RtCW Cooperative - Timegate v2
Yo$hik has updated his release of "RtCW Timegate" for the "Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative" mod, which fixes many of the bugs found in the original version.
- The level of "labor2" has undergone decompilation and subsequent rebuild and optimization. The reason is that the number of entiny-objects exceeded the limit of the cooperative engine, which led to the drop of dedicated servers.
- The train on "ber" now passes the entire railway, from the beginning to the end.
- A new room and secret have been added to the "vil01" map.
- Also added, "some little thing xD"
Source: wolffiles.de | Yo$hik on Youtube: youtube.com/Yo$hik
COOP TIMEGATE Version:2.0 Priv, Pbald 05.08.2018 120.71 MB 833 |