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PS Trickjump Introduction V

Published in ET Scene

Prime Squadron Trickjump Introduction V - Everyone who is interested into trickjumping is invited to the TJ Introduction V. No matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced trickjumper, everyone is welcome! We're having a few instructors around to help you out and answer your questions :)


Date: Sunday, 10th of August 2014
Time: 18:00 GMT+1
Server: PS #7 - IP:

If you are already a experienced trickjumper, you can also apply as instructor to help beginners out. In case you want to be an instructor, just reply here as well, so I can add you to the list:

Instructors: icy, ckey, lawek, kowi, kalle, tbc.

I hope to see many of you guys around!



Prime-Squadron ETpro League

Published in ET Scene

Welcome everyone to the first Prime-Squadron organised ETpro League .
On the 22nd of February 2014 16:00 GMT+1 the ETpro league will start and it will be played over 3 days, ending on February the 24th around 22:00 GMT+1

* All matches are played on ETPro Stopwatch 3on3 mode with the global 3on3 config.

* When sign-ups are completed, the teams will be seperated randomly into 2 groups. Aiming for 2 groups of 4 teams.

* From both groups, 2 teams will continue into a Single Elimination bracket to eventually come up with the Prime-Squadron ETpro League winners.

* Each match will be played over atleast 2 maps. Both teams will chose a Map on which they will first try to set a time following by the opponent trying to beat that time.

* In case of a draw, a third match will be played. A cointoss will determine which team can chose the last map. This last map has to be chosen from the remaining mappool.
The team who lost the cointoss will chose who has to attack first.

* Not all matches have to be played in 1 day. In case of enough teams or too little time, the tourament can be spread out over 2 or 3 weeks.

* After a win, the winning team will get 2 points and the losing team gets 0 points.

* Client net settings: snaps 20, maxpackets 100, timenudge 0.

* Every game must be recorded by atleast 1 player of either team. These demo's have to be available in case of a disagreement on the scores. If no demo can be shown, it will result in a Forfeit.

adlernest, braundorf_b4, erdenberg_b2, et_ice, et_beach, frostbite, sp_delivery_te, supply, sw_goldrush_te

* Make sure you have all the correct maps downloaded before the ETpro League starts.

Link: prime-squadron.tourney

No Name ET 1on1 Tournament

Published in ET Scene

We cordially invite all players to participate in the tournament.
Participants will measure up to each other on the map Valhalla Station TE
in one-on-one.
The exact method of elimination will be announced when the entries are completed.

To sign up for the tournament enter your nickname from the game on this post.
Entries will last until Friday, October 17, 2014 y.
The fun will begin on Saturday, October 18, 2014 y. 23:00.

The tournament will not take place if you do not report at least 8 volunteers.
(translate by google)

Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich graczy do wzięcia udziału w turnieju.
Uczestnicy będą mierzyć się ze sobą na mapie Valhalla Station TE
w pojedynkach jeden na jednego.
Dokładny sposób eliminacji ogłosimy gdy zakończą się zapisy.

Żeby zapisać się do turnieju wpisz swój nick z gry pod tym postem.
Zapisy potrwają do piątku 17. października 2014 r.
Zabawę rozpoczniemy w sobotę 18. października 2014 r. o godzinie 23:00.

Turniej nie odbędzie się, jeśli nie zgłosi się co najmniej 8 chętnych.

Link and more infos:

Prime Squadron Crazy Days

Published in ET Scene

We, Prime Squadron, invite everyone to visit us during our upcoming 3 day event. The 26, 27 and 28th of July we organize sniper and panzer wars in the evening hours.

Server: Prime Squadron #1

- Friday 26 July: SNIPERWAR! Start from 20:00 GMT+1 till 22:30.
- Saturday 27 July: SNIPERWAR! Start from 20:00 GMT+1 till 22:30
- Sunday 28 July: PANZAWAR! Start from 20:00 GMT +1 till 23:00

All matches will be played on the NQ 1.2.9 mod.

For the map rotation and further information check:

Don't hesitate to visit, everyone is welcome!


Halloween Pumpkin Hunt Event

Published in ET Scene

I (Adrian) have the honor to invite you to the next event dedicated to finding hidden objects on a map: PUMPKIN HUNT

Guardian of our server Farmer Vladek always dreamed to grow pumpkins. He put it on your server so unfortunately bad luck would have it, that day was awash in a corpse. Now, when it's time to harvest, Farmer Vladek for nothing in the world can not remember where seeds sowed. Help him find all 100 pumpkins that planted!

Farmer Vladek medal will honor the best pickers in the forum and lvl on the server.
Fun will begin October 31 and November 9 we will summarize harvest.

Information about the maps on which Farmer Vladek probably planted pumpkins, will appear on the server on the start date. Gameserver: No Name -
(translate by google)

Mam zaszczyt zaprosić wszystkich na kolejny event poświęcony poszukiwaniu ukrytych na mapach przedmiotów: PUMPKIN HUNT

Opiekun naszego serwera Farmer Władek zawsze marzył, żeby hodować dynie. Posadził je więc na swoim serwerze, niestety pech chciał, że tego dnia był zalany w trupa. Teraz, gdy nadszedł czas zbiorów, Farmer Władek za nic w świecie nie może sobie przypomnieć, gdzie porozrzucał nasiona. Pomóżcie mu odnaleźć wszystkie 100 dyń, które zasadził!

Farmer Władek odznaczy najlepszych zbieraczy medalem na forum i lvlem na serwerze.
Zabawa rozpocznie się 31. października, a 9. listopada zrobimy podsumowanie zbiorów.

Informacje o mapach na których Farmer Władek prawdopodobnie zasadził dynie, pojawią się na serwerze w dniu rozpoczęcia.

More infos:
Source: Adrian via FB |

PARAZIT-Clan FUN Evening

Published in ET Scene

Fun Event on PARAZIT-Clan at 19.00 on the 27 September - Server IP:



Halloween on Dark Alchemy

Published in ET Scene
 Do you have nerves of steel? Do you like to dress up? Do you hate people in costumes?
 Then thursday 31th of october Dark Alchemy #1 is the place to be.
 We start the party at 20:00 CET on Alchemy #1 server:

(UM)Dracula Final
Castellum final
Necrology Final

You can pre-downlaod halloween pack HERE. Place it in your ET/nq/ folder.

IC-clan celebrating 10th Anniversary

Published in ET Scene
The IC-clan is celebrating its 10th Anniversary! - On this occasion, the former ET server "Noob Graveyard" again for you online with the best old maps.
We hope you enjoy!

Der IC-Clan feiert seinen 10. Jahrestag! - Zu diesem Anlass, ist der damalige ET-Server "Noob Graveyard" mit den Besten alten Maps, wieder für euch online.
Wir wünschen euch viel Spass!
Server: =)IC(= n00b GrAveYarD - ETPRO
IP: from 4th - 9th December
Quelle: | boOnvia 

Dark Alchemy Gaming Community closed soon

Published in ET Scene

Dark Alchemy 2005 ~ 2017 - 12 Years of Gaming

Dear Regulars, Members and Followers, unfortunately we have to announce that on 31 March 2017 Dark Alchemy will be closed permanently.

This difficult decision was taken after a long period of observation, which led us to the conclusion that nowadays the Enemy Territory community is increasingly shrinking, and that for a community like ours, this reduction generates an activity equal or less than 20 % compared to a few years ago, when to enter the server you had to wait a few free slot.

Since 2005 we have been pioneers and have set an excellent base that allowed us to have fun and entertain many players for over 10 years.

Today we are able to decide to close with pride, avoiding to let the time and the lack of players to force us to do so.

For all the work done over the years, and all the players, the members, the former members and donors, who have honoured us with their presence, I express best thanks, hoping that all these years alongside Dark Alchemy, have left in you something pleasant and positive.

Quote: Old-Owl

da logo

DA-Facebook: dark-alchemy



Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 2 beendet

Published in RtCW Scene
Die große LAN ist beendet. Doch was ist das Fazit? Schaut man sich das Siegertreppchen an, dann sieht man Team Dignitas nicht auf den ersten Platz. Durch eine Veränderung im Lineup für diese LAN, hat es Team Dignitas nicht geschafft ihr volles Potential auszureizen. Höchstwahrscheinlich kam diese Niederlage zustande weil Night nicht spielen konnte und dafür der Gamer Sol eingesetzt worden ist. Durch diese Niederlage von ex Iddle gibt es nun natürlich Hoffnung auf einen interessanten Eurocup der vielleicht nicht zwangsläufig Dignitas als Sieger voraussetzt. Doch die Zeit wird zeigen, ob der Höhenflug vorbei ist oder ob das Team wirklich durch diesen einen Gamer nur den dritten Platz erreicht hat.
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Turnier: Return to Castle: Wolfenstein Turnier:
1.   TLR - 1500 Euros
2.   Impact Gaming - 1000 Euros
3.   Dignitas - 500 Euros

1.   One Soldier
2.   Verdiend
3.   KiH







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