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-)A(- Trickjump Evening

Published in ET Scene


Trickjump Evening on A4

 We would like to invite all the players to our Trickjump Evening.

 Following JustKidding's idea we will meet on our A4 Trickjump Server and have some fun :)

 Visit A4:
 on Saturday 6th September at 19:00 CET

 If you don't know how to trickjump - don't worry! We will help you ;)

 You can discuss about the event and tell us about your presence on forum here



-)A(- vs Rest Of the World

Published in ET Scene

It has been exactly 2,5 years since the battle of all battles has been fought.
Now the Rest Of The World feel strong enough for another try to take down the members of the almighty community Dark Alchemy.
Some great names has passed the years: Enogma, Brachi, Odeon, JudgeMe, Tuxedo, RaveTeef and the list goes on and on.

But will they stand against the old timers?
Old-Owl will take the lead and fight with his infamous crew against the challengers.
For weeks they are already in bootcamp drilled to perfection.

Did Old-Owl train the new members well enough?
Are the old farts of -)A(- still in good shape?
Will the ROTW show up or is it past their bedtime?

Only time will tell....

More info HERE.

Source: |

Dark Alchemy celebrates 7th anniversary

Published in ET Scene

Image Dark Alchemy celebrates 7th anniversary - Dear players, Dark Alchemy invites you all to Last Man Standing EVENT! We want to make everyone aware of the memorable fact that this year at August 3rd Dark Alchemy celebrate it's 7th anniversary.
We are waiting for you there!

Image Dark Alchemy feiern Ihren 7. Jahrestag - Liebe Spieler, Die Dark Alchemy Community läd ein zu Ihrem Last Man Standing EVENT! Wir wollen jeden von der unvergeßlichen Tatsache unterrichten, daß dieses Jahr am 3. August, die Dark Alchemy Community Ihren 7. Jahrestag feiert.
Wir warten dort auf dich!

Friday 3th august, 20:00 cest / IP:
Maplist: Braundorf_final, Oasis, Goldrush, Supply_pro, TC Base, ET Village, Bremen, SillyctF_ETT, Baserace Desert, Raw Castle. Every map goes 4 rounds.

Quelle: dark-alchemy | dark-alchemy-forum

Prime-Squadron ETpro League

Published in ET Scene

Welcome everyone to the first Prime-Squadron organised ETpro League .
On the 22nd of February 2014 16:00 GMT+1 the ETpro league will start and it will be played over 3 days, ending on February the 24th around 22:00 GMT+1

* All matches are played on ETPro Stopwatch 3on3 mode with the global 3on3 config.

* When sign-ups are completed, the teams will be seperated randomly into 2 groups. Aiming for 2 groups of 4 teams.

* From both groups, 2 teams will continue into a Single Elimination bracket to eventually come up with the Prime-Squadron ETpro League winners.

* Each match will be played over atleast 2 maps. Both teams will chose a Map on which they will first try to set a time following by the opponent trying to beat that time.

* In case of a draw, a third match will be played. A cointoss will determine which team can chose the last map. This last map has to be chosen from the remaining mappool.
The team who lost the cointoss will chose who has to attack first.

* Not all matches have to be played in 1 day. In case of enough teams or too little time, the tourament can be spread out over 2 or 3 weeks.

* After a win, the winning team will get 2 points and the losing team gets 0 points.

* Client net settings: snaps 20, maxpackets 100, timenudge 0.

* Every game must be recorded by atleast 1 player of either team. These demo's have to be available in case of a disagreement on the scores. If no demo can be shown, it will result in a Forfeit.

adlernest, braundorf_b4, erdenberg_b2, et_ice, et_beach, frostbite, sp_delivery_te, supply, sw_goldrush_te

* Make sure you have all the correct maps downloaded before the ETpro League starts.

Link: prime-squadron.tourney

=F|A= Fearless Assassins Halloween Horror Heist

Published in ET Scene

=F|A= Fearless Assassins Halloween Heist Event

Beware peeps. Because well. The event staff will release the creeps. And give you hell.
Fearless Assassins clan is organising a Halloween Gameday and we're gathering all our troops to attend!

Event: =F|A= Halloween Horror Heist
Date and time: 30th of october - at least 5pm to 1am BST
Server IP:
Teamspeak IP:

 If you don't do it for halloween, you still don't want to miss seeing an ugly-dressed sis!

Source: |

Prime Squadron Crazy Days

Published in ET Scene

We, Prime Squadron, invite everyone to visit us during our upcoming 3 day event. The 26, 27 and 28th of July we organize sniper and panzer wars in the evening hours.

Server: Prime Squadron #1

- Friday 26 July: SNIPERWAR! Start from 20:00 GMT+1 till 22:30.
- Saturday 27 July: SNIPERWAR! Start from 20:00 GMT+1 till 22:30
- Sunday 28 July: PANZAWAR! Start from 20:00 GMT +1 till 23:00

All matches will be played on the NQ 1.2.9 mod.

For the map rotation and further information check:

Don't hesitate to visit, everyone is welcome!


Last Man Standing Event

Published in ET Scene

This saturday we are going to seperate the boys from the men. We challenge all to see if you are up against other players. In a challenge with several maps played you going to get a chance to prove your skills. No panzers allowed, only real weapons.
PS: Girls are invited too :D

Date: 18th October - Time: 20:00 cest
Server: Paintball Mod (NQ 1.2.9) IP:

Maplist: Al_Abbasi, The_Station, DM_Metro_TE, Stonehenge, N2D_purefrag21, Pilsner

More info on...

Intake Gaming Cup

Published in ET Scene

Hello and welcome to our FIRST Cup Series! as by request from quite a few people, we have a new cup.
This series is by s1LENT mod, and will be nothing else.

Date: Saturday/Sunday 3rd/4th, August
Time: First match start 13:00 EST, teams check in at 12:30 @ #intake-gaming
Participants: 16 teams
Format: 6on6, double elimination brackets
Mod: s1lent

- Supply
- Sp_delivery_te
- Frostbite
- Et_beach
- Sw_goldrush_te
- Braundorf_b4
- Et_ice
- Erdenberg_t3
- Adlernest

Before you are able to sign up, you need to go through the following steps:

1. Make an account on
2. Create a forum post (with team name) HERE
3. Post players country, name & silent guide

Sign up here!

Remember - all players need to be registered and added to your team on this website.


No Name ET 1on1 Tournament

Published in ET Scene

We cordially invite all players to participate in the tournament.
Participants will measure up to each other on the map Valhalla Station TE
in one-on-one.
The exact method of elimination will be announced when the entries are completed.

To sign up for the tournament enter your nickname from the game on this post.
Entries will last until Friday, October 17, 2014 y.
The fun will begin on Saturday, October 18, 2014 y. 23:00.

The tournament will not take place if you do not report at least 8 volunteers.
(translate by google)

Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich graczy do wzięcia udziału w turnieju.
Uczestnicy będą mierzyć się ze sobą na mapie Valhalla Station TE
w pojedynkach jeden na jednego.
Dokładny sposób eliminacji ogłosimy gdy zakończą się zapisy.

Żeby zapisać się do turnieju wpisz swój nick z gry pod tym postem.
Zapisy potrwają do piątku 17. października 2014 r.
Zabawę rozpoczniemy w sobotę 18. października 2014 r. o godzinie 23:00.

Turniej nie odbędzie się, jeśli nie zgłosi się co najmniej 8 chętnych.

Link and more infos:

*WF*Clan Special Event

Published in ET Scene

The *WF*Clan invites all players to their NQ 123 Mod, (NQ Revmod), test event. The action started this weekend and will carry on to include next weekend too.

So grab your MP40/Thompson and join in the frag fun as the *WF*Clan test out the excellent new features of the NQ 123 Mod.

IP: - this week end | IP:!27977 - test new nq 123 features this week

NQ Revmod info >>

Source - |






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