Return to Castle Wolfenstein

=Waff= Domination cup/event

Published in ET Scene
Image Hello dear community - here want to we announce that we want to start at the weekend a small cup (event) the 26.05.2012.To 17 clock.
We have opted for the final version of ET domination (Powerball)
Here it comes one to find ball to move him in the tar of opponent in the middle of the map. Where to keep in mind is that you in the time where her the ball have not defecating can because her the ball otherwise away throws.
More infos on ->

User friendly greeting with the-=Waff= - team
The data you can all with us on the clan page find -> 

Image Hallo liebe Community - Hier mit möchten wir bekannt geben das wir einen kleinen Cup (Event) am wochenende dem 26.05.2012 starten wollen. Um 17 uhr.
Wir haben uns für die final version von ET-Domination entschieden (PowerBall)
Hier geht es darum einen Ball in der Mitte der Map zu finden um ihn dann in das Tar des gegner zu befördern. Wobei zu beachten ist das ihr in der Zeit wo ihr den Ball habt nicht schissen könnt, da ihr den Ball sonst weg schmeisst.
Mehr Infos dazu ->

Mit freundlichem Gruß, das -=Waff=- Team
Die Daten könnt ihr bei uns auf der Clanpage finden ->
Quelle: =Waff=Shadow via Shoutbox Easter Event

Published in ET Scene Wielkanoc Wydarzenie

Mamy przyjemność zaprosić wszystkich graczy na wielkanocny event!
Nasz zapracowany zając TimOOn pogubił wszystkie swoje jajka. Prosi nas o pomoc w odnalezieniu swojej zguby!
Jak to się mogło stać, zapytacie. Otóż Wielki Cygan przedziurawił wiklinowy koszyczek naszego zajączka! Podczas wędrówki przez miejsca naszego serwera TimOOn nieświadomie rozrzucił je przez wyżej wspomnianą dziurę.

Były to mapy: Goldrush, Oasis, Caen2, Supply, Venice, Snatch3, Special Delivery i Streets Of Italy.

Do odnalezienia jest 35 jaj. Będziemy wdzięczni za każdą pomoc! |NO NAME SERVER|silEnT|
Wydarzenie trwa od 18 do 24 kwietnia (do godziny 00:00).

Po tym czasie wyłonimy najlepszych poszukiwaczy. Na trzech, którzy zbiorą największą ilość jaj, czekają specjalne levele, które otrzymają dożywotnio.
Aby ułatwić Wam proces szukania, stworzymy 4 magiczne komendy (widoczne pod !help), które pokażą ile odnaleźliście jaj, postępy innych poszukiwaczy, zasady wydarzenia, a także pomocne rady, gdzie można odnaleźć jaja.

POWODZENIA! Easter Event

All players are welcome to the Enemy Territory Easter Event!
Our hardworking rabbit has hidden all the eggs. He asks us for help in finding! To find the 35 eggs.
On the Maps: Goldrush, Oasis, Caen2, supply, Venice, Snatch3, Special Delivery i Streets Of Italy.
We are grateful for any help! |NO NAME SERVER|silEnT|
The event lasts from April 18 to 24 (until 00:00 clock).

After this time, we will chose the best hunters. Three, the highest number of eggs, waiting for special levels.

GOOD LUCK! Osterevent

Alle Spieler sind herzlich zu der Enemy Territory Ostern Event eingeladen!
Unser fleißiges Kaninchen hat alle Eier versteckt. Er bittet uns um Hilfe bei der Suche! Um die 35 Eier zu finden.
Auf den Maps: Goldrush, Oasis, Caen2, supply, Venice, Snatch3, Special Delivery i Streets Of Italy.
Wir sind dankbar für jede Hilfe! |NO NAME SERVER|silEnT|
Die Veranstaltung dauert von April 18-24 (bis 00:00 Uhr).

Nach dieser Zeit werden die besten Jäger gewählt. Drei, welche die höchste Anzahl von Eiern haben, erwarten spezielle Levels.


Source: Adrian via FB |

PS Trickjump Introduction V

Published in ET Scene

Prime Squadron Trickjump Introduction V - Everyone who is interested into trickjumping is invited to the TJ Introduction V. No matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced trickjumper, everyone is welcome! We're having a few instructors around to help you out and answer your questions :)


Date: Sunday, 10th of August 2014
Time: 18:00 GMT+1
Server: PS #7 - IP:

If you are already a experienced trickjumper, you can also apply as instructor to help beginners out. In case you want to be an instructor, just reply here as well, so I can add you to the list:

Instructors: icy, ckey, lawek, kowi, kalle, tbc.

I hope to see many of you guys around!



*WF*Clan Special Event

Published in ET Scene

The *WF*Clan invites all players to their NQ 123 Mod, (NQ Revmod), test event. The action started this weekend and will carry on to include next weekend too.

So grab your MP40/Thompson and join in the frag fun as the *WF*Clan test out the excellent new features of the NQ 123 Mod.

IP: - this week end | IP:!27977 - test new nq 123 features this week

NQ Revmod info >>

Source - |

Adroits Lan Promo Movie

Published in ET Movies
Especially for the upcoming Adroits Lan (19th - 21th October) in the Netherlands, there is now a short handsome promo movie. We wish all clans and viewers many fun!
I (d3Xter) will also visit the Adorits Lan with the gTh-Clan but only as a spectator. See you! 

Speziell zur kommenden Adroits Lan (19. – 21. Oktober) in der Niederlande, gibt es jetzt einen kurzen, ansehnlichen Werbefilm.Wir wünschen allen Clans und Zuschauern viel Spass!
Ich werde zusammen mit dem gTh-Clan auch die Adorits Lan besuchen, allerdings nur als Zuschauer. Man sieht sich! 

Author adorit-team Date 25.09.2012 Filesize 55,9 MB Download 216

10 years Dark Alchemy

Published in ET Scene

10 years Dark Alchemy

At the 3rd of august Dark Alchemy is the place to be! It was 10 years ago Old-Owl decided to start a server of his own. A server where everyone feels welcome and all have fun.

Now, 10 years later, Dark Alchemy is still alive. Still we are here to have fun and make players feel welcome.
Come and visit us on Dark Alchemy#1:

 We will have some celebrations gifts for you waiting...


Intake Gaming Cup

Published in ET Scene

Hello and welcome to our FIRST Cup Series! as by request from quite a few people, we have a new cup.
This series is by s1LENT mod, and will be nothing else.

Date: Saturday/Sunday 3rd/4th, August
Time: First match start 13:00 EST, teams check in at 12:30 @ #intake-gaming
Participants: 16 teams
Format: 6on6, double elimination brackets
Mod: s1lent

- Supply
- Sp_delivery_te
- Frostbite
- Et_beach
- Sw_goldrush_te
- Braundorf_b4
- Et_ice
- Erdenberg_t3
- Adlernest

Before you are able to sign up, you need to go through the following steps:

1. Make an account on
2. Create a forum post (with team name) HERE
3. Post players country, name & silent guide

Sign up here!

Remember - all players need to be registered and added to your team on this website.


ET Lan Event - Return to Krefeld Battleground

Published in ET Scene

Dear Wolfenstein: ET Community,
Many people have been messaging us lately, asking if the LAN event will happen. The community want us to make it happen and we are willing to host it for you. After the last newspost we did not get the response we'd hoped for, resulting in our long silence.
After having another internal conversation, we decided to try and make the event happen, for you, for us and for all those unforgettable moments, the offline events of this beautiful game. We have to pay the location in exactly one month, that being said, this is the final deadline!

We need exactly ten 6on6 teams and twelve 3on3 teams to make the event happen. If we can surprise ourselves and make it, the event will happen from November 2nd 2018 to November 4th 2018. We need the teams signed up and paid by August 30th 2018! Every 6on6 team pays 390€ (65€ per player) and every 3on3 team pays 105€ (35€ per player). We still have the location booked and would love to host the event and the needed seeding tournament.

The prize pool the teams are competing for will be 3160€!

We have reset the recruitment post, to give you all the chances to form or/and find teams. See >HERE<

You don't have a full team? No problem. Sign up for the event and you will be assigned to a team by the event organisers.

Greetings from Chosen, Ekto and stRay

Many thanks to:
Moe, for his donation of 550€ to the prize pool.
The three winning teams of the "ETernal Damage Cup", for their donation of 450€ to the prize pool.

Source: |

Prime-Squadron ETpro League

Published in ET Scene

Welcome everyone to the first Prime-Squadron organised ETpro League .
On the 22nd of February 2014 16:00 GMT+1 the ETpro league will start and it will be played over 3 days, ending on February the 24th around 22:00 GMT+1

* All matches are played on ETPro Stopwatch 3on3 mode with the global 3on3 config.

* When sign-ups are completed, the teams will be seperated randomly into 2 groups. Aiming for 2 groups of 4 teams.

* From both groups, 2 teams will continue into a Single Elimination bracket to eventually come up with the Prime-Squadron ETpro League winners.

* Each match will be played over atleast 2 maps. Both teams will chose a Map on which they will first try to set a time following by the opponent trying to beat that time.

* In case of a draw, a third match will be played. A cointoss will determine which team can chose the last map. This last map has to be chosen from the remaining mappool.
The team who lost the cointoss will chose who has to attack first.

* Not all matches have to be played in 1 day. In case of enough teams or too little time, the tourament can be spread out over 2 or 3 weeks.

* After a win, the winning team will get 2 points and the losing team gets 0 points.

* Client net settings: snaps 20, maxpackets 100, timenudge 0.

* Every game must be recorded by atleast 1 player of either team. These demo's have to be available in case of a disagreement on the scores. If no demo can be shown, it will result in a Forfeit.

adlernest, braundorf_b4, erdenberg_b2, et_ice, et_beach, frostbite, sp_delivery_te, supply, sw_goldrush_te

* Make sure you have all the correct maps downloaded before the ETpro League starts.

Link: prime-squadron.tourney

Dark Alchemy - Panzer Knife Sniper Event

Published in ET Scene

Classic Wars Reunited: Panzer - Knife - Sniper. It's time to take your classic weapon, Soldiers!

Our supplies are low. We cannot equip you with Light Weapon. Ammo stocks are running out. All you can do is to take a knife, panzer or sniper rifle from the magazine and shoot your enemy.

We will play 9 maps - all of each with different weapon. This time it will all be shuffled so you never know what is given to your hands on the next map.

Let's meet at A2: on Sunday 6th October at 20:00 CEST!







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