ET:QW Scene News Easter Event

Published in ET Scene Wielkanoc Wydarzenie

Mamy przyjemność zaprosić wszystkich graczy na wielkanocny event!
Nasz zapracowany zając TimOOn pogubił wszystkie swoje jajka. Prosi nas o pomoc w odnalezieniu swojej zguby!
Jak to się mogło stać, zapytacie. Otóż Wielki Cygan przedziurawił wiklinowy koszyczek naszego zajączka! Podczas wędrówki przez miejsca naszego serwera TimOOn nieświadomie rozrzucił je przez wyżej wspomnianą dziurę.

Były to mapy: Goldrush, Oasis, Caen2, Supply, Venice, Snatch3, Special Delivery i Streets Of Italy.

Do odnalezienia jest 35 jaj. Będziemy wdzięczni za każdą pomoc! |NO NAME SERVER|silEnT|
Wydarzenie trwa od 18 do 24 kwietnia (do godziny 00:00).

Po tym czasie wyłonimy najlepszych poszukiwaczy. Na trzech, którzy zbiorą największą ilość jaj, czekają specjalne levele, które otrzymają dożywotnio.
Aby ułatwić Wam proces szukania, stworzymy 4 magiczne komendy (widoczne pod !help), które pokażą ile odnaleźliście jaj, postępy innych poszukiwaczy, zasady wydarzenia, a także pomocne rady, gdzie można odnaleźć jaja.

POWODZENIA! Easter Event

All players are welcome to the Enemy Territory Easter Event!
Our hardworking rabbit has hidden all the eggs. He asks us for help in finding! To find the 35 eggs.
On the Maps: Goldrush, Oasis, Caen2, supply, Venice, Snatch3, Special Delivery i Streets Of Italy.
We are grateful for any help! |NO NAME SERVER|silEnT|
The event lasts from April 18 to 24 (until 00:00 clock).

After this time, we will chose the best hunters. Three, the highest number of eggs, waiting for special levels.

GOOD LUCK! Osterevent

Alle Spieler sind herzlich zu der Enemy Territory Ostern Event eingeladen!
Unser fleißiges Kaninchen hat alle Eier versteckt. Er bittet uns um Hilfe bei der Suche! Um die 35 Eier zu finden.
Auf den Maps: Goldrush, Oasis, Caen2, supply, Venice, Snatch3, Special Delivery i Streets Of Italy.
Wir sind dankbar für jede Hilfe! |NO NAME SERVER|silEnT|
Die Veranstaltung dauert von April 18-24 (bis 00:00 Uhr).

Nach dieser Zeit werden die besten Jäger gewählt. Drei, welche die höchste Anzahl von Eiern haben, erwarten spezielle Levels.


Source: Adrian via FB |

ET Forever Thanksgiving Fragfest

Published in ET Scene


ETF is hosting a party @ the ETF server Thanksgiving Weekend (November 27 - 30th)
Feel free to visit our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more info. We hope to see you there!!!
Server: /connect or /connect
Silent mod
64 Slot server | Location: North America
Prizes for top players!
Live music from local rock legend, Vampy!
Open Bar & Good Times!

What better way to recover from overeating, than to burn some calories playing ET!
Source: |

TeamMuppet Domination

Published in ET Scene

Hey guys heres the announcement of our next event: TeamMuppet Domination !!!

Event will take place Saturday the 26th July (this weekend) at a time of 19:00 GMT

Server IP is

Domination mod is where u have to collect the ball and score into ur apponant they will be deffending !! (Demo by MrMuppet)


Source: |

Adroits LAN 2012 - Highlight Movie

Published in ET Scene

Highlights of last years Adroits LAN have been posted on Adroits' facebook page. The video includes action from Enemy Territory as well as Quakelive Duel and Quakelive Nations TDM.

Highlights aus der letztjährigen Adroits LAN, auch gepostet auf der Adroits 'Facebook-Seite. Das Video enthält Szenen von Enemy Territory, sowie von QuakeLive Duel, QuakeLive Nations TDM und von dem Adroits-Event selbst.



ADROITS LAN 2012 - HIGHLIGHTS Version:Fall 2012
Author ~adroits~ Date 14.01.2013 Filesize 238 MB Download 215

Last Man Standing Event

Published in ET Scene

This saturday we are going to seperate the boys from the men. We challenge all to see if you are up against other players. In a challenge with several maps played you going to get a chance to prove your skills. No panzers allowed, only real weapons.
PS: Girls are invited too :D

Date: 18th October - Time: 20:00 cest
Server: Paintball Mod (NQ 1.2.9) IP:

Maplist: Al_Abbasi, The_Station, DM_Metro_TE, Stonehenge, N2D_purefrag21, Pilsner

More info on...

Halloween on Dark Alchemy

Published in ET Scene
 Do you have nerves of steel? Do you like to dress up? Do you hate people in costumes?
 Then thursday 31th of october Dark Alchemy #1 is the place to be.
 We start the party at 20:00 CET on Alchemy #1 server:

(UM)Dracula Final
Castellum final
Necrology Final

You can pre-downlaod halloween pack HERE. Place it in your ET/nq/ folder.

TrackBase celebrates 4th anniversary

Published in ET Misc

TrackBase 4th Anniversary!
Wew! Times flies by, a feeling all of you can probably relate to! Certainly, we do.. We've been around a staggering four years by now. To celebrate this we want to let you know about some of our future plans

In the last couple of weeks we've introduced some new staff already, and we're making plans to expand our team a lot more in the future. For now, we're rebuilding some backend stuff on Trackbase, to provide for a more solid future. The idea is to rewrite some parts and clean up old code, allowing for new features to be implemented.:D

This also means that we're open for new feedback again, and will seriously consider the new ideas proposed by you guys, our fantastic public! One of our first projects is opening a public game database and implement more social features for our users.

Besides this, Trackbase will also partner up closer to Fragwise! Arriving soon is our first partnership product: any spend euro on Fragwise you'll be able to cash in here as well for trackbase points to get your awesome premium account, or place some ads for your server/clan.

Oh and wait, what would an anniversary be without gifts!? Of all replies on our anniversary post (forum, et, facebook) we'll pick a few random people to receive a Dirty Bomb Closed Beta invite key! Now ain't that a present!


Fun Night .UK|Clan

Published in ET Scene

Fun Evening on Clan .UK | FUN2 !
Server IP:
on 27th December at 7.00 PM MEZ


HD'R Clan Tournament

Published in ET Scene

Image From HD’R clan we present the “Christmas tournament 2011”. The tournament will be in our new server:, Start day : 15/01/2012.
Teams will be formed by 5 players and 2 reseves at most, so 7 players in total.

1. The mod used will be nq, with pb activated in the private server + TS with channels with password determined before the game.

2. Maps to play are chosen between following ones in this way:
Will be played 3 maps and both teams will play in both sides, 6 games in total. Every teams will chose their “favorite map”, and the third will be a random one from the server between this:

Special delivery, Bremen, Braundorf, Warbell, ET Beach Invasion Final 1.1, Gold Rush, Siwa oasis, Adlernest, Caen, Frostbite Final, Supply Depot

Prices: 1º Classified, 2º Classified, 3º Classified

More infos about this:
You can register here:

Thanks and regards! Happy New Year!!

Quelle: ehiron (Aaron) via Mail

HFC & ETat ET SpooKy Night

Published in ET Scene

ImageAuch der HFC und Clan läd herzlichst ein, zur Enemy Territory Halloween SpooKy Night!
Der Server kann mit allen ET Client-Versionen besucht werden.

Das Event startet am 31.10. ab 20.00 Uhr. Viel Spass! 

Server IP:

Quelle: HFC|MadMax via Box
           HFC-Site | Site






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