ET Mod News
Official ET Headquarters Standard Character Customization Pack. This is the WW2 themed item pack. It contains 10 body- and helmetskins, 5 rankskins and headaccessoirs, and 30 faceskins. Version: alpha 1.0
To get you started quickly read index.html at doc/manual/ inside the ET Headquarters mod version 0.9.127 download.
ET Headquarters adds a flexible character customization system to Wolfenstein Enemy Territory. It also adds gameplay changes and rebalances class mechanics. Its core gameplay remains close to vanilla ET.
The Team
acQu - Code, Game Design
Floreio - Models
Jenkins - Logo, 2D gfx
Thunder - Skins, Models
Bug reports go to:
HQ WW2 Character Customization Pack Version:Alpha 1.0 acQu, Floreio, Jenkins, Thunder 31.08.2014 8,069 MB 292 |
ET HEADQUARTERS Version:0.9.127 acQu - Floreio - Jenkins - Thunder 30.07.2014 7,019 MB 307 |
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Mod ET Headquarters 0.9.127 released
ET Headquarters adds a flexible character customization system to Wolfenstein Enemy Territory. It also adds gameplay changes and rebalances class mechanics. Its core gameplay remains close to vanilla ET. Features: - Omnibot Support - ETpro Mapscripting Support - Lua 5.1 Support - Sqlite3 Database Backend - Xpsave and Moditemsave Support - Game Coins - Character Customization - Flexible Character Customization Backend - Barracks Menu to Visually Unlock Character Items - New Command Post Gameplay - Blue Adrenaline - Covert Ops Weapon Specialist
Mod Features
Amongst the many which stand out:
- Omnibot Support
- ETpro Mapscripting Support
- Lua 5.1 Support
- Sqlite3 Database Backend
- Xpsave and Moditemsave Support
- Game Coins
- Character Customization
- Flexible Character Customization Backend
- Barracks Menu to Visually Unlock Character Items
- New Command Post Gameplay
- Blue Adrenaline
- Covert Ops Weapon Specialist
The Team
acQu - Code, Game Design
Floreio - Models
Jenkins - Logo, 2D gfx
Thunder - Skins, Models
Bug reports go to:
Not all media assets shown in the pictures, videos, etc, were done by us alone. We hereby thank everyone in the community who made these assets available. We do not take credit for those.
ET HEADQUARTERS Version:0.9.127 acQu - Floreio - Jenkins - Thunder 30.07.2014 7,019 MB 307 |
Image Gallery
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The Team from releasedET-Mod silEnT 0.8.2.
Version 0.8.2
Added: g_goatSound server cvar to enable/disable goat sounds on knife kills.
Added: enemy team objective carry indicator ( Use g_misc flag 1024 to enable it on the server and cg_objcarry client cvar to enable it in the HUD.
Fixed: Players carrying objectives are now shown correctly.
Fixed: !useredit was not able to set level higher than 99 when executed as rcon. !setlevel was working correctly.
Fixed: The name of the disguised covert op was not drawn to spectators.
Fixed: The class icon in the crosshair player name to be the current class instead of the latched class.
Fixed: wm_sayPlayerClass now announces the latched class correctly, even when using class swithcer.
Fixed: If map voting was enabled but g_mapVoteFlags 4 was not enabled. It was possible to issue multiple votes by hand using /mapvote command.
Fixed: debriefing screen buttons didn't handle highlight theme parameter properly.
Fixed: The output of finger command didn't show warnings if there were more then 2 in total.
Fixed: UI crash in menu (
Fixed: Minor bug with g_maxPanzerSuicides introduced in 0.8.0. If panzer suicides were disallowed completely, the player was not informed about it.
Fixed: g_muteRename allowed to change the name when player used /reconnect (
Fixed: When unmuting/muting during intermission/warmup, the mute wasn't saved.
Fixed: cg_effectDistance was affecting the played sounds.
Fixed: g_classWeapons not working for class command (
Fixed: class command not handling secondary weapon parameter properly, it didn't influence the limbo menu, e.g. /class s 3 2 wouldn't select akimbo pistols or SMG as secondary in limbo.
Fixed: switching problem with double SMG (
Improved: If player is completely dead in the game, the scoreboard shows the player's latched class to other team members.
Improved: UI tabbing to edit field makes it focused.
Improved: limbo weapons menu for soldier class.
Improved: sort order of the map vote menu map list.
Special thanks for Krauersaut for building the Mac OS X client.
Source: | MyGamingTalk
SILENT MOD Version:0.8.2
TheSilencerPL 16.05.2014 966 B 312
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