ET Mod News

American Civil War Mod v2 (Update)

Enemy Territory American Civil War Mod - Version 2

This is the new and improved total conversion of Wolfenstein Enemy Territory to an American Civil War theme. It has been created by PAV, who is also the creator of BOBOT.
There are now 30 maps to play, in 3 ten-map campaigns. The maplist is as follows:

This brand new version has many improvements on the original release. Check the "changelog", please, for all the latest details.

Changelog :
1  : The ranks are now different, in respects to the Confederate and Union armies. Please refer to the "ACW_Ranks.png"
2  : Added a civilian, a Mexican, an Indian bot (Confederacy and Union).
3  : Fixed some maps.
4  : Code : Fixed more warnings. (Windows & Linux).
5  : Code : Added extra chat messages to the bots in the game, there's 295 messages in total. (You can edit messages or add new messages via editing the "bots-chat.txt" contained in the "acw.pk3").
6  : Code : There's a total of 60 new bot voices added. (43 English, 10 Mexican, 7 voices for French : Fun answers from the movie “the 7th company”).
7  : Modified the main menu of the background picture.
8  : Modified the movie in the "etintro.roq" file.
9  : Modified the in-game menus. Pictures have been added to the hud, for standing, crouching, prone and dead positions.
10 : Changed both the "Hud Bobot" and the "Hud ET". (HUD EDITOR menu in-game).
11 : Modified the  "XPSave" for all players and bots, especially for Windows security.
12 : Automatic settings, full screen display available for portable computers. (seta r_mode “-1” unsafe, default.cfg into acw.pk3.).
13 : Menu, listen to all the music contained in the maps or simply select the individual tracks you'd like to listen to.

North American Campaign: # Killdeer Mountain # Fort Abercrombie # Storm Point # Once Upon a Time in the West # Factory #The Wild Wild West # Farm # Hang'Em High

Central American Campaign: # Fort Laramie # Church # Union pacific # Burlington # Home Sweet Home # Hacienda # Warlock # Durango

South American Campaign: # Dodge City # Colorado River # Santa Fe # El Paso # Tombstone # Tijuana, Yuma # Tucson # Mexican # Oasis # The Alamo.

Please note that some of the maps have "night" versions that can be played too.

Source: |

Website BOBOT and PAV Date 16.07.2017 Filesize 798.11 MB Download 408

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