

ET: Mod ETBlight Version 0.8x

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Image Image A new ET mod, calles ETBlight is out now. Version 0.8x is just released by Bastard - ETBlight is build on ETPub 0.9.1 (Surprise!). 99% of the original cvars are maintained.  
ETBlight has focus on Primary Weapons and a new player-class called The Scientist. ETBlight is intended for "fun-servers"

Image Eine neue ET Mod, namens ETBlight ist jetzt da. Version 0,8 x ist gerade von Bastard freigegeben - ETBlight bassiert auf ETPub 0.9.1. (welch Überraschung!) 99% der Originlcvars wurden beibehalten.
ETBlight hat seinen Fokus auf Haptwaffen und eine neue Spielerklasse, The Scientist (Der Forscher) genannt. ETBlight ist für "Fun-Server" vorgesehen.

Image Image


Quelle: bastardmod | Wolffiles

ET: Silent Mod 0.5.0

Published in ET Mods
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Image ImageThe Team from mygamingtalk.com released ET-Mod silEnT 0.5.0. - The amount of changes below might suggest that 0.5.0 is not a huge improvement, but believe us it is a huge step forward.

ImageDas Team von mygamingtalk.com veröffentlicht ET-Mod silEnT 0.5.0. - Das Maß an Änderungen hat, auf dem ersten Blick, den Anschein, dass Version 0.5.0 keine Große Verbesserung mit sich bringt - außer, ihr glaubt es einfach, das es wirklich ein sehr großer Schritt ist.

New features in silEnT 0.5.0 / Neue Funktionen in silEnT 0.5.0

  • silEnT GUID, the new silEnT GUIDs replace the PB GUIDs in everywhere, but compatibility is provided for the old PB GUIDs also
  • Admin Level Protection (ALP), with this mechanism, the server can ensure that admins on protected levels are properly authenticated
  • g_cheatLog, server will log all non gaming related information into this log if enabled
  • g_XPSaveMinXP, when this value is set to above 0 or above, the XP save system will use different timestamp for the XP save then the rest of the database. This allows cvars like g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp to work correctly.
  • Referee hack attempts are logged
  • dboptimize server console command. Read the manual for more information. Do note that this command is server resource intensive and should not be used often.
  • Support for revive spree sounds. Admins can add custom sound files revive3.wav, revive5.wav and revive10.wav under the sound/announces if they like.
  • Debriefing, mouse wheel scrolling of the lists when the cursor is over the list, not only over the scroll bar
  • Omnibot support for tripmines (tripmines can be planted by bots)

Quelle: mygamingtalk | gth-clan

ET: N!tmod 2.2 beta 2 (with XreaL Support)

Published in ET Mods
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Image Image N!trox release his N!tmod on version 2.2 beta 2 - The new N!tmod-version contains a lot of new features, such as: the XreaL-support.

Image N!trox veröffentlicht seinen N!tmod mit der Version 2.2 Beta 2 - Die neue N!tmod-Version beinhaltet eine Menge neue Funktionen, wie zum Beispiel die Unterstützung des neuen XreaL-Support.


gth-clan | nitmod

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