RtCW Mod News

The Dark Army: Uprising

Titeuf-85 released his great Return to Castle Wolfenstein™ single-player standalone modification - The Dark Army: Uprising after 3 years of hard work!
This release has been created in conjunction with the "RealRTCW 2.0" engine.

Fruit of the work of more than three years of labor, and one year after its useless initial release, this single-player standalone Return to Castle Wolfenstein™ mod, now powered by RealRTCW 2.0, is completed, stable and playable. You can download the English (US) version by clicking the button below.

Fruit du travail de plus de trois ans de labeur, et un an après sa sortie initiale et inutile, ce mod solo indépendant de Return to Castle Wolfenstein™, maintenant roulant sur RealRTCW 2.0, est terminé, stable et jouable. Vous pouvez télécharger la version anglaise (US) en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous.

Source: Titeuf-85 / Wolfenstein France via FB | moddb.com/tda | ronboyproductions | wolffiles.de

Author Titeuf-85 Date 06.12.2016 Filesize 1,125 GB Download 1588

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