ET Ready - Developer Utility 0.1.1

Published in ET Misc

ET Ready - Developer utility tool 0.1.1, created by guNer

- Cleans menu, and temp file clutter
- Updates ET memory defaults (i.e. hunkMegs, soundMegs, zoneMegs...etc)
- Punkbuster installer and updater
- Verifies ETkey in all versions of ET installed
- Locks ETkey as read-only to prevent service deletion
- Applies compatibility fixes for Windows 7 and Vista
- Fixes game crashes (for any of the reasons above)
- Added "run as admin" patch for Windows 8

A simple utility I created over a year ago to handle several tasks for noob players on my servers, particularly players using old 2.55 or having disconnect errors. About half our support tickets were addressed using this one tool.
I am no longer developing it, or supporting it, but figured I would share it with the public in case anyone has a use for it.
Use at own risk, and no this is not going to fix every disconnect issue.


ET Ready - Entwickler Utility Tool 0.1.1, erstellt von guNer

- Reinigt das Menü und temporäre Datei-Unordnung
- Aktualisiert ET-Speicher Standardwerte (dh hunkMegs, soundMegs, zoneMegs ... etc)
- Punkbuster Installer und Updater
- Überprüft den etkey in allen installierten ET-Versionen
- Ändert das Atribut des etkeys auf "nur-lesen" um überschreiben zu verhindern
- Anwendung von Kompatibilitätsfixes für Windows 7 und Vista
- Spiel stürzt nicht mehr ab (für jeden der oben genannten Gründe)
- Hinzugefügter Patch für Windows 8 "als Administrator ausführen"

Info: Das Developer-Tool wird nicht mehr weiter entwickelt oder unterstützt. Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr.

Author guNer Date 01.05.2013 Filesize 5,603 MB Download 1364

UAC: A New Anticheat for ET

Published in ET Misc

For the past few weeks, I have been trying to find a new anticheat for ET. TZAC did a good job for a while, but I think most of us can agree that it is time to move on.

You may have heard about the new AC being developed by TrackBase. While it does seem somewhat promising and I wish them the best of luck with it, we simply cannot afford to wait for a brand new anticheat to be made from scratch. I was forced to search for an already existing AC instead, one that would be ready in time for the Fall 2013 season.

I am pleased to announce that ET is now officially supported by Universal Anticheat!

Universal Anticheat (UAC) has been in development since 2006 by a coder named DExUS and currently supports Battlefield 3, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4, and several other games. It has already proven itself on ClanBase in CoD2, so I am confident that it will do good things for ET in the upcoming EC/OC season.

Before I continue, however, I must admit that this is only a temporary solution. DExUS recently announced that he will be shutting down UAC on the 1st of January due to lack of time and motivation. This is obviously very unfortunate, but it's not something I didn't already know about, and it won't stop us from taking advantage of what UAC has to offer ET for the next 3-4 months.

So, how does UAC work?

Like our previous anticheat, UAC is primarily intended to be used in official clan matches. It runs on a system which requires a Match ID to be entered every time it is used.

In ClanBase cup/ladder matches, the Match ID will be the WID at the end of the CB matchlink. (For example, in, the match ID is 1337.) If you are playing an IRC war or other non-official match, the Match ID can be anything unique and mutually agreed upon.

Simply select Enemy Territory, enter a Match ID, and check the box next to Start scanning. Then, open ET and play the match as usual. You can minimize at any time to check which players are currently actively scanning in the same Match ID. UAC will scan your memory/files and take screenshots at random times throughout the match. After the match is over, you must uncheck the box next to Start scanning. The scan logs and screenshots will then be uploaded, and you are free to review them in the same UAC window.

If UAC happens to take a few screenshots with your personal information in them, you can immediately delete them while reviewing the screenshots in your UAC window.

More information can be found in the User Manual.

WARNING: UAC scans your PC for cheats. This means that if you have any cheats at all on your PC, you risk getting banned, regardless of whether or not the cheats are ET-related and regardless of whether or not the cheats have been loaded. DExUS has expressed to me how serious he is about this, stating that he believes there is no reason for a clean player to have cheats on his PC. So, this is your one and only warning. Remove any and all cheats on your PC before using UAC.

Since the ClanBase website is currently down, I will wait to discuss in detail how UAC is going to work in ET on CB. We do plan to use it in the Fall 2013 season as well as in future ladder matches and will explain more when the time comes.

For now, simply create a UAC account if you haven't already, and try it out! You will be able to register your ID on ClanBase once the website is back online, then you'll be allowed to use UAC for official matches.

Any questions or concerns? Feel free to PM me or leave a comment below, and I will try my best to make things as clear as possible. For general help regarding UAC, check out the FAQ. Also, feel free to join on IRC!

Source: |

Fun evening at [EsV] Clan

Published in ET Scene
Fun evening at [EsV] Clan
The [EsV] Clan is inviting you to our fun evening on
13th July at 6 p.m. On our [EsV] „Beat Host“.
Our server ip is
You are heartly welcome to our teamspeak
Hopefully you all appear numerously.
Happy fragging!!!
Der [EsV] Clan lädt herzlich zum Funabend
am 13.07 um 18.00 Uhr, auf unserem [EsV]Beta Host ein.
unsere Serverip :
Ihr seid auch herzlich in unseremTeamspeak willkommen.
Wir hoffen ihr erscheind alle zahlreich und wünschen allen
Happy Fragging auf unserem Server !!!

[UJE] Clan Open Sniper War

Published in ET Scene

 [UJE] Clan presents a Open Sniper War for everybody, at 05th of April on UJE-Server: - password on our Homepage. Have fun!

Der [UJE] Clan präsentiert einen Open Sniper-War für jedermann, am 5. April auf dem UJE-Server: - Passwort ist auf unserer Homepage. Viel Spaß!


NT und DSK ET-Public Funwar

Published in ET Scene


NT und DSK Public Funwar - The challange held at the following dates (Central European Summer Time (CEST) +0200 UTC):

Start: Saturday, October 1st 2011, 8:00 pm
Sunday, October 2nd 2011, 8:00 pm
Monday, October 3rd 2011, 08:00 pm

This event is for everybody. Enjoy! To register yourself, contact somebody at the NT Teamspeak 3Adresse: or at the DSK Public Forum

Playing ET Pro 3.2.6 / Server : *NT* War Server
To watch the show, we will provide an ET TV Server / *NT* ET TV Server

Enjoy Everybody!

NT und DSK Public Funwar - Der Wettkampf findet an folgenden Tagen statt:

Beginn: Samstag der 01.10.2011 ab 20.00 Uhr
Zweiter Spieltag: Sonntag der 02.10.2011 ab 20.00 Uhr
Letzter Spieltag: Montag der 03.10.2011 ab 20.00 Uhr

Es kann jeder Teilnehmen der Lust und Zeit hat. Hier spielen nicht die Clans gegeneinander sondern Teams die erst noch zusammengestellt bzw. Ausgelost werden
Ameldung erfolgt entweder mündlich im NT-Teamspeak 3 Adresse: oder im DSK Public Forum

Gespielt wird ET Pro 3.2.6 / Server: *NT* War Server
Und für alle die gerne zuschauen wollen wird ein ET TV Server bereitgestellt/ *NT* ET TV Server

Wir wünschen allen Teilnehmern Zuschauern und Gästen viel Spaß!

Quelle: dsk-eg | nt-gaming

Flame-Guards starts with new (old) Server!

Published in ET Scene

Flame-Guards starts with new Server! The Old Community is back in buisness! - Flame Guards celebrate the 8th Anniversary and we proud that we have a ET Server again. Since something is missed in the ET Universe -|FG|-Saint decide to get back the fun and start his Machine. Finally we got a ET Server again...


Enemy Territory server at :

The server runs on NQ mod ,double jump ,FF and other settings are included. Once again,everyone is invited to join our beloved server,and get unlimited fun!

for Suggestions and Infos:

HFC-Clan Fun Night 3

Published in ET Scene
Der ET-Clan, Himmel-Fahrts-Commando, läd herzlich ein zur Fun Night 3.
Am 12.12.2009, 20.00 Uhr / IP:
Quelle: hfc-et-clan

=Waff= Domination cup/event

Published in ET Scene
Image Hello dear community - here want to we announce that we want to start at the weekend a small cup (event) the 26.05.2012.To 17 clock.
We have opted for the final version of ET domination (Powerball)
Here it comes one to find ball to move him in the tar of opponent in the middle of the map. Where to keep in mind is that you in the time where her the ball have not defecating can because her the ball otherwise away throws.
More infos on ->

User friendly greeting with the-=Waff= - team
The data you can all with us on the clan page find -> 

Image Hallo liebe Community - Hier mit möchten wir bekannt geben das wir einen kleinen Cup (Event) am wochenende dem 26.05.2012 starten wollen. Um 17 uhr.
Wir haben uns für die final version von ET-Domination entschieden (PowerBall)
Hier geht es darum einen Ball in der Mitte der Map zu finden um ihn dann in das Tar des gegner zu befördern. Wobei zu beachten ist das ihr in der Zeit wo ihr den Ball habt nicht schissen könnt, da ihr den Ball sonst weg schmeisst.
Mehr Infos dazu ->

Mit freundlichem Gruß, das -=Waff=- Team
Die Daten könnt ihr bei uns auf der Clanpage finden ->
Quelle: =Waff=Shadow via Shoutbox

Night of Fight 11

Published in ET Scene

Image After long time, it is so far again! We, the #gTh Clan would like to invite you. - The 11. Night of Fight starts on 12-11-2011 at 20.00 hours. Location is our server EISENFAUST with the IP:! We continue the tradition started by other clans a long time ago.

Image Nach langer Zeit ist es mal wieder so weit! Wir, der #gTh Clan möchten euch einladen. - Am 12.11.2011 um 20.00 Uhr startet die 11. Night of Fight. Location ist unser Server EISENFAUST mit der IP:! Wir setzen damit eine Tradition fort, die schon von anderen ET Clans/Communitys vorrangetrieben wurde.
1944 Nordwind remake von [Deutschland] #gTh.MaNgO, Adlernest, Braundorf Final, Bremen b3, Caen2, Citadel obj, Dubrovnik Final, Frostbite, Italyfp2 modified by [Deutschland] #gTh.MaNgO, Karsiah_te2, Kharanthan, Missile b3, Pirates, Reactor Final, Rushers11, sp Delivery te, Supply, sw Goldrush te,Tounine b2, UJE Amsterdam b3
gl&hf your Team of Gate to Hell and Night of Fight

RTCW/ET Movies incl. Fall Cup 3/4

Published in RtCW Movies

We have two new RtCW and two new ET movies our file repository added.All movies are of good quality and show frag highlights.

Wir haben zwei neue RtCW und zwei neue ET-Movies unserer Download-Datenbank hinzugefügt. Alle Filme haben eine gute Qualität und zeigen Frag-Highlights.

Image Image
RtCW Moments - Week 3+4 The Last RtCW Movie 2
Image Image
ET: Ratte-The Mini Movie ET: baq - forever low 2


ET:QW Mod Charts

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Skilth WarZone - Minimod

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