ET:QW Scene News

Movie DefragArea (Update)

Published in ET Movies
DeFragArea from quaky shows the trickjumper xeoxis on costum and original maps. Im afraid to say you that this was the last project from quaky. May it is the reason why it becomes so good, as goodby present. The jumps are mixed with new and old one. Than a nice cut with adapted effects and a nice background music.
DeFragArea von quaky zeigt xeoxis beim Trickjumpen auf Custom und Original Maps. Leider ist das quaky's letztes Projekt gewesen, vielleicht es auch deswegen so gut geworden. Sozusagen als Abschiedsgeschenk an die ET-Community. Die Jumps sind nicht gerade bekannt, obwohl das Video schon von 2009 ist! Gezeigt werden auch alte aber immer noch wunderschön anzuschauende Jumps. Abgerundet wird das ganze durch stimmige Schnitte und Effekte mit passende im Hintergrund laufende Musik.
UPDATE: Now on YouTube

Author quaky Date 27.03.2011 Filesize 289 MB Download 450


[UJE] Gondola Sniper (Beta 1)

Published in ET Maps

Snipermap UJE Gondola Sniper (beta 1) made by [UJE] Niek. Had to make a snipermap for xmas for the year 2013 and yes Wolfenstein ET is still alive after so many years, Congratulations with this great game :-) So...there are snow gondolas in this map for all the people who don't like snow. Crossing is possible in 2 ways ,with the gondola and by foot.

Have alot of fun in this map and merry xmas and a good newyear

* at the start of the map there is almost no snow and after
  20 minutes it's loaded with snow
* passing availeble with the gondels and by foot
* 2 points medic each side
* It has a xmas scene

Snipermap UJE Gondola Sniper (Beta 1) erstellt von [UJE] Niek. Wollte noch eine Snipermap für Weihnachten 2013 machen,
Wolfenstein ET lebt auch Heute noch, nach so vielen Jahren! Wir gratulieren diesem großen Spiel :) Also ... es gibt Schnee und Gondeln in dieser Karte für alle Menschen die Schnee nicht kennen. Mapcrossing ist in doppelt - mit der Gondelbahn - und zu Fuß - möglich.

Viel Spaß mit dieser Map und fröhliche Weihnachten und ein gutes Neues Jahr!


GONDOLA SNIPER (UJE) Version:beta 1
Author [UJE] Niek Date 10.12.2013 Filesize 9,84 MB Download 286

DaNe on NoDown

Published in ET Movies

DaNe the Trickjump Legend on [NoDown] - probably the hardest Airstrafe map on Enemy Territory Trickjump.

Jump 1 - 3 [Medium / Hard]
Jump 4 - 5 [Extreme]

The map is made by Vallz and ronsu and the video made by gungh0

Enjoy the Trickjump Movie!


Author gungh0 / DaNe Date 14.06.2014 Filesize 58,161 MB Download 175

Dingenskirchen Beta 1

Published in ET Maps

Dingenskirchen Beta 1 - Custom map for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

This map is a collaboration between Phisherman and KeMoN and the result of more than a year of more or less continuous development. It was created as a tribute to the good old times of RtCW and was originally intended to be released for the 10th birthday of WolfET. We didn't make it on time but we still hope it will bring back some memories to the old-schoolers amongst you. Since this is the first public release, any feedback (ranging from bad texture-alignment to glitches) is welcome.

The .map source-file is planned to be released some day, but please understand that we would like to improve the map before any conversions based on an old version are created. So please, if you find a bug, do NOT release any unofficial scriptfixes etc, as this will only cause confusion. If you find a bug, please post HERE or write me an eMail/PM, and I will release an official fix or a new map version.


December 1944: The noose tightens around the Reich's neck as Allied forces threaten to cross the Siegfried Line and advance into Germany. In a strategy meeting in an Eifel castle, German high command has worked out plans on how to repel the invaders. Allied intelligence wants these plans destroyed before they can be distributed to the front line.

This map has three main objectives instead of one, two of which must be completed by the Allies in order to win the match. This was done in an attempt to prevent the massive objective camping by the defending team on some maps.

Allied mission:

  • Repair and steal the axis tank located in the village.
  • Capture the village spawn and escort the tank past all obstacles and use it to blow open the Castle Gate.
  • Map Objective 1/3: Steal an ancient treasure which the Axis have hidden inside the castle wine cellar.
  • Map Objective 2/3: Blow up the axis high command conference room to sabotage the coordination of the axis troops.
  • Map Objective 3/3: Retrieve a microfilm containing axis war secrets which an OSA agent managed to get hold of and swallow before being killed by the German forces.

Source: | Splashdamage - KeMoN

Author KeMoN Date 28.02.2014 Filesize 76,01 MB Download 266

Juissi TJ movie

Published in ET Movies

Juissi presents his new Enemy Territory Trickjump Movie with nice jumps on many TJ maps.

Maps: Airwaves_b1, Bounce_b1, Eatme, Insane 1_8, Mrmen_gamma_final, OldTjJumps_Final, Still_b1

Editor: Diviless
Jumper: Juissi
Resolution: 1600x900
Rendering Time: 2h 15min

Source: |

Author Juissi Date 12.06.2016 Filesize 201 MB Download 185

Happy 17th birthday, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory!

Splash Damage's first game - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - was released exactly SEVENTEEN YEARS ago. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory was born on 29/05/2003.

The game uses a modified Return to Castle Wolfenstein engine, itself being a heavily modified Quake III: Team Arena engine (id Tech 3, which has been open-source since 2005).

Quote Splash Damage @ FB: Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory turns 17 today!
It holds an incredibly special place in all of our hearts, so we want to see it all; old photos of you hunched over a CRT monitor playing it, you and your friends at LAN events, screenshots of your best scores, gifs and videos of your craziest moments, your mods, your maps, your cosplay, your stories -- everything!


Let's celebrate one of our favourite FPS games of all time!

Source: |

ET FULL VERSION 2.60 Version:2.60
Author SplashDamage Date 31.03.2009 Filesize 263 MB Download 2410

Author dexter Date 19.04.2009 Filesize 6,400 MB Download 726

Omni-bot 0.86 RtCW + ET released!

Published in ET Mods

Omni-bot 0.86 for Enemy Territory and Return to Castle Wolfenstein have been released.

This is the latest release of the omnibot mod for "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" and "Return to Castle Wolfenstein".

0.86 Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Change Log:
=== BOT ===
Added function MapGoal.SetEntity
Added Wp.SetWaypointFlag parameter can be a regular expression
Added WatchForEntityCategory can be used to detect landmines
Added gm script can have UTF-8 BOM
Added version number is printed to console when Omni-bot is initialized
Improved bots join game faster after server starts if maxbots>0
Improved players info is in the Server table already in OnMapLoad
Changed draw_goalroutes doesn't draw disabled routes
Changed new waypoint has prone flag if the player is proned
Fixed soldier with mobile mg42 does not shoot heavy vehicles
Fixed goals with same names were swapped in NoQuarter
Fixed waypoint_setname of closed waypoint
Fixed command goal_save prints error if file can't be opened
Fixed SetGoalRole printed error message if role was persistent and goal did not exist
Removed path planners navmesh, floodfill, recast

=== MOD ===
Improved command /entitylist prints type names instead of numbers
Fixed goal entities of multiple MG42s at the same position (on baserace map)
Fixed function GetEntityOwner returned dead player after gold was dropped and taken by another player

=== GOALS ===
Fixed covertops don't steal uniform when carrying objective
Fixed PLANT goal was always delayed 35 seconds even if defused
Fixed medic don't deliver medkits to player who is mounting tank
Fixed rendering of Stance property
Fixed medic sometimes did not give medkits to revived player
Fixed BUILD goal created by user could not be saved
Fixed roaming bots were going to position of MOUNT goal
Changed MinPlayersForMortar is number of players for one mortar (2*MinPlayersForMortar players are needed for 2 mortars)
Changed MinPlayersForMobileMG is number of players required for one mobile mg42
Changed cover spot priority from 2.0 to 0.81
Changed medic don't team-kill player at mg42
Changed medic can revive nearby player when going to cappoint
Changed only one medic or fieldops delivers supplies to a player
Changed soldier with mortar asks for ammo less often
Changed resetxp is enabled in all mods except etmain, but it must be enabled in shrubbot.cfg

=== SCRIPTS ===
Changed all bots disconnect if maxbots is 0
Optimized Util.ProcessMovers

=== WEAPONS ===
Changed bots get more ammo packs from ammo cabinets

=== COMMANDS ===
Improved cleargoalflags removes ammo, health, crouch and prone

Source: | |


OMNI BOT RTCW - ALL OS Version:0.86
Author omnibot Date 01.05.2018 Filesize 9.32 MB Download 1161


OMNI BOT ET - ALL OS Version:0.86
Author omnibot Date 01.05.2018 Filesize 29.99 MB Download 3450

Merry Christmas everyone!

Published in General News






Vasel Koleda!
Glædelig Jul!
Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Merry Christmas!
Hyvää Joulua!
Joyeux Noël!
Vrolijk Kerstfeest!
Buon Natale!
Sretan Bozic!
Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus!
God Jul!
Wesolych Swiat!
Boas Festas!
Craciun fericit!
Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva!
God Jul!
Vesele bozicne praznike!
Feliz Navidad!
Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce!
Kellemes Karacsonyiunnepeket!

Wolfenstein4ever - ET4ever - RtCW4ever
your d3Xter

N!tmod 2.3.1 has been released

Published in ET Mods

N!tmod 2.3.1 - After the 2.3 Public release, some bugs have been spotted, so I decided to prepare a new version to fix these little problems.
So here is N!tmod 2.3.1, which will most likely be the last release in the 2.3.x branch, allowing me to start 2.4 branch tests soon :)

If you had already updated to 2.3, you only need to replace the qagame .dll and the pk3 files with the new ones.

If you are installing for the first time, or updating from a version prior to 2.3, don't forget to check the Setup tutorial and the NxAC Setup tutorial.

As always, your donations are important. You can donate using the button at the bottom of this page to show some support ;)

N!tmod 2.3.1 FINAL Changelog >> HERE

Source: |

N!TMOD 2.3.1 FINAL Version:2.3.1
Author N!trox Date 04.05.2015 Filesize 6,028 MB Download 408

-)A(- vs Rest Of the World

Published in ET Scene

It has been exactly 2,5 years since the battle of all battles has been fought.
Now the Rest Of The World feel strong enough for another try to take down the members of the almighty community Dark Alchemy.
Some great names has passed the years: Enogma, Brachi, Odeon, JudgeMe, Tuxedo, RaveTeef and the list goes on and on.

But will they stand against the old timers?
Old-Owl will take the lead and fight with his infamous crew against the challengers.
For weeks they are already in bootcamp drilled to perfection.

Did Old-Owl train the new members well enough?
Are the old farts of -)A(- still in good shape?
Will the ROTW show up or is it past their bedtime?

Only time will tell....

More info HERE.

Source: |






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