ET:QW Scene News

Fall Cup 2012 - Moments Of The Week #7

Published in RtCW Movies

RtCW Fall Cup Moments of the week #7 by Crumbs - Play-Offs featuring: crumbs, Kevin, Clown, abort, Kris, Sipperi, MerlinatoR and DtS.

RtCW Herbst Cup, Momente der Woche #7 von Crumbs - Play-Offs Hauptrollen: crumbs, Kevin, Clown, abort, Kris, Sipperi, MerlinatoR and DtS.

Author Crumbs Date 03.03.2013 Filesize 96,15 MB Download 176

Fall Cup 2012 - Moments Of The Week #5

Published in RtCW Movies

Merlinator presents the fifth video from the RtCW Fall Cup 2012 with impressive moments.

Starring: abort, bloxzin, bully, crumbs, homie, jam, lelle, leonneke, MerlinatoR, osiris, owzo, sharky, ZeD

Merlinator präsentiert das fünfte Video aus dem RtCW Fall Cup 2012 mit beeindruckenden Momentaufnahmen.


Quelle: |

Author Merlinator Date 07.01.2013 Filesize 150 MB Download 178

RtCW Coop 0.9.5

Published in RtCW Mods
This is the first release Fretn considers stable of RtCW CoOp Mod. In the last two months we fixed a lot of bugs and now it feels a bit polished. I don’t consider it ready, so the version number isnt 1.x yet.
Dies ist die erste "stabile" Release-Version vom RtCW CoOp Mod. In den letzten zwei Monaten haben wir eine Reihe von Fehlern gefixt und jetzt fühlt sich die Coop-Version wie aufpoliert an. Ich halte diese Version aber noch nicht für ganz und gar fertig, ein Tick fehlt zur Final fehlt noch.


Movie Kris of Win 2013

Published in RtCW Movies

Movie Kris of win 2013 by krissey - Two, almost three years have passed since my last fragmovie. Time has come to release a new one! Return to castle wolfenstein, mostly oldschool style.
Hope you enjoy!

Movie Kris of win 2013 by krissey - Zwei, fast drei Jahre sind vergangen seit meinem letzten Fragmovie. Die Zeit ist gekommen, für ein neues Movie-Release! Return to Castle Wolfenstein Stil aus alter Schule.
Wünsche dir viel Spaß!

Author krissey Date 04.03.2013 Filesize 458 MB Download 246


one.more Cup #6 RtCW 3on3

Published in RtCW Scene

one.more Cup #5 took place just yesterday and there are requests from the NA portion of the RTCW scene for a cup of their own - calm down, we have what you need! Introducing one.more Cup #6 RTCW 3on3, NA Edition!

Date: Sunday 4th August, 2013
Start Time: 14:00 EST / 20:00 CET (Earliest)
Minimum Teams: 4 (probably a maximum of 8, first come first serve.)
Tournament Structure: Double Elimination Bracket
Maplist: TBA

This tournament is aimed mainly at the NA RTCW scene so players and teams from NA will get first priority, you must have at least 3 players on your roster and a maximum of 4. Players can only be signed up for one team and all info on who has signed up to the cup so far can be found here: LINK

Some Special Rules
All games will be played on NA servers, so if EU players do get the chance to play, they 100% will NOT play on EU servers, at all.

The cups later rounds will also be casted by Warwitch himself over at WarwitchTV as well as the mg42 crew. Please show your love and give a like to his facebook page HERE




RtCW Singleplayer Mission Vendetta

Published in RtCW Misc

Yo$hik has now released his RtCW SP Mission, Vendetta. This excellent release contains new weapons, a new soundpack, new models, great graphics and much more. This is a "must have" for all Return to Castle Wolfenstein fans, old and new.

You do NOT need a copy of Return to Castle Wolfenstein in order to play Vendetta, it is a "stand alone" game with it's own installer, so download and enjoy this epic adventure.

(The Mission)

Allied Intelligence has learned that the German military are developing a revolutionary new aircraft, "Helicopter" combat prototypes, which can destroy armored vehicles and infantry. You are a resistance fighter who has the task of eliminating all important personnel of the Third Reich who are connected with this new project. Your mission becomes even more difficult and more important,  as you must also find real evidence and documentation of the project before these military prototypes are able to take to the battlefield.

 Yo$hik hat seine Return to Castle Wolfenstein SP-Mission Vendetta veröffentlicht. Diese ausgezeichnete RtCW SP-Mission enthält neue Waffen, ein neues Soundpack, neue Modelle, tolle Grafik und vieles mehr. Dies ist für alle alten und neuen RtCW-Fans ein "must have".

Der Clou dabei, du brauchst KEIN Return to Castle Wolfenstein, um Vendetta spielen!  es ist ein "Stand Alone-Spiel" mit eigenem Installer. Also einfach downloaden, installieren und epische Abenteuer erleben!

Yo$hik's website > devilyoshik


VENDETTA Version:1.1
Author Yo$hik Date 05.12.2013 Filesize 845 MB Download 1517

RtCW SP Addon - The Victors Trailer

Published in RtCW Misc
New trailer of RtCW Singleplayer Addon "The Victors" released, mod again in developing - The Russian team developed this mod for RTCW MP for more than 10 years! 85% of the development are completed. There is now a new trailer (of 3) and the team continues to develop to this mod. The RtCW addon is probably the biggest of its kind for RtCW. Release is planned for this year.
Neuer Filmtrailer vom RtCW Singleplayer-Addon "The Victors" veröffentlicht, die Mod ist weiter in der Entwicklung - Das russische Team entwickelt diese RtCW SP-Mod schon seit mehr als 10 Jahren! 85% der Entwicklung sind abgeschlossen. Es gibt jetzt einen neues Video und das Team entwickelt diesem Mod weiter. Das RtCW Addon wird wohl das Größte seiner Art für RtCW. Release ist für dieses Jahr geplant.

IGN have undertaken the mammoth task of compiling the Top 100 First Person Shooters of all time from all of the shooters released in the past 20 or so years. It’s great to see Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory make the list a full decade after its release, deploying in the #84 spot.

Back in the dark age of the FPS, multiplayer was nothing but a bunch of people running in every direction at once with their triggers held down like savages. Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory wasn't the first game to feature objective-focused, class-based competitive play, but its free, open-sourced nature exposed a massive amount of new players to the concept, opening the door for what eventually grow into a much larger trend in multiplayer design.


As a reboot of the franchise that started the genre, Return to Castle Wolfenstein had a lot to live up to. And though it didn't constitute the wheel re-inventing some had hoped it would be, it was still an excellent take on the space between fighting soldiers and fighting hellspawn. In many ways it was just a natural extension of Wolfenstein 3D's controversial final boss, taking historical myths about the Nazis dabbling in the occult and swinging for the fences with them. But it would be the multiplayer that would be remembered most fondly, keeping scads of frag-heads tethered to their gaming rigs until the wee hours for months and years to come.


The great-granddaddy of first-person shooters, Wolfenstein 3D launched the genre we take for granted today. It was inspired by Castle Wolfenstein and its sequel, a pair of relatively crude 2D stealth shooters that pit you against Nazi guards. The metamorphosis into 3D (well, pseudo 3D) was like sorcery in 1992. Gone were the stealth elements; the golden age of run-and-gun shooters erupted with the roar of a chaingun as you blasted through three glorious episodes filled with Nazis and even Adolf Hitler himself as a boss. Id's breakout achievement directly (and indirectly) gave birth to Doom, Rise of the Triad, and every other shooter that followed.

You can check out the rest of the list over at IGN.

Source: | |

Neues Movie Superstar Panzerfaust

Published in RtCW Movies

Bruder Talon der uns in vergangenen Jahren schon zahlreiche RtCW-Movies bescherhrt hat, verfiel wieder seinem Drang einen Movie zu erstellen und präsentiert uns jetzt sein neues RtCW-Meisterwerk "Superstar Panzerfaust"

Zitat: Zwei Jahre hatte ich Adobe Premiere & Co. nicht verwendet. Doch im November 2006 bin ich dann rückfällig geworden, habe Software installiert und Tutorials gewälzt. Und warum? Ich hatte ein paar Demos, einige Ideen und ein Ziel, an dem ich seit Januar 2006 arbeite. Das Aussterben der Wolfenstein-Community kann ich nicht verhindern, die RtCW-Videos möchte ich jedoch retten und hiermit auf die RtCW-Abteilung von aufmerksam machen.
Da ich im Clan ausschließlich die Rolle des Panzerfaust-Soldaten spiele, zeigt dieses Video eben nur solche Szenen. Dass beim Handling mit dieser vernichtenden Waffe auch einmal etwas schief geht, wollte ich nicht ausklammern. Somit habe ich hoffentlich einen ganz unterhaltsamen Mix aus 'Multikills' und 'Missgeschicken' erstellt.

RtCW Script Editor

Published in RtCW Misc

Eugeny has created a new RtCW script editor for Return to Castle Wolfenstein mappers. It edits the .ai and .script files of the game and also has syntax highlighting. It is now also possible to parse the map with the creation of a "skeleton" script.


Eugeny's Project X website HERE

Source: |

Author Eugeny Date 11.09.2013 Filesize 0,559 MB Download 785






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