[UJE] The Beast b3

Published in ET Maps

Map UJE_the_beast b3 made by  [UJE]Niek modelling of the beast by  [UJE]ischbinz.

Axis objective map - The war is almost lost for axis ,this will be one of the last tries to win the war. The axis will try to get access to the main base of the allied forces and try to free the zombies that helped the axis in the war against the allies.

Axis got the help of the Beast this time to get access to the base. If they make it to escort the beast to the gate ,then the beast will destroy it. Axis have to blow up two generators to free the zombies. Allies have to stop the beast en defend the generators.

Map UJE_the_beast b3 erstellt von  [UJE]Niek, das Biest modellierte [UJE]ischbinz.

Achsenmächte Objektiv-Map - Der Krieg ist der Achsenmächte ist fast verloren, dies wird einer der letzten Versuche sein, um den Krieg zu gewinnen. Die Achsen versuchen Zugang zur Hauptbasis der Alliierten zu bekommen und müssen die Zombies befreien, die den Achsenmächten im Krieg gegen die Alliierten helfen werden.

Die Achsenmächte erreichten durch Hilfe der Bestie Zugang zur Basis. Wenn sie das Tier zum Tor zu begleiten zerstört es die Bestie. Dann müssen die Achsenmächte zwei Generatoren zerstören, um die Zombies zu befreien. Die Alliierten müssen das Biest stoppen und die Generatoren verteidigen.
Quelle: ujeclan

THE BEAST (UJE) B3 Version:beta 3
Author [UJE]Niek & [UJE]ischbinz Date 30.09.2012 Filesize 32,23 MB Download 251

Enasni 1.3 - Hardest trickjump map

Published in ET Movies

Two Movies of the hardest trickjump map Enasni - done by 999 Jorge and Evo

Movie 1: Hardest trickjump map done by 999 Jorge. Video by Th0sy
Movie 2: Enasni 1.3 by Evo / sunBurn. Video by IceQ.

Thanks to all the trickjumpers that keep it alive!
HD Movie Downloads + Map Download

Source: crossfire.nu

Author Evo / sunBurn Date 12.05.2014 Filesize 192 MB Download 168

Author 999 Jorge Date 12.05.2014 Filesize 57 MB Download 168

ENASNI Version:1.3
Date 12.05.2014 Filesize 1,613 MB Download 149

IceAge B1 (Trickjump)

Published in ET Maps
Pray-N-Spray hat seine neue Map IcqAge_B1 rausgebracht. Diese Trickjump Map ist sowohl für fortgeschrittene und Profis geignet. Und wie immer ein Augenschmaus.
Links: ->SFM ->equtj

Großes Danke an Pray für diese Info | Big thanks to Pray

ICEAGE B1 (TRJ) Version:Beta 1
Author Pray-N-Spray Date 19.10.2008 Filesize 5,09 mb Download 214

Western Beta 2

Published in ET Maps

Sage released his Enemy Territory map Western Beta 2

Story: Sheriff has put some Sabio Gang members in Jail after a long night of committing hostile deeds. The Gang in dark coats is up to free their Fellows.
If you decide your Fellows deserve their nights in Jail you can find multiple other ways to entertain yourself in the lovely Western town of Pegaso Pass.

1] Destroy the Gunsmith's door
2] Steal two packs of Dynamite
3] Steal a Detonator
4] Prepare the Detonator!
5] Activate and defend the Detonator for 30 seconds!

1] Don't let them destroy the Gunsmith's door
2] Don't let them steal two packs of Dynamite!
3] Don't let them steal a Detonator!
4] Don't let them prepare the Detonator!
5] Disable the detonator before the 30 second timer runs out!

Changelog Beta 2:
  -More cover to cut straight paths and better spawn exits
  -Two new rows of houses added to stop camping
  -More routes to objectives
  -Removed and widened Church doors
  -Limit trickjump area access during objective play
  -Fix crash bug on detonator
  -Removed detonating by jump
  -Only axis can arm and allies disarm the detonator
  -Added routes etc. features for Omnibot
  -Detonation time 30secs->35secs

Source: wolffiles.de | Sage via Splatterladder

WESTERN Version:Beta 2
Author Sage Date 31.12.2016 Filesize 12.57 MB Download 320

Biohazard B1

Published in ET Maps

Biohazard Beta 1 - This is a new fun map created by Devils Right Hand.

It's July 24th 1998 in Raccoon City. A series of bizarre murders have occurred on the outskirts of Raccoon City, each victim has been attacked by a group who leave signs of cannibalism on the victims' remains. The Raccoon Police Department, Special Tactics And Rescue Service, are assigned to investigate the murders.
The Special Tactics And Rescue Service is divided into two teams, Alpha and Bravo. Bravo Team is sent first, but after contact with them is lost,  Alpha Team is sent to investigate both the grisly murders and to find the reason behind the disappearance of Bravo Squad.

Source: TwT Thunder from thewolfteam.org | wolffiles.de

BIOHAZARD Version:beta 1
Author TwT Thunder Date 05.06.2016 Filesize 59,23 MB Download 187

1944 Norwind 2.1

Published in ET Maps

1944 Norwind 2.1 is the latest release of this Axis-attack map by Mateos.


The Allies have hidden a stash of gold in a truckyard depot in town. The Axis forces are fully aware of this and are launching a surprise attack on the Allied stronghold in order to steal the gold and escape with it by truck. They will escort their Jagdpanther, destroying all obstacles in their path, until they reach the truckyard depot. Once there, they will use the Jagdpanther to destroy the main gate.

They must then over-power all Allied forces, get the gold on to the truck and fight their way past two truck barriers to make their escape to safety.

Mateos would like to thank dFx, KeMoN, ailmanki, Rebel, acQu and Thunder for all their help and advice in the making of this map.

Source: wolffiles.de | Splashdamage - Mateos

1944 NORDWIND Version:2.1
Author Mateos Date 21.04.2014 Filesize 13,527 MB Download 305

LRS Drydock Sniper B1

Published in ET Maps

LoRenz presents his Enemy Territory Sniper map - LRS Drydock Sniper Beta 1

Quote: Hello to all. This time, we are in a dry dock. Allies and Axis ships, need repair. There are many spots inside and cranes on the move.
There is also a puzzle to solve, to earn aprofitable snipe spot for a few minutes.

Thanks to Elite for his music. Thanks to Mo0n for the environment idea.

Have fun.

Source: Big thx to LoRenz via FB and Mail


Author LoRenz Date 11.09.2016 Filesize 12.91 MB Download 256

Axis Attack Map Door

Published in ET Maps

Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Map title: Door
Filename: door.pk3 (about 6 Mb)

This is a custom map for approximately 12 vs. 12 players.

The Axis are attacking, to dynamite a door and to steal some gold. The Allied Forces are defending the door and the gold. Who will win? Only time will tell.

Note: I also made this map as a so called prefab, for other, beginner mappers to use as a base. Therefore, the .map-file is included. (It is inside door.pk3.) Have fun, Loffy

Quelle: Wolffiles.de

Author Loffy Date 12.07.2013 Filesize 6,247 MB Download 215

TNT Intrusion

Published in ET Maps
TNT*|Cinco has released his nice map TNT Intrusion
Some days have passed, where the last map was published 
but there are still people who get Enemy Territory alive :)
Allies: The allies have to storm the bunker from where the axis are transmitting information to headquarters.
Axis: The Axis must defend the antenne controls to continue broadcasting.
Neutral: The allies have taken the town and besieged the bunker from where the axis transmit information to the staff.
Quelle: wolffiles.de

Website TNT*|Cinco Date 23.06.2013 Filesize 10,92 MB Download 236

Prime Squadron

Published in ET Maps

Axis are preparing to make new modern weapon to takie control of Europe. Some Allied Spy discovered that the draft of that weapon is hiden into Prime Squadron's base. First Allied Branch just land in city. Who knows what will happen!

::Axis Objective::
-Defend the Flag.
-Protect the Gate.
-Defend the side way.
-Defend the main way.
-Do not let enemy steal objective!

::Allies Objective::
-Capture the Flag.
-Destroy the Gate.
-Push enemies into Prime Squadron's building.
-Steal the objective!
-Capture the objective in safe area.

Screenshots here >> imgur.com

If you found any bug or just have suggestions please contact me:
Email adress : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Xfire : kunaopw91

Enjoy it!

Source: wolffiles.de | prime-squadron.com

Author KunA?! Date 01.06.2014 Filesize 5;431 MB Download 210

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