has a longer journey for more fun. I hope you all enjoy this new mission and have a lot of fun playing it. Cheers!" - Yo$hik

Yo$hik would like to thank the following people.
# The creators of the original "RtCW Timegate" mission, Priv and Pbald.
# Tatiana Provorova for all her map testing and help for this release.

Source: wolffiles.de | Yo$hik on Youtube: youtube.com/Yo$hik

Author Priv, Pbald Date 15.07.2018 Filesize 205 MB Download 593

RtCW SP Addon Hell Mappack 1 + 2

Published in RtCW Maps

RtCW Single player Addon Hell Mappack 1 + 2

The Mission:
Alied spies have reported that the Germans have set up a lab near an underground tunnel. They are taking coffins out of the tunnel and experimenting on the zombies inside the coffins. The German Armed Forces are also taking various treasures from the tunnel.
Your orders are to infiltrate the lab and stop the Axis at all costs. They cannot be allowed to continue disturbing the dead from their sleep. Be careful, Allied spies also report that some lopers are at the lab.

Source: wolffiles.de | gamebanana.com | moddb.com/ronboy


HELL MAPPACK (SP) Version:1.0
Author Ron and Mike Smith Date 17.02.2010 Filesize 10,17 MB Download 972

HELL MAPPACK 2 (SP) Version:1.0
Author Ron and Mike Smith Date 08.03.2015 Filesize 12.1 MB Download 689






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