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bTc ET-Halloween Fightnight

Published in ET Scene

Image Der |bTc| Clan läd alle herzlichst ein, zur Enemy Territory Halloween Fightnight.

Das Event Ticket to Hell - The |bTc| Halloween Nights startet am Halloweentag den 31.10. um 0.00 Uhr und Endet am 1.11 um 0.00 Uhr.

Es erwarten euch gespenstische Maps, Skins & Sounds. Lasst euch überraschen und seid dabei!

Server IP:

Quelle: ClawFire via PM | |bTc|Clan

10 years Dark Alchemy

Published in ET Scene

10 years Dark Alchemy

At the 3rd of august Dark Alchemy is the place to be! It was 10 years ago Old-Owl decided to start a server of his own. A server where everyone feels welcome and all have fun.

Now, 10 years later, Dark Alchemy is still alive. Still we are here to have fun and make players feel welcome.
Come and visit us on Dark Alchemy#1:

 We will have some celebrations gifts for you waiting...


-|D|- Desperados Halloween Event

Published in ET Scene

-|D|- Desperados Halloween Event

Hello ET lovers!

I'm proud to announce that Desperados-ET have a Halloween event. But you can drop in at anytime. Don't forget that we are searching for members so this can be your chance.

The event is at: 31st Oct 18:00 Central European Time

We´re having a Halloween Night on our silEnT server with special skins and sounds.

- Resurrection
- Warbell
- Transylvania b2
- Haunted Mansion
- Tarket Spooky Beta 2
- Halloween beta2
- Die ! (Special Halloween Edition)
- King of the Hell v1.0* (CTF map)
- (UM) Dracula final
- Necrology final
- Grave robbery

Everyone is welcomed and have a fun evening with us. Welcome to our FORUM

Source: Macchute via SL | |

=F|A= Fearless Assassins Halloween Horror Heist

Published in ET Scene

=F|A= Fearless Assassins Halloween Heist Event

Beware peeps. Because well. The event staff will release the creeps. And give you hell.
Fearless Assassins clan is organising a Halloween Gameday and we're gathering all our troops to attend!

Event: =F|A= Halloween Horror Heist
Date and time: 30th of october - at least 5pm to 1am BST
Server IP:
Teamspeak IP:

 If you don't do it for halloween, you still don't want to miss seeing an ugly-dressed sis!

Source: |

I'm happy to announce that the CyberGamer Anticheat now supports Enemy Territory! Effective immediately, CGAC is mandatory in all CG EU ET ladder matches. Read the rest of this newspost for more information.

Quote by CyberGamer EU...we have now included support for Enemy Territory and we shall be looking to provide continuous updates to support this game in as many ways as possible. We are aware of the community's desire for a screenshot function and we are beginning to explore the best method to sufficiently meet this criteria. Further details will be released as they become available, but we aim to provide this as soon as possible.

To install CGAC, follow the steps below. Once you have installed the software, on your first launch the program will automatically update to the latest version.

  1. Download the installer here.
  2. Extract the .zip file.
  3. Make sure you have .NET framework 4.0 installed. If you do not have .NET framework 4.0 installed, you can download it here.
  4. Run setup.exe from within the extracted folder.
  5. To find your User ID and Auth Key, go to your Extended Profile page and click "Game IDs" in the "GAME DEFAULTS" section. You'll find your information at the top of that window.

If you experience any troubles installing the software, please make sure you add an exception to your antivirus, have extracted the .zip file, and are running the program as administrator.

As stated above, CGAC must be used in all ladder matches played on CyberGamer. Simply open CGAC.exe, enter the match ID, and start playing.

By scrolling down on the match page, you can see which players are currently running CGAC along with all logs for that match. If CGAC is active, it should display "CGAC running" in green text.

Playing a match on the CG EU ET 3on3 or 6on6 ladder without CGAC will result in a forfeit loss.

Please note that the CG EU ET crew and I are not experts on CGAC, so all queries regarding technical support should be directed to badkip, the developer. You can contact him by posting in his journal or opening a support ticket on the CyberGamer website.



CyberGamer AntiCheat unterstützt jetzt ET und ist Pflicht für die CG-Liga

Das Team von CyberGamer verkündet, dass das CyberGamer-Anticheat (CGAC) jetzt auch Enemy Territory unterstützt!
Ab sofort ist in allen CG EU ET Ligen (CyberGamer ET Europa) das Spielen mit CG-Anticheat pflicht!

Um CGAC zu installieren, folge den Schritten wie unten aufgeführt. Sobald die Software installiert ist, wird beim ersten Start, das Programm automatisch auf die neueste Version aktualisiert.

   1.  Downloade das Installations Programm hier.
   2.  Entpacke die zip-Datei.
   3.  Stelle sicher, das du NET-Framework 4.0 installiert hast - Wenn nicht... hier herunterladen.
   4.  Starte die setup.exe aus dem "entpackten" Ordner.
   5.  Um die Benutzer-ID und den Auth Key zu finden, schaue in deinem "erweiterten Profil" nach und klicke auf "GAME-IDs" im Abschnitt unter "GAME DEFAULTS". Mehr Informationen dazu findest du auch oberhalb des Windows-Fensters.

Falls irgendwelche Probleme bei der Installation der Software auftreten, stelle bitte sicher, dass du in deinem  Antivirus-Tool, CGAC als Ausnahme hinzufügst bzw. erlaubst und führe CGAC in deinem Windows als Administrator aus.

Source: |

Dark Alchemy 8th birthday!

Published in ET Scene

At the 3rd of august Dark Alchemy celebrates its 8th birthday.
After all those years we still can manage a beautiful server with a nice atmosphere.
Players feel welcome and the objective play is highly present.

We invite all players to come and join at our part on A1.
This saturday A1 will be a party server where everyone gets suprised.
So, join us and see what is happening.

The place to be:

Source: |

NT und DSK ET-Public Funwar

Published in ET Scene


NT und DSK Public Funwar - The challange held at the following dates (Central European Summer Time (CEST) +0200 UTC):

Start: Saturday, October 1st 2011, 8:00 pm
Sunday, October 2nd 2011, 8:00 pm
Monday, October 3rd 2011, 08:00 pm

This event is for everybody. Enjoy! To register yourself, contact somebody at the NT Teamspeak 3Adresse: or at the DSK Public Forum

Playing ET Pro 3.2.6 / Server : *NT* War Server
To watch the show, we will provide an ET TV Server / *NT* ET TV Server

Enjoy Everybody!

NT und DSK Public Funwar - Der Wettkampf findet an folgenden Tagen statt:

Beginn: Samstag der 01.10.2011 ab 20.00 Uhr
Zweiter Spieltag: Sonntag der 02.10.2011 ab 20.00 Uhr
Letzter Spieltag: Montag der 03.10.2011 ab 20.00 Uhr

Es kann jeder Teilnehmen der Lust und Zeit hat. Hier spielen nicht die Clans gegeneinander sondern Teams die erst noch zusammengestellt bzw. Ausgelost werden
Ameldung erfolgt entweder mündlich im NT-Teamspeak 3 Adresse: oder im DSK Public Forum

Gespielt wird ET Pro 3.2.6 / Server: *NT* War Server
Und für alle die gerne zuschauen wollen wird ein ET TV Server bereitgestellt/ *NT* ET TV Server

Wir wünschen allen Teilnehmern Zuschauern und Gästen viel Spaß!

Quelle: dsk-eg | nt-gaming

Halloween Afterparty

Published in ET Scene

Since we had one of the most successful event we had for a while last weekend I thought we could have an Halloween After Party Event !!! This event will take place on our Re-Opened Silent server !!

Server IP - - Date Saturday 8th November - Time - 19:00 GMT

I hope you all can join us during this event and make this event as successful as the last one. Don't forget to join us on teamspeak ( as well for an even more fun night.

Hope to see you all there. Happy Fragging.


Dignitas nimmt den europäischen Thron ein

Published in RtCW Scene
Die Prognosen standen auf Sieg für das ehemalige Team idle, jetzt bekannt als Team Dignitas. Die Prognosen trafen ein, ein weiterer Sieg in Folge, zeroPoint! war ohne butchji nicht einmal im Stande den Sieg zu schnuppern, leider. Es hat für sie nur für den zweiten Platz, nach der 0:4 Niederlage, gereicht. Bei der shgOpen Lan in Dänemark wird die Revange auf einer LAN folgen, doch wieder ohne Butchji.

Team Dignitas

Wir gratulieren allen Clans, die es auf das Siegertreppchen geschafft haben. 
Quelle:   The New RtCW2-Prison

ETF/WcB Clan Event - Friday Night Frag

Published in ET Scene

Friday Night Frag Event on 16th of January 2015. Fraggin' starts at 7:30pm GMT, ServerIP:

Silent Mod Anti-cheat will be running for this event

Cool Squad Clan server details can be found HERE
Cool Squad website HERE







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