

silEnT mod 0.8.0 is out!

Published in ET Mods
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The Team from mygamingtalk.com released ET-Mod silEnT 0.8.0.

Before you read below, we would like to inform you that there's been a 0.8.0 server patch created for 0.8.0 version.

It fixes 1 defect that somehow slept into the release version, that is classes other than soldier could receive Improvised Demolition with the ammo pack.
All of you who downloaded 0.8.0 before this information are advised to use this patch or download the full package again - it has been fixed already.
We apologize for this small inconvenience.

Click HERE for the changelog

Source: mygamingtalk.com

Author TheSilencerPL Date 07.10.2013 Filesize 2.55 MB Download 210

SILENT MOD Version:0.8.0
Author TheSilencerPL Date 07.10.2013 Filesize 6.62 MB Download 274

Silent Mod 0.7.2

Published in ET Mods
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The Team from mygamingtalk.com releasedET-Mod silEnT 0.7.2.

What's New in Version 0.7.2 (See full changelog)

    Added: Lua can access sess.rating, sess.rating_variance, sess.overall_killrating and sess.overall_killvariance with gentity_get function. These values are read only.
    Fixed: Tapping new weapon while reloading the old weapon, could result changing to a new weapon after reloading but when switching back, the old weapon was empty (http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/tracker/issue-184-reload-bug)
    Fixed: Class restriction bug introduced in 0.7.0.
    Fixed: Limbo panel displays the latched class. Always. Introduced in 0.7.1.
    Fixed: !givexp performs proper skill upgrade for the player.
    Fixed: panzerwar mode: shooting panzerfaust (in regard to chargebar) and run speed.
    Fixed: Omni-bots stealing restricted weapons from other players.

Special thanks for Krauersaut for building the Mac OS X client.

Source: mygamingtalk

SILENT MOD Version:0.7.2
Author TheSilencerPL Date 27.07.2013 Filesize 6.49 MB Download 330

X-Labs - Goldrush

Published in ET Mods
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A new mod for ET has found his way to life - X-Labs.

Mod Discription Goldrush:
- All teams use carabine weapon
- Instagib mod - one shot kills you!
- If enemy dies he loses a goldbar
- Collect the gold and redeem this on the (any) flag
- More gold makes you sluggish / slow - but gives more points!
- Team with the most points wins

Tip for more points (requires teamplay)
A team player - called the cow - remains hidden in the background of the map (near a flag). His team collects gold and bring it to him, with selfkill. The cow collects all the gold on (and waiting for more from the team). Near the end of rounds, his team push the cow to the flag (because the cow is very slow with so much gold!).
So points in the six-digit are possible!

Eine neue Mod für ET hat seinen Weg ins Leben gefunden - X-Labs.

Mod Beschreibung Goldrush:
- Alle Teams benutzen die Karabiner Waffe
- Instagib Mod - ein einziger Schusstreffer ist tötlich
- Wenn ein Feind stirbt verliert er einen Goldbarren
- Sammele das Gold auf und löse es an einer (beliebigen) Flagge ein
- Mehr Gold macht dich träger/langsamer - aber es gibt mehr Punkte!
- Das Team mit den meisten Punkten gewinnt

Tip für mehr Punkte (benötigt Teamplay)
Ein Team Spieler - genannt die Kuh - bleibt im Hintergrund auf der Map versteckt (nähe einer Flagge). Sein Team sammelt das Gold und bringt es ihm, mit Selbstkill. Die Kuh sammelt das Gold (und wartet auf mehr Gold vom Team). Kurz vor dem Rundenende, schubst sein Team die Kuh zur Flagge (weil die Kuh zu langsam ist mit so viel Gold!)
Punkte im sechsstelligen Bereich sind so möglich!

Supported Maps / unterstützte Maps
Goldrush, Railgun, Battery, Fueldump, Oasis, Radar, tc_base, et_beach, mp_sub_rc1


Author X-Labs Date 22.05.2013 Filesize 10,37 MB Download 350

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