

HD world flags (1.0)

Published in ET Mods
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HD world flags (1.0) created by TimOOn

High resolution world flags mini mod for Wolfenstein Enemy Territory. It gives a high quality flags for your server, so you could know where are the players from.

To install just place z_HD_world_flags.pk3 file in your mod folder.
It requires GeoIP to work.

Source: rtcwfiles.com

WORLD FLAGS - HD Version:1.0
Author TimOOn Date 05.05.2014 Filesize 1,323 MB Download 393

Omni-Bot ET 0.83 Released

Published in ET Mods
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Omni-Bot 0.83 for Enemy Territory has been released.

We are pleased to announce the latest version of Omni-bot for ET has been released. Palota has been very busy this past year fixing bugs, adding features, and adding support for newer mods. The waypoint team has also been busy adding support for new maps and improving on existing waypoints.

Das Omnibot Team verkündet die Freigabe von Omnibot 0.83 für Enemy Territory als Linux und Windows Version inkl Waypoints. Diese neue Version umschließt Bugfixes, neue Features und diverse Optimierungen.

Release Highlights

    ETBlight and Bastard mods are supported
    Fixed memory leak caused by GameMonkey threads
    Fixed crash in AddBot if bot is kicked in ClientUserinfoChanged
    Added cvar omnibot_logsize (maximal file size in KB), -1 will disable logs, 0 will overwrite file every match
Source: omni-bot.com | wolffiles.de

OMNI BOT - WINDOWS Version:0.83
Author omnibot Date 24.11.2013 Filesize 19.99 MB Download 1551

OMNI BOT - LINUX Version:0.83
Author omnibot Date 24.11.2013 Filesize 20,47 MB Download 405

silEnT mod 0.8.1

Published in ET Mods
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(3 votes)

The Team from mygamingtalk.com releasedET-Mod silEnT 0.8.1.

Added: Flag 32 to g_disableComplaints to disable complaints completely.
Added: ETPro style g_proneDelay.
Added: Custom, admin defined, votes.
Added: 3rd UI theme that resembles the original ET look.
Added: MorphOS support.
Improved: engineer work progress bar (construct/arm/disarm) and covert ops progress bar (mines spotting, uniform stealing) - added background to display the amount of work to do.
Fixed: Some text bugs related to g_recognition cvar.
Fixed: ETTV clients were kicked for not having silEnT GUIDs.
Fixed: Admin log was missing some data with g_logOption 16384. Also, new format with admin log when using this option.
Fixed: Client exploit affecting various mods which caused the server to stall until the engine watchdog triggered.
Fixed: The shrubbot.cfg configuration file is cleaned automatically from expired bans and warnings on each map start. Instead of waiting for it to be written as a result of an admin command.
Fixed: Memory leak with subnet bans.
Fixed: Axis covertop couldn't select pistols through weapon banks.
Fixed: UI; tooltip text color theming.
Fixed: Improvised Demolition not showing up in final map stats.
Fixed: mines spotting progress bar not always displayed.

Source: mygamingtalk

SILENT MOD Version:0.8.1
Author TheSilencerPL Date 21.11.2013 Filesize 6,798 MB Download 237

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