RtCW Map News

RTCW (SP) Beach Defend

RTCW Beach Defend - Return to Castle Wolfenstein Singleplayer Mission

A new Return to Castle Wolfenstein singleplayer mission, created by Ronboy and Vicpas. This level was initially created for the addon, "Operation Deathshead", but it was not included in that project and was instead completed as a singleplayer level.

Storyline: You and your Axis Storm Troopers, who are defending the beaches, ports and harbours of Europe, find yourselves under attack from a heavily-armed Allied attack force, who are trying to establish a beach-head in your area.  You must repel these Allied invaders, eliminate their entire force and also destroy their submarine, which is located just offshore from your base.

Installation information and how to play:
1] Unzip to your C:Program FilesReturn to Castle Wolfenstein folder.
2] Play using the shortcut called "beach2" and when the main menu appears, click on the play button and choose your favorite skill.

Please Note: If you have RtCW installed in another directory, you must edit the shortcut.

Source: wolffiles.de | mikebwolf/ronboyproductions | Vicpas

Author Ronboy and Vicpas Date 30.07.2016 Filesize 22,448 MB Download 1368

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