Evo-Wolf-MP 2013, bringing RTCW Multiplayer up to date ! - Mod by =KT= SuperRetardo.
What's evo-wolf-mp do?
- Better Graphics (Bloom lighting, lens flares)
- Fixed Graphics (Bad bug in 1.41b, left maps looking like junk)
- No more "Too Many Shaders" Error Bug
- HTTP Downloads - If the server is setup for it, just like ET (only be supported)
- Replacement GUID system. Since PB no longer supports RTCW.
- A couple of other bug fixes.
- Fully 100% 1.4, 1.41, 1.41b compatible including ALL Mods.
MP3 and OpenAL support removed. Sounded like crap with server-side mods. Just install vcredist_x86.exe first. It's a Run-time file from Microsoft. Then copy and paste the WolfMPGPL.exe file to your RTCW directory.
Evo-Wolf-MP 2013, Bringe deinen RTCW-Multiplayer auf den neusten Stand ! - Mod von =KT= SuperRetardo.
Was bewirkt Evo-Wolf-MP?
- Bessere Grafik (Bloom-Beleuchtung, Streuung der Fackeln)
- Bereinigte Grafik-Fehler in 1.41b, behebt schlecht aussehende Maps)
- Nie mehr die "Too Many Shaders" Fehlermeldung
- HTTP-Download - wenn der Server entsprechend eingestellt ist, wie bei ET (nur mit Support).
- Austausch des GUID-Systems. Da RTCW den PB nicht mehr unterstützt.
- Ein paar andere Fehlerbeseitigungen.
- 100% kompatibel zu 1.4, 1.41, 1.41b inkl. aller Mods.
Link: evo-wolf-mp
4,984 MB