ET:QW Scene News

Clanbase - Game Over

Published in General News

Clanbase - Game Over
For those unfamiliar with the name: ClanBase once was a cool site to visit if you were an online gamer. With cups and ladders hosted for games such as the RtCW, ET, Quake, Unreal Tournament, Counter-Strike and Call of Duty series, a teenager really had quite some options for multiplayer entertainment. Heck, we even had LAN finals for our renowned EuroCups.

Those days are far behind us and as it stands today, the company that owns the ClanBase site - GGL - is unable to cover the costs required to run the website. Moreover, lately the owners of the site do not wish to cooperate with the voluntary crew, keeping everybody in the dark and thus showing complete disrespect to people who spend many hours a day trying to make our tournaments a success.

The website has now been offline for more than three weeks due to an unpaid bill. No action is being taken by the owner to get the website back online. Having no vision for the future, we - the ClanBase Crew - have lost our last hopes about ClanBase ever coming back online, and unfortunately we announce the end of a great era.

The history and the truth as the ClanBase Crew sees it

A US-based company called Global Gaming League (Professional Interactive Entertainment, Inc.) noticed the success of the site and bought it from the original owners in December of 2004. They had financial backing for server hosting and our tournaments. Things were going well until in 2007 CB suffered its first heart attack when GGL couldn’t deliver the prize money they put up for the EuroCup. This can be marked as the start of our downfall.

The CB Crew has always been made up of volunteers with the majority being just teenagers. There was no possibility for us to come up with the money on our own that was promised, yet we were always the ones getting blamed. After all, it was our cup season and our name. It is no surprise that after this blow there was no way for us to host another season with the promise of any kind of prize until the debt was settled with the previous winners.

To this day, GGL owes around €24,000 in prize money which will never be settled. The other sites who were in the same gaming business of course had no problems hosting their tournaments however they wanted. ClanBase, however, lost a great deal of its reputation along with some top teams who never got their winnings.

As time went by the site also started to decay. After the takeover we had paid developers who tried to put the code in shape. There were some noteworthy developments such as the seasonal and invitational ladders, but after the first test run we couldn’t get the necessary changes implemented - because GGL stopped paying the developers.

Money. The source of all evil.

GGL started moving the servers between hosts (RackSpace, Amazon, GreenQloud) to save costs, and to avoid further missed payments. This appeared in the news a few times when providers came out with how they were lied to. We also lost the ability to upload files anything other than demos. Fortunately, a Crew member had the means to help out.

Funding continued to dry up. After the first wave of cuts where we lost the two developers and a head admin, things cooled down for a while. Recently, a general system administrator was cut off which got interesting at one point when CB suffered a denial of service attack to which the host (GreenQloud) responded with moving the servers to a different IP address. However, the domain name had to be updated as well to point to the new address. Since our sysadmin was not getting paid, he refused to perform this, essentially holding the site hostage for a while.

So how do we get money? The site had ads for a while which obviously was not enough. We may have been naive thinking that upping the quality of the site would be a good move, which was promised more times we bother to count. GGL thought otherwise. In fact, many of the cool features our gamers would have loved to see on the website were never implemented - because "CBv2” was supposedly just around the corner.

Their first bold move was trying to get adult banners on CB - a website that was home for thousands of teenagers. The Crew was shocked and appalled by this. Fortunately, we managed to get our voice through (by threatening to go on strike) - but we also lost several valuable crew members who had enough of the poor conditions and bad decisionmaking.

Next to adult material, gambling can also be a good source of income. The Poker and Betting ladders were introduced. It is doubtful that much money was ever made of this, at least nobody said otherwise. The only thing certain is that these projects never got off the ground.

A poor attempt was also made to gather money in the form of offering VIP membership. Nobody took this very seriously and as expected, nobody bothered to opt in after a while. The only benefit to having VIP was the ability to get rid of some of the ads. Perhaps a regular donation system would’ve been more useful.

By the end of August 2013, yet another problem surfaced: the money ran out for the hosting. This is when CB started to go down every month when the time came to pay for the next 30 days.

Of course we tried contacting GGL through our manager who was in charge of handling communications. As you may have guessed by now, he also failed to receive his payment for a while and a company owing money to you, and who knows how many others, is not in a hurry to get back to you.

The ClanBase management tried to directly contact the GGL founder and president Ted Owen (since everyone else left), with very little success. Whenever we got a response it usually consisted of no more than a few words.

The last we heard from him, he stated that "GGL will move on without ClanBase, and besides, why did the Crew never put any money in it?”

Mr. Owen, the Crew put time in it. A lot of time... for free. Every day. And to clarify, nobody has ever reached out to us to ask for any kind of financial aid. Not that we would’ve ever agreed to anything if the money had to go through GGL as that would’ve resulted in the money never reaching its intended destination.

Ultimately, we understand that our users would have expected us to come out with the truth sooner. It has taken us three weeks to make a public statement - but the only reason it took so long is that we were trying to not lose the hope and to reach out to mr. Owen. Unfortunately, our last request (or offer) to him - to release the ClanBase site to the crew for us to be able to continue running it on our own, without the GGL - was not welcomed.

It is thus our sad duty to inform you that ClanBase is gone. We would like to sincerely thank over a thousand admins working on the website over the past 15 years of ClanBase’s existence. And an even bigger thanks goes out to all the players who supported us over the years and who did not lose faith no matter what.

This writing has not come easily because ClanBase has been a big part of our lives, and we definitely did not want to see it end like this.

Clanbase - Game Over
Die Clanbase war einmal eine sehr coole Website für Online- Gamer, mit Cups und Ligen für Spiele wie RtCW, ET, Quake, Unreal Tournament, Counter-Strike und der Call of Duty-Serie.

Diese glorreichen Tage sind nun hinter uns, und heute steht es um die Clanbase Website sehr schlecht - wir sind nicht mehr in der Lage, die erforderlichen kosten der Website zu decken.

Die Website war offline für mehr als drei Wochen, wegen einer unbezahlten Rechnung. Keine Aktion wird vom Eigentümer übernommen, um die Website wieder online zu bekommen. Da sie keine Vision für die Zukunft mehr hat. Wir - die Clanbase Crew - haben unsere letzten Hoffnungen die Clanbase jemals wieder online kommen jetzt endgültig verloren, und müssen leider das Ende einer großen Clanbase-Ära verkünden.


Dingenskirchen Beta 1

Published in ET Maps

Dingenskirchen Beta 1 - Custom map for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

This map is a collaboration between Phisherman and KeMoN and the result of more than a year of more or less continuous development. It was created as a tribute to the good old times of RtCW and was originally intended to be released for the 10th birthday of WolfET. We didn't make it on time but we still hope it will bring back some memories to the old-schoolers amongst you. Since this is the first public release, any feedback (ranging from bad texture-alignment to glitches) is welcome.

The .map source-file is planned to be released some day, but please understand that we would like to improve the map before any conversions based on an old version are created. So please, if you find a bug, do NOT release any unofficial scriptfixes etc, as this will only cause confusion. If you find a bug, please post HERE or write me an eMail/PM, and I will release an official fix or a new map version.


December 1944: The noose tightens around the Reich's neck as Allied forces threaten to cross the Siegfried Line and advance into Germany. In a strategy meeting in an Eifel castle, German high command has worked out plans on how to repel the invaders. Allied intelligence wants these plans destroyed before they can be distributed to the front line.

This map has three main objectives instead of one, two of which must be completed by the Allies in order to win the match. This was done in an attempt to prevent the massive objective camping by the defending team on some maps.

Allied mission:

  • Repair and steal the axis tank located in the village.
  • Capture the village spawn and escort the tank past all obstacles and use it to blow open the Castle Gate.
  • Map Objective 1/3: Steal an ancient treasure which the Axis have hidden inside the castle wine cellar.
  • Map Objective 2/3: Blow up the axis high command conference room to sabotage the coordination of the axis troops.
  • Map Objective 3/3: Retrieve a microfilm containing axis war secrets which an OSA agent managed to get hold of and swallow before being killed by the German forces.

Source: | Splashdamage - KeMoN

Author KeMoN Date 28.02.2014 Filesize 76,01 MB Download 266

1944 Huertgen Forest (Final 2.1)

Published in ET Maps

Meteos released a new Version of the map 1944 Huertgen Forest

Story: 1944 Huertgen Forest was thickly wooded, cut by steep defiles and trails.
The Axis built deep, artillery-proof bunkers, surrounded by fighting positions.
AXIS - The Allies are attempting to steal valuable supplies from the Axis Truckyard, stop them at all costs!
ALLIES - The Axis Truckyard contains valuable supplies. We must secure them to claim victory in the Forest!

Changelog > Final 2.1 (since previous public release)
    * Time limit management:
        - Initial time limit reduced to 20 minutes;
        - Extension when the Tank is stolen (not on first repair) (+10);
        - Extension when the Truck is stolen (when exiting the Truckyard) (+5)
    * Slightly improved VIS blocking.
    * Optimized T-Junctions some more.
    * Caulked more non-visible surfaces.
    * Rewrote shaders and cleaned map script.
    * Added a flash animation and a firing sound to the AT-Gun when used.
    * Adjusted the Tank turret rotation angle while shooting the Truckyard Gate.
    * Fixed the trigger time of the AT-Gun: it will shoot only 5+ seconds after a shot.
    * Updated the map coordonates so the original Command Map fits with the objectives locations.
    * Terrain lighting is now on a single lightmap, for a smoothed lighting. However, func_group's still affect it.
      Also note that the texture blending is affected (only the brushes going through the skybox).

Additionnal thanks to Dragonji, Micha, Sedra12, Smurfer, Teuthis, Thunder, WuTangH and |MTC| clan peeps for their feedback!

Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |

1944 HUERTGEN FOREST Version:final 2
Author Meteos Date 24.10.2014 Filesize 7.75 MB Download 458

No Goldrush Night - part 2

Published in ET Scene

Hello dear players! Prime Squadron No Goldrush night is back!

When? Sunday, 28th of September, starting at 18:00 GMT+1
Where? PS1 -

This uncommon nightly event is coming back at our server, after the summer break!
You didn't participate the first time and do you want to know know more about this event?
Here's what the No Goldrush Night is all about.
Just like last time, we are asking your help selecting the maps. You can suggest some fresh new maps or some very old but forgotten maps, which are out of the rotation since long time.
A couple of nice new gameplay modes will be added to the event, aside from the normal gameplay (attack/defence) mode.

New gameplay modes:
    Last Man Standing mode
    Gungame mode
    ET Pro Stopwatch mode
    Panzer only map.

We are planning to set up a 8-map rotation, so you are free to suggest maps for every mode or just for one.
Don't miss the chance to play one of your favourite maps!


TrackBase celebrates 4th anniversary

Published in ET Misc

TrackBase 4th Anniversary!
Wew! Times flies by, a feeling all of you can probably relate to! Certainly, we do.. We've been around a staggering four years by now. To celebrate this we want to let you know about some of our future plans

In the last couple of weeks we've introduced some new staff already, and we're making plans to expand our team a lot more in the future. For now, we're rebuilding some backend stuff on Trackbase, to provide for a more solid future. The idea is to rewrite some parts and clean up old code, allowing for new features to be implemented.:D

This also means that we're open for new feedback again, and will seriously consider the new ideas proposed by you guys, our fantastic public! One of our first projects is opening a public game database and implement more social features for our users.

Besides this, Trackbase will also partner up closer to Fragwise! Arriving soon is our first partnership product: any spend euro on Fragwise you'll be able to cash in here as well for trackbase points to get your awesome premium account, or place some ads for your server/clan.

Oh and wait, what would an anniversary be without gifts!? Of all replies on our anniversary post (forum, et, facebook) we'll pick a few random people to receive a Dirty Bomb Closed Beta invite key! Now ain't that a present!


Merry Christmas everyone!

Published in General News






Vasel Koleda!
Glædelig Jul!
Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Merry Christmas!
Hyvää Joulua!
Joyeux Noël!
Vrolijk Kerstfeest!
Buon Natale!
Sretan Bozic!
Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus!
God Jul!
Wesolych Swiat!
Boas Festas!
Craciun fericit!
Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva!
God Jul!
Vesele bozicne praznike!
Feliz Navidad!
Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce!
Kellemes Karacsonyiunnepeket!

Wolfenstein4ever - ET4ever - RtCW4ever

Happy 16th birthday, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory!

Splash Damage's first game - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - was released exactly SIXTEEN YEARS ago. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory was born on 29/05/2003.
The game uses a modified Return to Castle Wolfenstein engine, itself being a heavily modified Quake III: Team Arena engine (id Tech 3, which has been open-source since 2005).

Enjoy remaining ET time.


ET FULL VERSION 2.60 Version:2.60
Author SplashDamage Date 31.03.2009 Filesize 263 MB Download 2410

Author dexter Date 19.04.2009 Filesize 6,400 MB Download 726

Enemy Territory 2 - A Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Remake Project

Long-time "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" fan and member of the "" gaming community, who goes by the name of Chubb, has assembled a Devteam in order to begin a project that we've all hoped we'd see one day, a modern recreation of our beloved "Wolf: ET" on a brand new gaming engine.

The "alpha" stage has now begun and the map that has been the main focus for now is the classic custom "ETPro" map, "Supply Depot". Here's what Chubb had to say about recent project developments and the progress made so far:
"We'd like to thank everyone for the amazing feedback via Youtube, Instagram and on the website. Thank you to all of our donors too, your support definitely gave us a boost. We invite everyone to actively take part in our contest and we’ll consider every suggestion." - Chubb

Enemy Territory 2 on Youtube | Enemy Territory 2 on Instagram

Source: | |

Merry Christmas everyone!

Published in General News






Vasel Koleda!
Glædelig Jul!
Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Merry Christmas!
Hyvää Joulua!
Joyeux Noël!
Vrolijk Kerstfeest!
Buon Natale!
Sretan Bozic!
Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus!
God Jul!
Wesolych Swiat!
Boas Festas!
Craciun fericit!
Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva!
God Jul!
Vesele bozicne praznike!
Feliz Navidad!
Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce!
Kellemes Karacsonyiunnepeket!

Wolfenstein4ever - ET4ever - RtCW4ever

One Thousand and One Loads

Published in ET Movies

ET Trickjump Movie - One Thousand and One Loads

One Thousand and One Loads (Original TJ) by Sungi.
A community effort of original trickjumps from frag maps. The name is a pun on the amount of attempts some of these jumps took. Even though they may look easy on video, some of these tricks require insane precision to perform. All jumps done with normal Pmove_Msec 8 physics. No cheats were used while performing the jumps.

Editing by Finlandsungi, Special thanks to 999|BlaZe| and UseMe&Aciz. This movie would not have been finished if not for them.

Starring (ordered by # of jumps):
Finland sungi, Finland Aciz, Finland Wrath, Finland TheLDer, Finland BlaZe, Finland hazz, United Kingdom Madman, Finland skepty, France Omega, Finland ,=- , Germany FLoPJEHZ, Australia cUfffs, Finland huPo, Belgium morda, Netherlands Spectator, Austria ShuTTeR, Estonia Tr!cK, Finland Tuomas, Canada sageone.

Includes jumps from the following maps:
Adlernest, Battery, Beach, Braundorf, Caen, Coast, Erdenberg, Fueldump, Goldrush, Industry, Italy, Karsiah, Marrakech Streets, Missile, Navarone, Oasis, Radar, Railgun, Snatch, Special Delivery, Supply, Tram, Transmitter, Warbell, Venice


Author Sungi Date 11.06.2015 Filesize 604 MB Download 199

Enter the hunter

Published in ET Movies

Enter the hunter - Enemy Territory Movie

This ET Movie contains frag highlights from 2007 to 2015. Project started back in March 2014. I suggest download movie to enjoy highest quality.
Content by Poland hunter.
Edited by Poland requem.

Movie information: Resolution: 1920 x 1080, Length: 8:30 mins, Size: 1,14 GB, Framerate: 50 FPS


Author requem Date 20.12.2015 Filesize 1,14 GB Download 220






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